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Mike Ashley

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f*** these journalists anyway, none of them have remotely told is like it regarding Ashley and Pardew.




mind you, that statement really knocks the wind out of any hope i had of pardew going


that statement basically says i'll do what i f***ing want, here's a big f*** you to everyone


Not handed out any bans for the articles about Pardew's future though. So I retain the hope of him leaving.

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Guest Roger Kint

This season and next season we are guaranteed the tv money (parachute payments if we go down) so that's all he is here for.


By them we will have had three years of the TV deal(provided we stay up) so that £100m+ profit will just about neatly cover his loans........


Debt free sale ££££££ Guess who wins again?

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Well, since all and sundry have suggested Pardew has 2 games to save his job and nobody has been banned for that, then I hope we get thrashed off Southampton and Hull. :)


They really are a PR disaster show though, aren't they? Complete bunch of fuckwits. :lol:

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the best part is ashley doesn't fucking talk to anyone :lol:


2 journalists went to ask him questions at the AGM and he stonewalled them, if edwards had gone to the club what response would he have got?


so we won't talk to anyone about anything and don't like being questioned, however make sure you don't speculate because if you print something you've not checked with us first (albeit we'll not answer you) you're banned

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the best part is ashley doesn't f***ing talk to anyone :lol:


2 journalists went to ask him questions at the AGM and he stonewalled them, if edwards had gone to the club what response would he have got?


so we won't talk to anyone about anything and don't like being questioned, however make sure you don't speculate because if you print something you've not checked with us first (albeit we'll not answer you) you're banned


Journo's should b all over nufc like, Ashley runs the club like North Korea.

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the best part is ashley doesn't f***ing talk to anyone :lol:


2 journalists went to ask him questions at the AGM and he stonewalled them, if edwards had gone to the club what response would he have got?


so we won't talk to anyone about anything and don't like being questioned, however make sure you don't speculate because if you print something you've not checked with us first (albeit we'll not answer you) you're banned


Journo's should b all over nufc like, Ashley runs the club like North Korea.


exactly, what's it going to take for them to get a bit more militant with their writing?  they already have no access so they might as well get stuck in

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I like it. Just getting more people wound up and irritable, and also getting the press pissed of too, and freeing them up to write the harsh truth. More pressure on Pardew. Hope he flops big time. I'm frothing at the mouth for tomorrow's game man. Can't wait.

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It does seem a bizarre reaction to stories they don't agree with. Do they think the telegraph, and other banned papers, will now go easy on them in the hope they may get back in next season?

I'm looking forward to reading the Southampton match report in the telegraph now

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funny one him not going for rangers the state they're in like, you'd imagine he'd be able to turn that s*** around into $$ in no time


They are in an awful league tho with no money or little coverage, as a business it hasn't got much to offer other than merchandise which he snapped up for pennies.


He got want he wanted.

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The Club presented its financial report to Companies House this April for the year 2008/2009. The financial report shows that there was an operating loss of £37.7 million for that year and an estimated loss for 2009/2010 of £32.5 million. Newcastle United also has an overdraft of £20 million that is fully committed. It is clear to the Board that no organisation can be successful, until the financial position is stabilised.

The Board have therefore structured a five year plan in which the ultimate goal will be to ensure that the club is run at a "break even" manner by the year 2015/2016. The club also wishes it to be known; in an effort to stop the untrue rumours and stories that emanate from outside Newcastle United that:

• The Board have set a five year plan to promote core values of credibility, viability and sustainability both on and off the field of play at Newcastle United.

• The Board will concentrate on Newcastle United's stability by promoting from within where possible.

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That was a target though, with the new TV money presumably we're already running at break even, non?


I think break-even might mean break-even on a personal level for Ashley. With all the income from his Sports Direct exposure etc, maybe he feels as if the money invested (the loan to clean the debt) will be repaid by then?


Just freely speculating.

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