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The other games today - 2011/12


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Man, what scenes... but couldn't be other way. Truly got the goosebumps when the stadium started signing the anthem as he left. Is it the end of an era? Have I just experienced the happiest moments I'll ever have as a Barça fan? Who the f*** cares, nobody will ever take this away from me.


Thanks Pep. :clap:


Not think he'll be back once he's managed a shit Asian country to the world cup?

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Man, what scenes... but couldn't be other way. Truly got the goosebumps when the stadium started signing the anthem as he left. Is it the end of an era? Have I just experienced the happiest moments I'll ever have as a Barça fan? Who the f*** cares, nobody will ever take this away from me.


Thanks Pep. :clap:


  he'll be back,can't really see him coaching anywhere else.

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I'm pleased to see Sheff Wed promoted. It would be nice to see them come back into the Premiership, maybe they could do a Norwich or Southampton.


Aye, would like to see them back in the PL (and at the same time, let Sheffield United rot for a few years in the Championship/League 1).

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I'm pleased to see Sheff Wed promoted. It would be nice to see them come back into the Premiership, maybe they could do a Norwich or Southampton.

so am i, we've a sheff wed fan nout with us tomorrow (who drank a blue pint after the 8-0).
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Messi has scored more this season than Shola Ameobi has in his career! 

Not for us!




(I even put a capital letter to start that sentence I felt so strong about it)

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Sebastian Giovinco has just scored a super long-range goal against Siena few minutes ago.....  and the commentators says  "That's a sensational goal, not even Petr Cech would have saved it!"


:lol: :kinnear:

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Sounds like Spurs are gonna score any second now. Apparently the top scorer on the park for Villa is joint between Warnock and Zog with 2 goals, nice!

Just like our game, but wham we will score a goal and win the game and wham Villa will do the same, then Everton will be all well last game of the season so it doesn't matter then we will get 3rd and be in the group stages of the Champions League.
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