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Rangers Newco


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Worst comes to worst a new club will form called Rangers 2012 or something. Still ashame as it effectively wipes out the history of the club.


I'm pretty gutted really. My brother is a big fan of Rangers. Wasn't born here myself so don't have the same connection. Still. Sad day.


Good job you don't qualify to speak for everyone. Some will be delighting in Rangers demise. Me for example.


Says a lot about you tbh.


It says I despise the horrible bastards.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Forgot Sewelly watched all the Rangers games.


He watches all the games:




Apparently he gets annoyed when Neo turns up like.

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Celtic would have been funnier.


They'll be next.  For the vast majority of old firm fans, supporting their club has f*** all to do with football and everything to do with sectarian hatred.  They can't live without eachother.


Celtic are in great financial shape.


Also, replace 'majority' with 'minority'.


I've never met an old firm fan who isn't a bigot.  It usually manifests itself after a few pints.

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Celtic would have been funnier.


They'll be next.  For the vast majority of old firm fans, supporting their club has f*** all to do with football and everything to do with sectarian hatred.  They can't live without eachother.


Celtic are in great financial shape.


Also, replace 'majority' with 'minority'.


I've never met an old firm fan who isn't a bigot.  It usually manifests itself after a few pints.



No sympathy for a club who set up club shops in Kirkcaldy, Inverness and Edinburgh. Did Rangers give a flying fuck about Raith Rovers, ICT or the Edinburgh clubs when doing that? Did they fuck! Hovering in gloryhunters, profiting off of bigotry and spreading hatred throughout the west coast of Scotland. Most Scottish fans outside Rangers will be dancing on their grave.

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Guest Roy the Irish Magpie

*In the tune of 'for he's a jolly good fellow'*


The hoops are havin' a party

The hoops are havin' a party

The hoops are havin a parttty

The Gers are goin' bust

The Gers are goin' bust

The Gers are goin' bust.


:troll: :memelol:

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Mixed feelings. Always avoided the Old Firm (St. Mirren for me) although most of my family are Rangers supporters (including one former player).

They should start over in the English Conference and leave the SPL for good. Give them the opportunity to gain some humilty and leave some of the sectarian nonsense behind.

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