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Sylvain Marveaux - arrested

Guest neesy111

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Guest firetotheworks

The fact it's teams like Guingamp in for him says a lot. Showed one or two glimpses of possessing some talent but clearly a bit of a waster. Ta ra.


Does it though? People say things like that a lot, but what does it actually mean in comparison to saying that teams like Liverpool were in for him before he came to us?


Regardless of anything else, when he played for us I liked him a lot, even with his faults.

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The fact it's teams like Guingamp in for him says a lot. Showed one or two glimpses of possessing some talent but clearly a bit of a waster. Ta ra.


What it says most of all is that Pardew can destroy the value of a player in a surprisingly short time.

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Guest firetotheworks

I would argue that when he was played he showed, not just enough, but actually quite a lot. He's never, ever a Pardew player though, so I guess it's sort of irrelevant either way.

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Guest Haris Vuckic

He never showed much if we're honest.

IFFFFFFF, getting him off the wage bill frees up some space for a CB i'd be well happy.



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He never showed much if we're honest.

IFFFFFFF, getting him off the wage bill frees up some space for a CB i'd be well happy.




I thought he showed enough to suggest that if he played in a team that played attacking football, he'd be quite a valuable asset. He was extremely good on the ball and showed more technical ability in his little stints than anyone else in the squad (bar HBA). Shame it never worked out as he could have been a good player for us. Just looking back at our team 10, 11 years ago and he'd have shone in that era.

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Guest reefatoon

He never showed much if we're honest.

IFFFFFFF, getting him off the wage bill frees up some space for a CB i'd be well happy.




I thought he showed enough to suggest that if he played in a team that played attacking football, he'd be quite a valuable asset. He was extremely good on the ball and showed more technical ability in his little stints than anyone else in the squad (bar HBA). Shame it never worked out as he could have been a good player for us. Just looking back at our team 10, 11 years ago and he'd have shone in that era.


Hhmm, don't quite agree. Over his time here he was more anonymous than standing out.  The games seemed to pass him by far too much.  Will probably be better of going back to France.

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I love his 'type' of player but unfortunately, i saw games when he just jogged around and when he got the ball he just passed it back. Seemed to have no interest. I also remember Arsenal of course but far too oftern, when he did play, he didn't enough. No idea why.

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I love his 'type' of player but unfortunately, i saw games when he just jogged around and when he got the ball he just passed it back. Seemed to have no interest. I also remember Arsenal of course but far too oftern, when he did play, he didn't enough. No idea why.



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