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Incidentally, none of what I say above^ will at all effect my enjoyment of watching Cabaye play, and I have confident Ba will do reasonably well for us too, but I also think that Ashley and PRdew have gambled with a) lack of strikeforce options b) lack of defensive cover c) letting multiple key components of the team go very quickly in one go and it could very come back and bite us on the bottom.


I hope we are lucky and we do well, but I'm fairly disgusted with the owners/manager.

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Incidentally, none of what I say above^ will at all effect my enjoyment of watching Cabaye play, and I have confident Ba will do reasonably well for us too, but I also think that Ashley and PRdew have gambled with a) lack of strikeforce options b) lack of defensive cover c) letting multiple key components of the team go very quickly in one go and it could very come back and bite us on the bottom.


I hope we are lucky and we do well, but I'm fairly disgusted with the owners/manager.


Don't disagree with a single point of this post, we have been let down massively.

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Canny chuffed I understood 8 full pages before someone began using long words that I couldn't understand and finance talk that means shit all to me.


I think I agree with the sentiments of yours posts though Beren.... :lol:


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Guest dazzanufc1892

If we hadn't have had such an awful owner in the past, who spent way over the odds on everybody, we wouldn't hold these views.


Under shepherd we over spent to the max, and were held to ransom for wages, and ended up with complete mercenaries. You may not care about finances saying its only a few extra million, but we are now getting in top quality players, who want to sign for the club, not the wages or agents who want the fees. We are biding our time, so what we had 9 months to bring in a striker, i believe we filled that issue when we got ba, and another to support him was a bonus, if they aren't available at the right price, or the right wage, then we are right to wait it out until january.


We are in a situation unlike we have been before. All wages are covered, all transfer fees are paid. If in january the right player comes up (and he must be the right player, not just a player for the sake of it) then we have that money there, ready to spend. Ashley takes nothing out of this club, at all. To say par dew has seen non of it, is a bit of a farce. He knows the situation, all fees don't just cover the players cost, it covers the whole package. We are on a very, very solid path and compared to this time last year, are in a better state in my opinion. We may have lost nolan, but he was ageing and immobile, to replace him with cabaye is fantastic. We have lost a trouble maker in barton who we could not truly rely on (see gervinho incident or pedersen). We have moved a proven goal scorer in up front and added pace and quality in marveux, santon and the signing of ben arfa. not to mention the potential with mehdi and obertan. Players who we now don't have to worry about any finances for, we have a clean slate to keep looking.


I personally can accept not buying a striker if we didn't feel the price was right, or the demands. To be blunt, the fact we have well and truly fucked off the likes of the luque and owen farce, is fantastic, all players and deals that are done for the good of the club, and not for wage packets of people not connected to nufc are welcome. If you think for 1 second mufc deal in any other way, then you would be insane, and this, is the kind of standing in the game, at negotiating level we should be looking at.

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Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

Nice to see MA and DL come through with their promise to reinvest AC money, 59m net profit from transfers in last 5 seasons.....ambition???


Too true.


Aye Joey, about as ambitious as joining Queens Park Rangers.


Ambition is relative.


Don't buy this argument, it's like dumping Scarlet Johannsen because she has stopped wearing lip stick and going out with Susan Boyle because she has started buying her hand bags from Primark instead of Oxfam.




True. I don't even think QPR are any more ambition than us, they just have a bit more money to spend and looser standards about the players they buy.


Exaggerated analogies. Last refuge of people who don't want to confront a situation which requires no analogy.


One club making maximising their resources = ambitious.


One club not maximising their resources = not ambitious.


QPR are more ambitious than we are.


What are "our resources" though? We almost always make a loss, so unless Ashley is going to continue to subsidise us we will have to spend less and bring in more. So by resources do you mean Ashley's personal wealth?


If you view the club under those terms, what would be your problem with Ashley liquidating the club? It's his, right? What obligation does he have to anyone?


You seem to be couching the club in terms of some regular IFRS-abiding profit-making entity when it clearly isn't. Substantial revenue is derived from the fans. The entity exists for the fans. There is no entity without it. That's not to say there's no room for financial prudence, or even to achieve financial stability in the long-run, but if you're telling me that you honestly believe that at the end of this year the financial statements don't show a lopsided emphasis on cost-cutting over satisfying the purpose of the entity - then IMO there's no hope for you :lol:


The disproportionate weight of that lopsidedness is the lack of ambition.


The accounts will of course be madly convoluted with all sorts of creative accounting and personal costs charged to the club to reduce taxable profit, but even then, I'm confidently the club will very comfortably be in the black.


Ooft, nice post.

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Canny chuffed I understood 8 full pages before someone began using long words that I couldn't understand and finance talk that means s*** all to me.


I think I agree with the sentiments of yours posts though Beren.... :lol:


i agree.....BUT SIT THE FUCK DOWN !











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Incidentally, none of what I say above^ will at all effect my enjoyment of watching Cabaye play, and I have confident Ba will do reasonably well for us too, but I also think that Ashley and PRdew have gambled with a) lack of strikeforce options b) lack of defensive cover c) letting multiple key components of the team go very quickly in one go and it could very come back and bite us on the bottom.


I hope we are lucky and we do well, but I'm fairly disgusted with the owners/manager.



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Incidentally, none of what I say above^ will at all effect my enjoyment of watching Cabaye play, and I have confident Ba will do reasonably well for us too, but I also think that Ashley and PRdew have gambled with a) lack of strikeforce options b) lack of defensive cover c) letting multiple key components of the team go very quickly in one go and it could very come back and bite us on the bottom.


I hope we are lucky and we do well, but I'm fairly disgusted with the owners/manager.


Don't disagree with a single point of this post, we have been let down massively.


I don't either really, we could have done better. I don't think we have to be lucky to do well though, I'd prefer to put it like we'd have to be unlucky to do badly.

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How is it not as bad as people are making out? Nobody is saying we're doomed to relegation or anything, just that we've somehow managed to come into the season with a squad that will probably finish mid table or lower, when with a bit of investment (that we actualy could have easily done) we could be challenging for Europe.


It's horrible to see the players we could have gotten, even so much as the players themselves pushingg for a move in some cases, but never due to either ineptitude, our our reluctance to actualy spend any money (we proper class at selling players like, Mike fucking loves that).

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If we hadn't have had such an awful owner in the past, who spent way over the odds on everybody, we wouldn't hold these views.


Under shepherd we over spent to the max, and were held to ransom for wages, and ended up with complete mercenaries. You may not care about finances saying its only a few extra million, but we are now getting in top quality players, who want to sign for the club, not the wages or agents who want the fees. We are biding our time, so what we had 9 months to bring in a striker, i believe we filled that issue when we got ba, and another to support him was a bonus, if they aren't available at the right price, or the right wage, then we are right to wait it out until january.


We are in a situation unlike we have been before. All wages are covered, all transfer fees are paid. If in january the right player comes up (and he must be the right player, not just a player for the sake of it) then we have that money there, ready to spend. Ashley takes nothing out of this club, at all. To say par dew has seen non of it, is a bit of a farce. He knows the situation, all fees don't just cover the players cost, it covers the whole package. We are on a very, very solid path and compared to this time last year, are in a better state in my opinion. We may have lost nolan, but he was ageing and immobile, to replace him with cabaye is fantastic. We have lost a trouble maker in barton who we could not truly rely on (see gervinho incident or pedersen). We have moved a proven goal scorer in up front and added pace and quality in marveux, santon and the signing of ben arfa. not to mention the potential with mehdi and obertan. Players who we now don't have to worry about any finances for, we have a clean slate to keep looking.


I personally can accept not buying a striker if we didn't feel the price was right, or the demands. To be blunt, the fact we have well and truly fucked off the likes of the luque and owen farce, is fantastic, all players and deals that are done for the good of the club, and not for wage packets of people not connected to nufc are welcome. If you think for 1 second mufc deal in any other way, then you would be insane, and this, is the kind of standing in the game, at negotiating level we should be looking at.


Great post, but expect some abuse.

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Incidentally, none of what I say above^ will at all effect my enjoyment of watching Cabaye play, and I have confident Ba will do reasonably well for us too, but I also think that Ashley and PRdew have gambled with a) lack of strikeforce options b) lack of defensive cover c) letting multiple key components of the team go very quickly in one go and it could very come back and bite us on the bottom.


I hope we are lucky and we do well, but I'm fairly disgusted with the owners/manager.

Aye, pretty much my feelings to be honest, only put across better.



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Carroll replaced by Ba? And since we've sold Carroll, Ba has been a helluva lot better in the Premier League.


if you genuinely think Ba is a better player than Carroll , i've got nothing to say anymore. mind you , form is temporary class is permanent


Doesn't that completely negate your argument given that Ba has been an absolutely lethal striker for 6 years where as Carroll has had 6 prolific months at the top level and 6 which where very hit and miss? :lol:


Ba never play top level football until Hoffenheim promoted 3 years ago ,never scored more than 15 goals a season, and i don't think he will improve anymore, while Carroll show he's a up and rising talent with his 6 months EPL performance , that's what i think

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Canny chuffed I understood 8 full pages before someone began using long words that I couldn't understand and finance talk that means s*** all to me.


I think I agree with the sentiments of yours posts though Beren.... :lol:


i agree.....BUT SIT THE f*** DOWN !












Pardon? Was that you vs Fulham?

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If we hadn't have had such an awful owner in the past, who spent way over the odds on everybody, we wouldn't hold these views.


Under shepherd we over spent to the max, and were held to ransom for wages, and ended up with complete mercenaries. You may not care about finances saying its only a few extra million, but we are now getting in top quality players, who want to sign for the club, not the wages or agents who want the fees. We are biding our time, so what we had 9 months to bring in a striker, i believe we filled that issue when we got ba, and another to support him was a bonus, if they aren't available at the right price, or the right wage, then we are right to wait it out until january.


We are in a situation unlike we have been before. All wages are covered, all transfer fees are paid. If in january the right player comes up (and he must be the right player, not just a player for the sake of it) then we have that money there, ready to spend. Ashley takes nothing out of this club, at all. To say par dew has seen non of it, is a bit of a farce. He knows the situation, all fees don't just cover the players cost, it covers the whole package. We are on a very, very solid path and compared to this time last year, are in a better state in my opinion. We may have lost nolan, but he was ageing and immobile, to replace him with cabaye is fantastic. We have lost a trouble maker in barton who we could not truly rely on (see gervinho incident or pedersen). We have moved a proven goal scorer in up front and added pace and quality in marveux, santon and the signing of ben arfa. not to mention the potential with mehdi and obertan. Players who we now don't have to worry about any finances for, we have a clean slate to keep looking.


I personally can accept not buying a striker if we didn't feel the price was right, or the demands. To be blunt, the fact we have well and truly f***ed off the likes of the luque and owen farce, is fantastic, all players and deals that are done for the good of the club, and not for wage packets of people not connected to nufc are welcome. If you think for 1 second mufc deal in any other way, then you would be insane, and this, is the kind of standing in the game, at negotiating level we should be looking at.


Wow. You better hide mate.

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Carroll replaced by Ba? And since we've sold Carroll, Ba has been a helluva lot better in the Premier League.


if you genuinely think Ba is a better player than Carroll , i've got nothing to say anymore. mind you , form is temporary class is permanent


Doesn't that completely negate your argument given that Ba has been an absolutely lethal striker for 6 years where as Carroll has had 6 prolific months at the top level and 6 which where very hit and miss? :lol:


Ba never play top level football until Hoffenheim promoted 3 years ago ,never scored more than 15 goals a season, and i don't think he will improve anymore, while Carroll show he's a up and rising talent with his 6 months EPL performance , that's what i think

so whats his record at the top level only ?
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Guest dazzanufc1892

If we hadn't have had such an awful owner in the past, who spent way over the odds on everybody, we wouldn't hold these views.


Under shepherd we over spent to the max, and were held to ransom for wages, and ended up with complete mercenaries. You may not care about finances saying its only a few extra million, but we are now getting in top quality players, who want to sign for the club, not the wages or agents who want the fees. We are biding our time, so what we had 9 months to bring in a striker, i believe we filled that issue when we got ba, and another to support him was a bonus, if they aren't available at the right price, or the right wage, then we are right to wait it out until january.


We are in a situation unlike we have been before. All wages are covered, all transfer fees are paid. If in january the right player comes up (and he must be the right player, not just a player for the sake of it) then we have that money there, ready to spend. Ashley takes nothing out of this club, at all. To say par dew has seen non of it, is a bit of a farce. He knows the situation, all fees don't just cover the players cost, it covers the whole package. We are on a very, very solid path and compared to this time last year, are in a better state in my opinion. We may have lost nolan, but he was ageing and immobile, to replace him with cabaye is fantastic. We have lost a trouble maker in barton who we could not truly rely on (see gervinho incident or pedersen). We have moved a proven goal scorer in up front and added pace and quality in marveux, santon and the signing of ben arfa. not to mention the potential with mehdi and obertan. Players who we now don't have to worry about any finances for, we have a clean slate to keep looking.


I personally can accept not buying a striker if we didn't feel the price was right, or the demands. To be blunt, the fact we have well and truly f***ed off the likes of the luque and owen farce, is fantastic, all players and deals that are done for the good of the club, and not for wage packets of people not connected to nufc are welcome. If you think for 1 second mufc deal in any other way, then you would be insane, and this, is the kind of standing in the game, at negotiating level we should be looking at.


Great post, but expect some abuse.


I am, I'm waiting for the shepherd fans who stood outside chanting like a loon and cheering at the "us geordies are a special breed of people to come haring after me

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Incidentally, none of what I say above^ will at all effect my enjoyment of watching Cabaye play, and I have confident Ba will do reasonably well for us too, but I also think that Ashley and PRdew have gambled with a) lack of strikeforce options b) lack of defensive cover c) letting multiple key components of the team go very quickly in one go and it could very come back and bite us on the bottom.


I hope we are lucky and we do well, but I'm fairly disgusted with the owners/manager.


totally agreed

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Beren, I don't really disagree with that post except that the club being in the black would have to happen for more than one year for it to stop being an objective, but the bit about liquidation is mental mind.


Fair enough :thup:


You can though, I hope, see that they have actually gambled on our long-term future by essentially cutting our feet from under us (Carroll, Nolan, Barton, Enrique) and then hoping the new legs (Obertan, Santon, Ba, Cabaye) keep us in the division over the course of two transfer windows?


And it is hoping, really. It isn't even financially prudent. It's gambling on one of the key components of all our revenue streams - Premiership football. We survived the second half of last season (thank you Leon Best, Jonas and Joey Barton, among others! :laugh:), but it's conceivable - at the time Carroll was sold we could have sunk like a stone. He was either getting our goals, or flicking them on for Nolan! (Pre-injury).


IMO, building on the core we had with lower staff/player turnover could have yielded better football, higher rankings, more money. Ashley/Llambias must be Conservatives though, because they're cutting public services left, right and centre and they don't really give a shit about the consequences it has as long as it is ostensibly improving the balance sheet (oh look, an exaggerated analogy ;) Apologies for the 'last refuge' gibe. Immature of me to say in retrospect).

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Guest Craig-NUFC

If we hadn't have had such an awful owner in the past, who spent way over the odds on everybody, we wouldn't hold these views.


Under shepherd we over spent to the max, and were held to ransom for wages, and ended up with complete mercenaries. You may not care about finances saying its only a few extra million, but we are now getting in top quality players, who want to sign for the club, not the wages or agents who want the fees. We are biding our time, so what we had 9 months to bring in a striker, i believe we filled that issue when we got ba, and another to support him was a bonus, if they aren't available at the right price, or the right wage, then we are right to wait it out until january.


We are in a situation unlike we have been before. All wages are covered, all transfer fees are paid. If in january the right player comes up (and he must be the right player, not just a player for the sake of it) then we have that money there, ready to spend. Ashley takes nothing out of this club, at all. To say par dew has seen non of it, is a bit of a farce. He knows the situation, all fees don't just cover the players cost, it covers the whole package. We are on a very, very solid path and compared to this time last year, are in a better state in my opinion. We may have lost nolan, but he was ageing and immobile, to replace him with cabaye is fantastic. We have lost a trouble maker in barton who we could not truly rely on (see gervinho incident or pedersen). We have moved a proven goal scorer in up front and added pace and quality in marveux, santon and the signing of ben arfa. not to mention the potential with mehdi and obertan. Players who we now don't have to worry about any finances for, we have a clean slate to keep looking.


I personally can accept not buying a striker if we didn't feel the price was right, or the demands. To be blunt, the fact we have well and truly f***ed off the likes of the luque and owen farce, is fantastic, all players and deals that are done for the good of the club, and not for wage packets of people not connected to nufc are welcome. If you think for 1 second mufc deal in any other way, then you would be insane, and this, is the kind of standing in the game, at negotiating level we should be looking at.




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Guest dazzanufc1892

There is a middle ground between buying absolutely f***ing nobody and spending tens of millions on mercenaries, believe it or not.


yep, its called mediocre, tiote, ben area, cabaye, coloccini, fit in to the perfect bracket we should be looking for

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Guest bimpy474

If we hadn't have had such an awful owner in the past, who spent way over the odds on everybody, we wouldn't hold these views.


Under shepherd we over spent to the max, and were held to ransom for wages, and ended up with complete mercenaries. You may not care about finances saying its only a few extra million, but we are now getting in top quality players, who want to sign for the club, not the wages or agents who want the fees. We are biding our time, so what we had 9 months to bring in a striker, i believe we filled that issue when we got ba, and another to support him was a bonus, if they aren't available at the right price, or the right wage, then we are right to wait it out until january.


We are in a situation unlike we have been before. All wages are covered, all transfer fees are paid. If in january the right player comes up (and he must be the right player, not just a player for the sake of it) then we have that money there, ready to spend. Ashley takes nothing out of this club, at all. To say par dew has seen non of it, is a bit of a farce. He knows the situation, all fees don't just cover the players cost, it covers the whole package. We are on a very, very solid path and compared to this time last year, are in a better state in my opinion. We may have lost nolan, but he was ageing and immobile, to replace him with cabaye is fantastic. We have lost a trouble maker in barton who we could not truly rely on (see gervinho incident or pedersen). We have moved a proven goal scorer in up front and added pace and quality in marveux, santon and the signing of ben arfa. not to mention the potential with mehdi and obertan. Players who we now don't have to worry about any finances for, we have a clean slate to keep looking.


I personally can accept not buying a striker if we didn't feel the price was right, or the demands. To be blunt, the fact we have well and truly f***ed off the likes of the luque and owen farce, is fantastic, all players and deals that are done for the good of the club, and not for wage packets of people not connected to nufc are welcome. If you think for 1 second mufc deal in any other way, then you would be insane, and this, is the kind of standing in the game, at negotiating level we should be looking at.


This post is great imo, the reason ? this is exactly what fatty should say to us, and should of from the start, we would have known where we stood, most of our frustration is from not knowing whats the big plan or any sort of one at all.


If this is the line the club is actually taking of course.

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How is it not as bad as people are making out? Nobody is saying we're doomed to relegation or anything, just that we've somehow managed to come into the season with a squad that will probably finish mid table or lower, when with a bit of investment (that we actualy could have easily done) we could be challenging for Europe.


It's horrible to see the players we could have gotten, even so much as the players themselves pushingg for a move in some cases, but never due to either ineptitude, our our reluctance to actualy spend any money (we proper class at selling players like, Mike f***ing loves that).


Yup. Wish we knew the truth behind these so called bids we've made in the last few days. It might help us be more understanding of the club's situation, and give Pardew the patience any decent football manager deserves. As it stands, as soon as results start to go pear shaped, the fans will get on his back, and we may find ourselves replacing our manager for the umpteenth time in 5 minutes.

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If we hadn't have had such an awful owner in the past, who spent way over the odds on everybody, we wouldn't hold these views.


Under shepherd we over spent to the max, and were held to ransom for wages, and ended up with complete mercenaries. You may not care about finances saying its only a few extra million, but we are now getting in top quality players, who want to sign for the club, not the wages or agents who want the fees. We are biding our time, so what we had 9 months to bring in a striker, i believe we filled that issue when we got ba, and another to support him was a bonus, if they aren't available at the right price, or the right wage, then we are right to wait it out until january.


We are in a situation unlike we have been before. All wages are covered, all transfer fees are paid. If in january the right player comes up (and he must be the right player, not just a player for the sake of it) then we have that money there, ready to spend. Ashley takes nothing out of this club, at all. To say par dew has seen non of it, is a bit of a farce. He knows the situation, all fees don't just cover the players cost, it covers the whole package. We are on a very, very solid path and compared to this time last year, are in a better state in my opinion. We may have lost nolan, but he was ageing and immobile, to replace him with cabaye is fantastic. We have lost a trouble maker in barton who we could not truly rely on (see gervinho incident or pedersen). We have moved a proven goal scorer in up front and added pace and quality in marveux, santon and the signing of ben arfa. not to mention the potential with mehdi and obertan. Players who we now don't have to worry about any finances for, we have a clean slate to keep looking.


I personally can accept not buying a striker if we didn't feel the price was right, or the demands. To be blunt, the fact we have well and truly f***ed off the likes of the luque and owen farce, is fantastic, all players and deals that are done for the good of the club, and not for wage packets of people not connected to nufc are welcome. If you think for 1 second mufc deal in any other way, then you would be insane, and this, is the kind of standing in the game, at negotiating level we should be looking at.


Great post, but expect some abuse.


Yeah!!!! You fucking twat.




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