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Gabriel Obertan signs for Anzhi

Optimistic Nut

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Routledge's replacement in my eyes. Can't be worse at this level and may be better so it's worth doing imo.


Jonas's replacement more likely.


I doubt it. We'll probably use Obertan as an excuse for no other striker coming in, since he's a wing forward.

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Some of the negativity is OTT.


Not every player is a world beater at 22 especially with two wasted years at a club above his level.


Not long ago he was a highly rated France u21. Given games he may prove decent.


Aye he may be the next Bellion or Le Tallec but both have forged half decent careers.  Could do a job for us in a number of positions.


Don't waste your breath kiddo!


It's doom city in here.


I feel you though. Respect!



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Why didn't we bother with Macheda?


Because that would mean bringing someone in who plays in a position we actually need to strengthen.




The reaction on here to us signing Macheda would be unreal.

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Seems to fit. A cheaper option than Barnetta.

As for the lad himself, sometimes it just doesn't work out at a club, and he's had a hell of a lot of competition to fight his way through there. So hopefully he'll do it for us.

I think he'll be well motivated to try to succeed this time. And will obviously be integrated in no time at all!

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Pushes Lovenkrands away from the first team at least?


You really hate him..don't you.. He's paid nothing. You should concentrate your hatred towards Xisco and Smith..

Dont really care what he is earning, it's just that every time he is in the first eleven we could do almost better with 10 players.
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How judgemental are some of the people on here. ffs it isn't easy to get into the Man United team you know, just ask Rossi, Forlan etc. When i've seen him he has looked like someone with a bit of talent. Not blown away by the signing but more than adequate to replace Routledge.

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Guest Heneage

Prepared to give the lad a chance. He must have had something about him to attract Man Utd in the first place so hopefully it's just a lack of football which has made him play poorly when given the chance to play.


People are so quick to say how s*** somebody is on here though, At least it's a body in, which is after all what a lot of people are complaining about. Jose and Barton haven't left yet so it's an addition to the squad. Agreed we still need a first choice front man and cover all across the back four, that will either happen or it won't and no amount of whinging on here is going to change it.


Like Bebe? Man United under Fergie has signed loads of s**** especially in the Obertan/Bellion/Kleberson mold, it just gets swept under the carpet because he's handy at winning things with the players who don't turn out to be offensive to the eyes of anyone with an appreciation of the finer points of the game.


As for the "at least it's a body in" craic, that's just depressing. It's exactly how the club want the fans to look at every transfer - yay, we've signed someone. It doesn't matter if he's utter f***ing tosh it's better than nowt. Bugger me  :facepalm:

I wouldn't associate Bebe with the others tbh.


Maybe not Kleberson as he was a World Cup winner but he's in the same league of Obertan and Bellion, players where no one can really quite believe they've signed for Man United because on the basis of their career so far they're a bit pony.

Meh maybe so.


I just think people are so defeatist, not even kicked a ball and he's turbo shite.

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