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Gabriel Obertan signs for Anzhi

Optimistic Nut

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Guest icemanblue



:lol: f*** off, man.




:lol: Not you. I've edited it.


The crowd will get off his back when he gets his act together. It's been this way forever, not everyone is a fanny. The good players turn it around and earn themselves the leeway.

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He's s**** without the groans and jeers, they will only make things even worse though as he's effectively playing with no confidence. Funnily enough the same lot groaned every time Ben Arfa lost the ball last season during one of his poorer periods.


It isn't the fans fault he's s***, obviously, but it would be nice if people would stop getting so wound up when he's on the ball.


The biggest groan yesterday was for Ben Arfa giving the ball away, I don't like it and I didn't like the whistling before the final whistle either but Obertan isn't singled out.


Exactly. He's not singled out. There are bigger groans for Ben Arfa, for Jonas, even Cisse/Ba get them.


The home crowd groans, it's what they do. He should be bigger than "Oh no, the crowd are saying nast things about me!". He earns enough fucking money.

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:lol: f*** off, man.




:lol: Not you. I've edited it.


The crowd will get off his back when he gets his act together. It's been this way forever, not everyone is a fanny. The good players turn it around and earn themselves the leeway.


That shouldn't have to be the case which is my point. Surely the main thing should be wanting our players to perform as well as they can, it's not a pantomime.

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Don't write stuff like "the biggest groan was when..." like you're sitting there with a decibel reader jotting down the noise levels of each jeer and moan :lol: That's not the point anyway.


It's not just yesterday though, he was only on for 10 minutes and didn't exactly do anything excruciatingly shit but his introduction wasn't exactly welcoming. People just don't want him on the pitch and it shows. And it's not like I'm expecting people to cheer his every touch, just for them to react to him like they would with any other player from our 2nd string, i.e try not to audibly make it clear that he's worse than cancer.

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Obertan needs some sort of inspiration/confidence from somewhere. He's probably one of those players who trains very well but when it comes to the big occasion, he just doesn't step up - it's as if he literally shits himself as soon as he comes out of the tunnel. The only thing Pardew can really do is to continually encourage him but in the end it's down to Obertan himself to come up with the goods. Maybe he should consider hypnotherapy or some sort of psychological assessment, he does have the talent to succeed.


Oh btw, I'd start him on Thursday.

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He's s**** without the groans and jeers, they will only make things even worse though as he's effectively playing with no confidence. Funnily enough the same lot groaned every time Ben Arfa lost the ball last season during one of his poorer periods.


It isn't the fans fault he's s***, obviously, but it would be nice if people would stop getting so wound up when he's on the ball.


The biggest groan yesterday was for Ben Arfa giving the ball away, I don't like it and I didn't like the whistling before the final whistle either but Obertan isn't singled out.


Exactly. He's not singled out. There are bigger groans for Ben Arfa, for Jonas, even Cisse/Ba get them.


The home crowd groans, it's what they do. He should be bigger than "Oh no, the crowd are saying nast things about me!". He earns enough fucking money.




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:lol: Not you. I've edited it.


The crowd will get off his back when he gets his act together. It's been this way forever, not everyone is a fanny. The good players turn it around and earn themselves the leeway.


You must have been editing when I replied because I did see additional text and thought that I'd pressed quote twice so deleted it without reading it first.  :embarrassed:

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Guest icemanblue



:lol: f*** off, man.




:lol: Not you. I've edited it.


The crowd will get off his back when he gets his act together. It's been this way forever, not everyone is a fanny. The good players turn it around and earn themselves the leeway.


That shouldn't have to be the case which is my point. Surely the main thing should be wanting our players to perform as well as they can, it's not a pantomime.


Are you being serious? I'm honestly not sure. Do you think any of this crosses the mind of the vast majority of people in a football crowd? Or even that it should?

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Guest icemanblue



:lol: Not you. I've edited it.


The crowd will get off his back when he gets his act together. It's been this way forever, not everyone is a fanny. The good players turn it around and earn themselves the leeway.


You must have been editing when I replied because I did see additional text and thought that I'd pressed quote twice so deleted it without reading it first.  :embarrassed:


No worries, mate. I'll refrain from making the 'senior moment' joke.

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:lol: f*** off, man.




:lol: Not you. I've edited it.


The crowd will get off his back when he gets his act together. It's been this way forever, not everyone is a fanny. The good players turn it around and earn themselves the leeway.


That shouldn't have to be the case which is my point. Surely the main thing should be wanting our players to perform as well as they can, it's not a pantomime.


Are you being serious? I'm honestly not sure. Do you think any of this crosses the mind of the vast majority of people in a football crowd? Or even that it should?


People will be disappointed and will groan when something goes wrong, I understand this.


My point is that booing/abusing our own players isn't going to do any good at all. It will only knock their confidence and they will be so scared of failure they won't take risks (like Obertan often looks now).


Do you think booing a player will help them to step up their game?

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He definitely wasn't booed btw. If he was, I didn't hear it so there's little chance he would have.


Exactly :lol: It's a lazy argument based on nothing.


Pardew has mentioned before about players hearing the boos so it's not really a lazy argument is it? As soon as he came on yesterday there were comments about the reaction as well.


Edit: ok one. Do you think players won't pick up on stuff like this. We should cheers players on whoever it is iyam.


Obertan hardly getting a reaction from the crowd. :lol:

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Guest andrew

Obertan needs some sort of inspiration/confidence from somewhere. He's probably one of those players who trains very well but when it comes to the big occasion, he just doesn't step up - it's as if he literally shits himself as soon as he comes out of the tunnel. The only thing Pardew can really do is to continually encourage him but in the end it's down to Obertan himself to come up with the goods. Maybe he should consider hypnotherapy or some sort of psychological assessment, he does have the talent to succeed.


Oh btw, I'd start him on Thursday.


hypnothereapy? really :lol:

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Guest icemanblue

It's a daft argument, and a pointless debate. It's obvious that crowd frustration doesn't 'help' any player, but you're not going to change it. People have expectations of professional footballers at all levels, and they're well within their rights to have them. It's part of a footballers job to be able to deal with them.

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Obertan needs some sort of inspiration/confidence from somewhere. He's probably one of those players who trains very well but when it comes to the big occasion, he just doesn't step up - it's as if he literally shits himself as soon as he comes out of the tunnel. The only thing Pardew can really do is to continually encourage him but in the end it's down to Obertan himself to come up with the goods. Maybe he should consider hypnotherapy or some sort of psychological assessment, he does have the talent to succeed.


Oh btw, I'd start him on Thursday.


hypnothereapy? really :lol:


Anything to get his brain into gear O0

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Guest icemanblue

He definitely wasn't booed btw. If he was, I didn't hear it so there's little chance he would have.


Exactly :lol: It's a lazy argument based on nothing.


Pardew has mentioned before about players hearing the boos so it's not really a lazy argument is it? As soon as he came on yesterday there were comments about the reaction as well.


There were no boos at all when he came on. In fact, I can't remember any kind of reaction other than the residual applause and cheers for Ba.

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He definitely wasn't booed btw. If he was, I didn't hear it so there's little chance he would have.


Exactly :lol: It's a lazy argument based on nothing.


Pardew has mentioned before about players hearing the boos so it's not really a lazy argument is it? As soon as he came on yesterday there were comments about the reaction as well.


There were no boos at all when he came on. In fact, I can't remember any kind of reaction other than the residual applause and cheers for Ba.


Never said there were boos when he came on, see my edit above.



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I don't think he was booed, but the comments that the likes of Ben Arfa and Jonas get the same is complete bullshit. No they don't :lol:


Any player will be jeered if they lose the ball cheaply, fair enough, but it's not just that, he pretty much walked on the pitch to half of the stadium questioning his introduction. It's sort of expected as he has been very poor for us thus far, and there isn't much you can do to prevent 50k+ people from audibly making there frustrations clear which is why it isn't exactly anyone's fault, it is still disappointing to hear though and some idiots go further than others.

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You were implying there was some kind of negative reaction, which there wasn't.


No reaction can't be good when the normal reaction is to cheer the player on, no?


It was obviously a different reaction to normal hence why it was highlighted by someone.

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