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'Can I not just go out there and tell them I am a fascist and that's that?'


'But Paolo, you're not a fascist'


'I am, I've already confirmed I am'


'Right..................have you got any black friends?'




We'll probably have Chris Powell on the news this evening saying he hates the cunt.

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My only fear regarding this appointment is that in the short term he may give Sunderland the new manager 'bounce'. That might be all they need to save them this season. For us, we need Di Canio to be crazy from the word go. He'll struggle to do a worse job than O'Neill was doing.

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Still fairly suspicious this is all an elaborate April Fool's. Only way it could be funnier/worse is he prefixed blacks with "the".

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RTG today is a depressing indication if just how thick some people can be.


One person calls those concerned about his politics "precious", hundreds line up to pat him on the back and agree.


What a monumentally stupid appointment.


Although I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when they binned MON. "Sorry Martin, but we're going to have to let you go. On reflection we think a fascist nutjob who fights with his players during games probably has a better chance of keeping us up."

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RTG today is a depressing indication if just how thick some people can be.


One person calls those concerned about his politics "precious", hundreds line up to pat him on the back and agree.


What a monumentally stupid appointment.


Although I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when they binned MON. "Sorry Martin, but we're going to have to let you go. On reflection we think a fascist nutjob who fights with his players during games probably has a better chance of keeping us up."


according to Look North last night, Short wasn't in the country on Saturday.


*beep beep*


LOL martin u r sckd.  El. X

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“I felt at Swindon like I was at Barcelona, because for me it was the best job and a big privilege to be a manager and I wanted to be a manager.


“How do I feel here? Probably like Brazil in the 1970s.”



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