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Which one stupid rule would you get rid of?


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I would also prefer more league involvement In plae of referee issues. Such as the shirt issue. Does it affect the game? If so referee deals with it. Is it a "image issue" then let the Prem League take care of it. Fine the player a weeks wages and then see how much they want to do it. Might still be worth it to Ballotelli but for others maybe not so much.


Need more post-game involvement from the league for dangerous tackles and diving.

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The shirt problem seemed a lot worse in the past. Now it seems to be an acceptable consequence. Payers dont seem to mind getting the card so why change it?


Depends whether or not you see it as a "problem" though.

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Get rid of offside? Any reason why?


Open the game up far more, would make it more exciting imo. I'd like to see it trailed somewhere as it works in other sports but would be interesting to see if it would translate well to football. Also means you can have two referees one for each half as such instead of linesmen so you'd see a lot more.



offside was introduced cos the game had become a farce with goal moochers ( hangers)

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For me it's the booking for taking your shirt off. Utterly ridiculous.


There are a few other contenders though, booking for running to the crowd, players having to go off for treatment even if they're perfectly fine etc etc.

That rule is a crime against humanity.

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For me it's the booking for taking your shirt off. Utterly ridiculous.


There are a few other contenders though, booking for running to the crowd, players having to go off for treatment even if they're perfectly fine etc etc.

That rule is a crime against humanity.


I can understand it if players goad the away fans and could cause trouble etc, but in that case they're hardly likely to run off the pitch and hug them joyfully.

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For me it's the booking for taking your shirt off. Utterly ridiculous.


There are a few other contenders though, booking for running to the crowd, players having to go off for treatment even if they're perfectly fine etc etc.

That rule is a crime against humanity.


I can understand it if players goad the away fans and could cause trouble etc, but in that case they're hardly likely to run off the pitch and hug them joyfully.

If a player does that he's fucking thick and deserves the beating he will get anyway.

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Not the actual game rules, but safe standing areas to be introduced.


Also, get rid of the stupid handshake before the game.


We have to do that every week in the league that I play in now. Ridiculous like.

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Not the actual game rules, but safe standing areas to be introduced.


Also, get rid of the stupid handshake before the game.


We have to do that every week in the league that I play in now. Ridiculous like.


I prefer the ice hockey tradition of the post-game handshake. Line up, shake hands down the line with the oppo, then curl back and shake hands with your team mates.

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I'd modify a rule, increase the number of substitutions allowed during the match from 3 to 5. More opportunities for substitutes to play and the manager will have a greater ability to influence the course of the game.

I'd add a rule, only the captain is allowed to approach and talk to the referee on behalf of his team-mates (unless the referee summons another player of course). Captains are a bit ceremonial these days, perhaps managers will think more before picking their captains.


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About the shirt rule, I think there is two of them. One about taking the shirt off, and a second one that was the first introduced. Players are not allowed to show any kind of messages (political, religious, personal or advertisements). I belive Balotelli fell under that rule yesterday.

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The celebration shirt rule's got to be to do with sponsors, it's the money shot that gets a nice big close up on the logo and is repeated across the world. I know cyclists get in trouble with their team if they don't zip there jersey up to cross the line to make the sponsors logo visible.

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Guest bimpy474

Offside rule, the biggest balls up of a rule ever, i have done the refs course and it still left me scratching my head, basically a striker can just stand on the penalty spot, and as long as the winger goes past him with the ball, the striker becomes active and onside.


Apparently standing 40 yards behind the defence is not trying to seek an advantage, on you tube is the video they showed us to explain this, biggest joke ever and i ended up in a row with the ref taking the course, he thinks it is forward goal making thinking.


I said your a massive cock who shouldn't be allowed near a football pitch, went down well that like :D

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The way the fair play table is scored. Right now we have less yellows and less fouls than most teams and no players sent off, and yet we are bottom of the table based on nothing other than subjective opinions.


Should be based on fouls, red, yellows and nothing else, or the whole fair play table should be scrapped.

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The way the fair play table is scored. Right now we have less yellows and less fouls than most teams and no players sent off, and yet we are bottom of the table based on nothing other than subjective opinions.


Should be based on fouls, red, yellows and nothing else, or the whole fair play table should be scrapped.


Woah, good post from James. O0


Totally agree. How the fuck is 'positive play' an indicator of fairness? And Spider is spot on, the players and managers of the top clubs are infamous for their ridiculous 'how dare you?' attitudes towards officials and yet they're always near the top. How did that happen?

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The way the fair play table is scored. Right now we have less yellows and less fouls than most teams and no players sent off, and yet we are bottom of the table based on nothing other than subjective opinions.


Should be based on fouls, red, yellows and nothing else, or the whole fair play table should be scrapped.


Spot on that.

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Offside rule, the biggest balls up of a rule ever, i have done the refs course and it still left me scratching my head, basically a striker can just stand on the penalty spot, and as long as the winger goes past him with the ball, the striker becomes active and onside.


Apparently standing 40 yards behind the defence is not trying to seek an advantage, on you tube is the video they showed us to explain this, biggest joke ever and i ended up in a row with the ref taking the course, he thinks it is forward goal making thinking.


I said your a massive cock who shouldn't be allowed near a football pitch, went down well that like :D


Because each time the ball is played/touched/dribbled by the attacking team, the offside decision is reset. Meanwhile the forward standing on the penalty spot is in an offside position, but not involved in the play so it not deemed to be offside. It's not hard to work out.


The alternative is even worse if you penalise players for being in an offside position when they are not involved in the play.... the right winger is dribbling up the right hand side but the left winger is running upfield too (about 1 foot offside, but 60 yards away) ....and now you want to stop play for an offside call?  No the current rule is much better for the game.


Now, there are some improvements needed in understandings about when a player is involved in the play etc. Thinking of the example where the player in an offside position lets the ball run between his legs and an on-side player runs in to score.  Yep, I agree that those examples which are currently legal should be reviewed.

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