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Seriously though, Fuck... The... Mags. It's borderline genius. First you take the infamous curse word Fuck, and then to specify exactly what they are saying 'Fuck' to, they added the words The and Mags. If there wasn't too much brain fuckery on show already, the clever little swines THEN went and abbreviated the whole insult to FTM. The mind is a beautiful place.

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And THEN make up droll pseudonyms such as 'Fred The Mackem' to incorporate said acronym and ring in to Jawdee talk shows completing the BEST. JERK. OF ALL. TAYME.



Did yea see mine....Francis T Morgan?


Aye mate Gerrin :lol:


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Now the tossers are whining because a question was asked in parliament


The mackems have true concern here tho...


A large group of magpies is called a "parliment"


So technically in a mackems mind the houses of parliment are full of mag kernts!





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Anybody fancy some supper?





:lol: :lol: kin hell


Some bloke on there saying about 'their soft accent'  :lol:


Errr, I have a soft southern shandy drinking bastard accent, am not from the area and I can pick up on the difference.  The missus family are all sunderland and her Grandad's accent is far more full on.  Hits the vowels harder and it just sounds a lot more agressive and confusing to me.  How it can be so different when there is less than 15 miles between cities is beyond me!  Even he says the Geordie accent is softer and their's is harder (weyy ours is harder FTM).


I've been in the Seaham working man's club with him and they're all the same.

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Anybody fancy some supper?





:lol: :lol: kin hell


Some bloke on there saying about 'their soft accent'  :lol:


Errr, I have a soft southern shandy drinking b****** accent, am not from the area and I can pick up on the difference.  The missus family are all sunderland and her Grandad's accent is far more full on.  Hits the vowels harder and it just sounds a lot more agressive and confusing to me.  How it can be so different when there is less than 15 miles between cities is beyond me!  Even he says the Geordie accent is softer and their's is harder (weyy ours is harder FTM).


I've been in the Seaham working man's club with him and they're all the same.

i know many people from outside the area who can't tell one from the other.
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Same with mine (from the leicestershire border, 20 miles away) and a brummie accent...no bugger can tell the difference. Bostin! Still if I heard someone from the wirral, I would still call them scouse. It's always quite subtle if your not from the area. Years of my NEfamily griefing mackems has kept me fairly enlightened though.

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Anybody fancy some supper?





:lol: :lol: kin hell


Some bloke on there saying about 'their soft accent'  :lol:


Errr, I have a soft southern shandy drinking b****** accent, am not from the area and I can pick up on the difference.  The missus family are all sunderland and her Grandad's accent is far more full on.  Hits the vowels harder and it just sounds a lot more agressive and confusing to me.  How it can be so different when there is less than 15 miles between cities is beyond me!  Even he says the Geordie accent is softer and their's is harder (weyy ours is harder FTM).


I've been in the Seaham working man's club with him and they're all the same.

i know many people from outside the area who can't tell one from the other.


Don't get me wrong, I didn't used to until I spent a lot more time in the NE and I'm not saying I could 100% call the accents and exactly where they are from.  But there are definitely noticable differences and my point was mainly getting at how that mackem was claiming their accent is softer  :idiot2:


I live in Newmarket, but work near to Cambridge.  Similar distance for Newcastle to sunderland, yet there is no difference in accent at all.  It's an interesting subject I think.

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Now the tossers are whining because a question was asked in parliament


The mackems have true concern here tho...


A large group of magpies is called a "parliment"


So technically in a mackems mind the houses of parliment are full of mag kernts!






Its a parliament of  owls. Magpies is a TIDING or a CHARM or even a MURDER (same as crows)

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Guest firetotheworks

Im sure its a Parliment of Magpies like.


Daft mag kernt LERL.




Definitely a parliament of owls. Could be magpies as well like. My favourite is ladybirds...wait for it...a loveliness of ladybirds, swear down!

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