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That thread on "worst reactions" is something else. Two instances of proper animal cruelty. I'd be f***ed off if the beat us. I'd never kick or throw my dog like. One bloke "Discus threw my cat about 11 gardens".  :jesuswept:


I sincerely hope they are just trying to look big on the internet because if they actually did that then.....



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The thing I love the most about reading the shite on RTG is whenever a Geordie posts in a thread, you can guarantee about 5 pages worth of mackems replying to his post. If he continues to reply to people, the rest of the entire thread will just be mackems quoting him giving off. :lol:

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Not many of them around here, they claim massive support in Ashington and the likes but they're hugely outnumbered (by Sky era plastic mags obv)


I lived in Chester-le-Street for a while, and there didn't seem to be a huge number of them even there tbh.


grown up between CLS and Birtley.  It depends and is mainly a mix, much like Washy.  Depends who your family support.  My dad is from Walbottle and my mam's a cockney.  It was basically Newcastle, West Ham or betray them both...

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so di canio admitting we are bigger than them, that'll go down well over there.


When specifically asked if Sunderland could become bigger than Newcastle, Di Canio said: “Not now, but in the future? Yes. Absolutely, yes. The plan is amazing. First we have to make sure we stay up, that will be okay. If we do, it will not happen in a week or a month, it will be one or two seasons.”


from here http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/sunderland-will-be-bigger-than-you-paolo-di-canio-warns-newcastle-8570664.html



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Close call  :lol:


The 1-5. Was at home near Durham watching on TV. I think it was 0-3 at half time!? It was lashing down and I was so pissed off I dragged the dog out for a walk.......she had another dog have a go at her (just barking and growling like!) the other dog's owner didnt get control quickly of his dog and I was one inch from filling him in. Caught myself just in time.........was completely sober mind. This game f*cks with you in a way no other part of your life can do! ITHICS for this weekend! 


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=773628#ixzz2QIEJeddi

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Can we not just distill that entire thread into the phrase "I just geet hit me dog" and move on?


We get it, you all have 'issues'. Sky can help and follow the match with the standard soap-opera voiceover "If you've been affected by the issues highlighted in today's edition of SAFC humiliation, the number to call is....."

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I love how any of their supporters outside of Sunderland/Wearside are all 'Branches', even up in Northumberland.


How many 'Wearside branches' are there in Northumberland?


It's always surprised me since I moved to Prudhoe, just how few mackems there are. In my year at school there was I think 2 - that's the whole Prudhoe, Wylam, Stocksfield etc area.


I can't account for the rest of Northumberland, but here they are very few and far between.

Probably about 5:1 ratio Newcastle:Sunderland in Berwick. Quite a few of them, but they're probably 4th in the pecking order after us, Man Utd and Liverpool.

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I love how any of their supporters outside of Sunderland/Wearside are all 'Branches', even up in Northumberland.


How many 'Wearside branches' are there in Northumberland?


It's always surprised me since I moved to Prudhoe, just how few mackems there are. In my year at school there was I think 2 - that's the whole Prudhoe, Wylam, Stocksfield etc area.


I can't account for the rest of Northumberland, but here they are very few and far between.

Probably about 5:1 ratio Newcastle:Sunderland in Berwick. Quite a few of them, but they're probably 4th in the pecking order after us, Man Utd and Liverpool.


What you did there. I'm seeing it.

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“Newcastle is a massive club, we know that, but Sunderland is a massive club. The problem is that this massive club has not been used in the right way. There are 40,000-50,000 followers every game."


Watch how many followers you'll get when they have to pay to get in. :lol:

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As much as you lot are "not bothered" I'm sure you coined the "North East Top Dogs" tag for yourselves.


It wasn't mentioned that much during the three years prior to last season, was it? Who were "Top Dogs" then?


Holy f*ck, its Opposite Land! Crooks chase cops, cats have puppies and hot snow falls up!



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As much as you lot are "not bothered" I'm sure you coined the "North East Top Dogs" tag for yourselves.


It wasn't mentioned that much during the three years prior to last season, was it? Who were "Top Dogs" then?


Holy f*ck, its Opposite Land! Crooks chase cops, cats have puppies and hot snow falls up!



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Not the first time I've said it in this thread and won't be the last....what the fuck is this shit? :lol:


We coined north east top dogs? Not once have I heard it until the started harping on about it the other year :undecided:

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