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Players You Are Pleased We Didn't Sign (in Retrospect)


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Mevlut Erdinc (not that keen on him at the time but desperate for a striker)

Kevin Doyle (as above)

Ewerthon (as above and free, after selling Carroll)

Curtis Davies (back in his West Brom days)

Olivier Kapo (Auxerre and Juve times)


I remember the clamour for Erik Huseklepp and Per Ciljan Skjelbred on here too :lol:

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Guest Tyson

Sergei Yuran, John Salako, Francis Jeffers


With emphasis on the former. I'm glad the 'car demands' thing came up during the discussion of personal terms. KK picked up on something (re- his attitude) and rightly pulled the plug.


The other one was Ibrahim Ba, for different reasons. Top player in France, when he was an emerging star. His time in Italy, in a league which is very restrictive (re- tempo, and pattern of play) for pure ball-carrying wingers, destroyed him. Ball-playing widemen (ie. wide playmakers) tend to excell in Serie, as opposed to busting-out. Solano would've been a great addtion to any Serie A oufit back in the day.


His/Ba's move to Milan, to that league specifically, was the wrong move for a top talent suited elsewhere - most notably England where the emphasis one-on-one football (isolating defenders in space) is paramount. A serious leg injury, and having a accompanying red flag when he failed the medical, didn't help either.

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Guest johnson293

Dodged a load of fuckin bullets there like #mackem



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That Ronaldo kid, so glad we bought Vianna over him


Did we actually ever bid for him?


Think it was between those two, and we went for the latter IIRC


Ronaldo refused to talk to us and said he was waiting for a bigger club, so bobby got in touch with saf and the rest is history.


No wonder saf loved bobby.

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Anyone said Gervinho? Gervinho.


Basically all the ones we were linked to last summer that we didn't end up signing. They've all had obscure injuries/illnesses since. Maiga, for example.

There's a lesson to be learnt from this for players we are linked with: Sign for us, or you'll have a shite season :pow:

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An old knackered Edmilson under Fat Sam  :idiot2:


Francesco Coco as above too  ???


It's just a shame we couldn't put Alan Smith in this list  :'(

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