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NUFC finances for 2010/11 announced


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I've got these accounts from that one. Perhaps they're the same.


Sorry it's not dormant (my bad) - but company number 2529667 is the holding company for the football club and is the one that controls all the club's activities.

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Interesting to note that there's £2.2m potentially to be paid out for clauses in transfer deals but that the directors don't expect the criteria to be met. Wonder what they are?

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Interesting to note that there's £2.2m potentially to be paid out for clauses in transfer deals but that the directors don't expect the criteria to be met. Wonder what they are?


I'd imagine it'll be appearance fees (ie, good old fashioned FM-style £500k after 25 league appearances, etc. to the selling clubs of young players we signed like Kadar?)

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Interesting to note that there's £2.2m potentially to be paid out for clauses in transfer deals but that the directors don't expect the criteria to be met. Wonder what they are?



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                                                            <---------------------  The amount received from SD for all of the advertising.


Maybe he should pay a few Mill a year and but also maybe charge interest on his loans, fairs fair an all that, eh ??


Maybe he could have just not injected any more money and watched his initial investment go up in smoke?


Cut and run, not unheard of tbh.


Seriously, what's the problem.


Since the Keegan debacle, he's not put a foot wrong (ground renaming aside - and personally I'm "meh" on that). Arguably the club is in the best shape it has ever been.

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Cut and run, not unheard of tbh.


Seriously, what's the problem.


Since the Keegan debacle, he's not put a foot wrong (ground renaming aside - and personally I'm "meh" on that). Arguably the club is in the best shape it has ever been.


The Keegan debacle was quite a major balls up and one which ended in us being relegated and adding quite a big chunk to the debt which he's covered with an interest free loan, he's getting no praise for that.


The fact that the clubs history doesn't matter to you is a personal view and not one shared by many.  I would say renaming the ground is about as big as anything that has negatively happened off the field to the club since it was formed.


As for the club being in the best shape it's ever been in, it isn't arguable, it's been in better shape.

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god, that season with keegan and relegation :(


i wouldn't even class it like a bad dream, it was more like a bad trip or hallucinations you'd have from from catching a fever or something - to think it actually happened in real life :scared:


it was like they were trying to put the club into the doldrums on purpose regardless of the cost to the club or ashley...

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Cut and run, not unheard of tbh.


Seriously, what's the problem.


Since the Keegan debacle, he's not put a foot wrong (ground renaming aside - and personally I'm "meh" on that). Arguably the club is in the best shape it has ever been.


The Keegan debacle was quite a major balls up and one which ended in us being relegated and adding quite a big chunk to the debt which he's covered with an interest free loan, he's getting no praise for that.


The fact that the clubs history doesn't matter to you is a personal view and not one shared by many.  I would say renaming the ground is about as big as anything that has negatively happened off the field to the club since it was formed.


As for the club being in the best shape it's ever been in, it isn't arguable, it's been in better shape.


The Keegan debacle is at the root of all the hate, some people can't get over the KK man love thing, and since then any stick will do, admittedly he's handily provided a few sticks himself.


As for relegation, was an accident that had been waiting to happen for years (since post SBR tbh), our descent was inexorable (whilst we were getting skinter and skinter) he just f***ed up and made the descent a bit quicker. Fortunately he had the deep pockets to cover it. Since then though done bugger all wrong.


History exists in people, superficially changing the name is nowt in my opinion, appreciate others feel different. How many call the Leazes end the SJH stand (it's only big if you let it be big) ??? Arsenal built flats on their history and that was OK, we try and flog the ground name (to something which no-one will call it anyway) and it's blasphemy, aye OK.


When's the club been in better shape, really, maybe the first Keegan spell, that's it.


It's football that's the problem not NUFC, I like the fact the club is "stable" if FFP works (big IF) and HMRC follow through and really do get after football and the playing field levels, we are in great shape.

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god, that season with keegan and relegation :(


i wouldn't even class it like a bad dream, it was more like a bad trip or hallucinations you'd have from from catching a fever or something - to think it actually happened in real life :scared:


it was like they were trying to put the club into the doldrums on purpose regardless of the cost to the club or ashley...


Yep, but sadly some believe that is what really happened. Utter nonsense tbh.

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The Keegan debacle is at the root of all the hate, some people can't get over the KK man love thing, and since then any stick will do, admittedly he's handily provided a few sticks himself.


As for relegation, was an accident that had been waiting to happen for years (since post SBR tbh), our descent was inexorable (whilst we were getting skinter and skinter) he just f***ed up and made the descent a bit quicker. Fortunately he had the deep pockets to cover it. Since then though done bugger all wrong.


History exists in people, superficially changing the name is nowt in my opinion, appreciate others feel different. How many call the Leazes end the SJH stand (it's only big if you let it be big) ??? Arsenal built flats on their history and that was OK, we try and flog the ground name (to something which no-one will call it anyway) and it's blasphemy, aye OK.


When's the club been in better shape, really, maybe the first Keegan spell, that's it.


It's football that's the problem not NUFC, I like the fact the club is "stable" if FFP works (big IF) and HMRC follow through and really do get after football and the playing field levels, we are in great shape.


I've been through 3 relegation since going to games and the worst by far was the relegation under Ashley, that season must go down as being the worst ever at Newcastle, it has nothing to do with any man love for Keegan but nice try at putting people down who are bothered by what happened.  Was the relegation an accident waiting to happen?  We have come close to it but that is no excuse for a relegation which is soley to do with the way that Ashley managed or allowed the club to be managed and had nothing to do with anything which had previously happened at the club.


I call the Leazes that, my kids call it the Sir John Hall stand.


We've been in better shape twice recently, not just when Keegan was here, we were also in better shape when Sir Bobby was here and that's just twice in recent times.  Other than that, we've been in better shape quite a few times on the pitch and we've won 11 major trophies, we've won nothing under Ashley at this time, not that any of this has anything to do with the clubs finances. 

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The Keegan debacle is at the root of all the hate, some people can't get over the KK man love thing, and since then any stick will do, admittedly he's handily provided a few sticks himself.


As for relegation, was an accident that had been waiting to happen for years (since post SBR tbh), our descent was inexorable (whilst we were getting skinter and skinter) he just f***ed up and made the descent a bit quicker. Fortunately he had the deep pockets to cover it. Since then though done bugger all wrong.


History exists in people, superficially changing the name is nowt in my opinion, appreciate others feel different. How many call the Leazes end the SJH stand (it's only big if you let it be big) ??? Arsenal built flats on their history and that was OK, we try and flog the ground name (to something which no-one will call it anyway) and it's blasphemy, aye OK.


When's the club been in better shape, really, maybe the first Keegan spell, that's it.


It's football that's the problem not NUFC, I like the fact the club is "stable" if FFP works (big IF) and HMRC follow through and really do get after football and the playing field levels, we are in great shape.


I've been through 3 relegation since going to games and the worst by far was the relegation under Ashley, that season must go down as being the worst ever at Newcastle, it has nothing to do with any man love for Keegan but nice try at putting people down who are bothered by what happened.  Was the relegation an accident waiting to happen?  We have come close to it but that is no excuse for a relegation which is soley to do with the way that Ashley managed or allowed the club to be managed and had nothing to do with anything which had previously happened at the club.


I call the Leazes that, my kids call it the Sir John Hall stand.


We've been in better shape twice recently, not just when Keegan was here, we were also in better shape when Sir Bobby was here and that's just twice in recent times.  Other than that, we've been in better shape quite a few times on the pitch and we've won 11 major trophies, we've won nothing under Ashley at this time, not that any of this has anything to do with the clubs finances


One would inevitably beget the other IMO.


Apologies, I should have said "in the modern era".

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Excellent read. Interesting to see that there seems to be quite a gap in commercial revenue between us and similar clubs. Even though it's a kick in the balls you can see why they are trying to get more revenue by trying to sell the naming rights of the stadium.

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Guest neesy111

Brilliant article. Seems plenty of room for financial growth which can only be a good thing.


Much room to increase match-day income etc, so plenty of growth opportunities.

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