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Statement from Paolo Di Canio

Published: 03 April, 2013

by Sunderland AFC


Head coach speaks.


PAOLO DI CANIO, Wednesday 03 April, 2013


“I have clearly stated that I do not wish to speak about matters other than football, however, I have been deeply hurt by the attacks on the football club.


“This is a historic, proud and ethical club and to read and hear some of the vicious and personal accusations is painful. I am an honest man, my values and principles come from my family and my upbringing.


"I feel that I should not have to continually justify myself to people who do not understand this, however I will say one thing only - I am not the man that some people like to portray.


“I am not political, I do not affiliate myself to any organisation, I am not a racist and I do not support the ideology of fascism. I respect everyone.


“I am a football man and this and my family are my focus. Now I will speak only of football.”


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He is going to break before the Derby, this could be a record.





I think he will blunder his way to the end of the season, get them relegated, and have a massive falling out with the clubs ownership over the summer, leaving under a cloud. what a fucking mess they will be in.

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Evidently been leaned on by sponsors and crumpled.  Preferred him as Schrodinger's fascist, but fully expect him to now give an interview to a Lazio fanzine or somethig where he tries to downplay this statement, befoer coming back to the English media to downplay that statement.

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Considering his 'my way or the highway' approach, you wonder how soon and which player he will first fall out with. If he was in charge of the Man U match, Bramble would have been crucified publicly for his mistake. Can imagine the likes of Adam Johnson not performing up to his standards and an eventual confrontation.

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Looking from the outside, i don't think Sunderland have many real opinionated or outspoken players in their squad for PDC to fall out with. However in time, i could see him berating the team as whole for a lack of real quality, considering how much has been spent over the 4 years or so...

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Guest reefatoon

Well scripted statement that! Quite like Di Canio tbh, just don't like him now... :)


Yep, he scripted it with his black friends (he has some you know).  Seriously though he doesn't mention himself in the third person, so I am not believing it is from him.  Now if it said.


Statement from Paolo Di Canio

Published: 03 April, 2013

by Sunderland AFC


Head coach speaks.


PAOLO DI CANIO, Wednesday 03 April, 2013


“Paolo has clearly stated that Di Canio does not wish to speak about matters other than football, however, PDC has been deeply hurt by the attacks on the football club.


“This is a historic, proud and ethical club (Uncal Mick told me) and to read and hear some of the vicious and personal accusations is painful. Paulo Di Canio is an honest man, my values and principles come from my family and my upbringing.


"Paulo feels that Di Canio should not have to continually justify himself to people who do not understand this, however I the mighty Paulo will say one thing only - PDC is not the man that some people like to portray.


“Di Cans is not political, The Canster does not affiliate to any organisation, is not a racist, just go and ask my 3 black friends and Paulo does not support the ideology of fascism. I just like to wave.


“Pauli Di Cans is a football man and this and my family are my focus. Now I will speak only of football.”

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Now he's prepared to talk about it. Some journo will no doubt ask......


" what did you mean by 'I'm a fascist, not a racist ' ? If taken out of context, in what context did you mean it ? "

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[bBC Newcastle]: Durham Miners now letting their banner stay at the Stadium of Far Right, following Di Canio's statement today.




Wonder if Miliband will ask for his job back, next??!!

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics.


What is a football club?


What is politics?


I've explained the reasoning behind this. A football club is driven like it's a company and not a political party. No one cares, if you are black, white, olive, pale, socialist, conservative, communist when it comes down to football. It's not the 50's or 60's anymore. I'm aware that there is politics in terms of company politics or what you want to call it, but that isn't the same typ of politics being discussed here.


What is being discussed here is that a man who has a political view that hasn't interefered with his job is being considered as a disgrace to football. I think it's rather more a disgrace that they have signed a league one manager who clearly has had tons of problems at past clubs. But has he let his fascist view get in the way of his job as a football manager? I can't find any evidence of that.


I'm not defending Di Canio, he should know more as an human being. But claiming he's a disgrace while we as a club have signed some thugs in the past and gotten away with it. Come sunday and they beat Chelsea no one is going to care if he's a fascist or not. Football is as fickle of a game as politics and it's pathetic at times.




That's a massive assumption. Core beliefs influence everything we do and say, all the time, whether we're at work or not.


No, a massive assumption is to suggest that his belief has any effect/impact on the world and the way we live. People need to try and get a larger perspective of things.


You have made a massive assumption stating that his beliefs haven't interfered with his job, I'm saying that as human beings our core beliefs interfere with everything we do, at all times. I'd be interested to see you try and deny that.


You've also falsely attributed an assumption to me.


:lol: Correct, I'm not denying that though, because as of now Di Canio hasn't let his views interfere with his job. I don't care how much you want it to be true, but as of now you are talking utter bullshit and hypothetically. Has Di Canio fired all his players that do interfere with his supposed race policy? Has Di Canio done this at Swindon? Has Di Canio ever talked badly about a race? Has Di Canio by calling himself a fascist ever treated people worse at football clubs because they didn't agree with his views? After all the italian fascism wasn't an anti-semitic movement until they found an ally in Germany. Mussolini was and will be forever known as an opportunist. I doubt the man himself had any clear political views and rather only followed what he thought would help him consolidate his powers. I'd suggest some to read upon it before giving their opinions on matter they obviously know very little about. Di Canio for me is the same. He does what other people wants him to do, he's a puppet. I'm not questioning that his views are utter fucking ridiculous, I just don't agree with the witchhunt. I rather he failed for footballing reasons at that vile club than for people disagreeing with political views that he himself and the rest of the journalists in the UK seem to know very little about.


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