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Newcastle United vs Aston Villa - 05/02/12 @ 1:30pm (Sky) - Pre-match thread


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Guest VaVaVoom

Few random things to consider:


Pardew has never started Ben Arfa in a 4-4-2; he's always played in this lopsided thing with Best on the left and Ben Arfa on the right - pretty sure Jonas is only in the middle to work hard and possibly protect HBA. Of course he played on the right side of a 4-4-2 in the cup for about 35 minutes and was very good but it was practically defence vs attack.


Pretty sure Shola is ahead of Best in the pecking order, last game Ba was available he started with Shola and Ba and we won 3-0 against the champions. If Cisse is going to start as sub, I'd bet Shola starts ahead of Best, no matter how turd Shola has been.


This has the potential to be very similar to the WBA match, especially if we defend stupidly high up. Petrov can pick a pass a la Brunt and Bent finishes most chances. If Agbonlahor makes it he'll probably rape Simpson, who'll show him onto his favourite right all afternoon.


If we play long ball, Richard Dunne will have an easy day. You've got to get down the sides of this fucker, he's an accident waiting to happen when he's not doing the bread and butter stuff, which admittedly he's very good at.


N'Zogbia will probably score at some point, so let's look forward to that.


Good post.


Bang on imo.


I think it will be an open game like WBA but i see us tonking them.

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On the back of pardews comments about what a good counter attacking team they are I reckon this will be a boring game with us sitting back trying to tempt villa out.

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The amount of money we spend on those lights and underground heating and such, it shouldn't be hard even in this weather tbh.


Don't know about the pitch but there will be a few in the crowd that will be hard if they both start.

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I'm really nervous about this game today, dunno why tho. Maybe something to do with our last few performances. I hope we come flying out of the blocks and take them by surprise and stuff the f***ers.


Hopefully AP has them right up for it and they come out playing like we did against Man U and we get a good result, big bonus having Demba back too.


Hard fought 2-1 to the toon gets my Yul Brynner today. HTL

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i wonder if people are more nervous about today because the mackems won yesterday and we're away at spurs next week ?


Hadn't even thought about it, tbh. The only thing we can do is concentrate on getting the maximum number of points from each game, if we take care of our own games, the mack*ms can worry themselves into a lower finishing position.

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Guest north shields lad

Im excited for today, think it will be a very diffrent performance from our last few games. Villa are a poor side, and with the lads back from Africa, i expect a 3-0, or better.

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