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End of Season scores.

Guest BooBoo

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Guest BooBoo

Time for some end of season scores:


Krul- 8- Very good season as our established number one keeper. Kicking needs work but can be very proud. Astonishing performance at Old Trafford being the stand out show.


Simpson-6- Criticism on this site borders on silly. Not a great player but a consistent part of a decent back four. Thanks for his efforts, likely to move. Some great last ditch clearances.


Perch- 7- A player reborn! Incredible really. Very versatile and fully committed. Valuable squad player.


Santon-7- Can be pleased with his debut season. Pards held him back and to begin with I thought he looked suspect. Settled well though and will be a big player next term.


Raylor-7- Goal at the SOL clearly gave him a massive confidence boost and I thought he did well in the first half of the season.


Colo-9- Pretty much terrific all year. Highly consistent and marshalled the defence excellently. Difficult to think of a game where he didn't perform. Just a lack of one or two goals prevented the perfect 10.


Williamson-6- Up and down. He's still weak as piss and offers zero threat as a set piece target man. Regrouped towards the end of the season with some good shows. Clearly needs upgrading though.


Saylor- 7.5- injury cruelly curtailed his season after he showed some of the best form of his career. A huge part of our great early season form.


Obertan- 5- Was given a number of chances but rarely showed he could offer much as an attacking threat. Before his goal at Blackburn, it was difficult to remember him even taking a shot at goal.


Ben Arfa- 7.5- When he was good he was very very good. Great to see him back playing after the horrendous injury. Capable of genius when the mood took him but prone to greediness. Stunning show at West Brom was my highlight and scored some special goals.


Cabaye-7- Not quite the roaring success that the press make out. Bagged some fantastic assists but goals were few and far between. Only on a handful of times did he show he could dominate a game. Was amazing at Villa but early 2012 form dipped. 4-4-2 seems to stifle him.


Tiote- 7- Not quite as good as last season but it remains that when he plays well, we win. Incapable of improving his discipline and is a walking yellow card.


Gosling- 4- Barely involved and a nonsensical red card at Norwich didn't help. Needs a move.


Guthrie- 6- Rarely let us down and deputised well for Cabaye at times. He'll move on.


Jonas- 7.5- Might not be a popular choice but my midfielder of the season. Never stops running and selflessly assisted Raylor when he played left back. Hardly missed a game and has a great attitude.


Sammy- 5- Can be pleased to break into squad but clearly not ready yet. A loan would help.


Vuckic- 5- Injured yet again for the majority of the season. Inly so many times we can say "maybe next season."


Abeid- 5- Hopefully his smal involvement will be built upon next season.


Marveaux- 5.5- Showed some nice touches but low mark reflects simply his lack of games.


Ba-8- Wonderful pre ACON and looked almost the complete striker. Was scoring goals for fun but his lack of form and confidence was alarming as winter turned to spring. Partially not his fault for being moved out wide for Cisse but looked a lost soul as the season finished.


Cisse- 9- Incredible success story. Great goalscorer and had his own goal of the season competition, complete class act. Give him chances and he'll score 20+ next season.


Shola- 7- Despite only bagging two goals, I actually thought he played some decent stuff in the second half of the season. Fantastic moment seeing him score yet again v Sunderland.


Best- 7- bit of an unsung hero and did a lot of Ba's donkey work in the first months of the season. Chipped in with four valuable goals. Would like to see him stay.


Lovenkrands- 5- Minimal contribution.

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Guest BooBoo

Yep, Best, Cabaye and Tiote all deserve 7s. :lol:


As I say, I think Best did a lot of Ba's work for him up until Christmas. Unsung hero.


Tiote I'd still have as a 7, he had a good season.

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Some extremely harsh scores considering the season we've just had.


Which ones?


I thought they were pretty much spot on. Maybe a 6.5 or 7 for Guthrie, but that's about it.


It's been a phenomenal season.


There's no point in a scoring system if you're going to refrain from using it. I'd be giving out 10s to our best players and a sprinkling of 8s and 9s across the board.


You've got to look at things relatively to the season that was expected beforehand and everybody has far exceeded that. If we consistently compete at this level and set high standards then I'd be more inclined to lower the par, but as it stands everybody has been brilliant.

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Yep, Best, Cabaye and Tiote all deserve 7s. :lol:


As I say, I think Best did a lot of Ba's work for him up until Christmas. Unsung hero.


Tiote I'd still have as a 7, he had a good season.


Absolutely no hope in hell I'm having it.  Best gets a 6 at the most (partly due to lack of involvement with the injuries, but mainly due to patchy form after a short purple patch at the start of the season) whereas Tiote is 7 or 8 and Cabaye is 8 or 9, considering their importance to the team over the course of the season.

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Just going for players i've seen enough, no point for bit part players


Krul - 8 - if learned to pass it out would have had 9 or so, nothing wrong with any other part of his game


Raylor - 7 - Limited in ability but did an admirable job for a lot of the season, some good free kicks and worked hard

Santon - 7 - Buckets of potential but not finished article yet. Had some great games though, the future

Saylor - 8 - Very very solid while involved, hope he recovers from the injury well and as much in form

Collo - 10 - Brilliantly reliable all season, would have liked some goals but oh well

Williamson -8 - Grew into the position, played very well towards end of season, had his shakey moments too

Perch - 7 - Terrible first half but solid at business end of season.

Simpson - 5 - Works very hard, can't fault his attitude on the pitch but has also sharpened a view of him not being up to scratch


Tiote - 7 - very stop start season, injuries haven't helped, there have certainly been a fair few amazing performances where he would pop up everywhere and completely dominate midfield, but also some where he'd disappear or just give the ball away too often. If he could stay longer in the team am confident he'd be consistently back to old self.

Cabaye - 8 - Frustratingly tethered at times to duties at back of field, and needs to keep is temper in check at times, but has been outstanding at others. His performance against stoke was magnificent and if he can reach that standard more regularly next season it will be incredible.

Guthrie - 7 - Played very well at times, not quite able to match the workrate or impose himself like Cabaye though

Jonas - 8 - Tough to mark as has lacked penetration at times, or disappeared, but has had some very very good performances too. Played some excellent defensive work on left, and being a water carrier in the middle.

Ben Arfa - 9 - Know bit high for someone who had basically half a season, but it's no coincidence imo that our storming form of the second half of season was when he really found his feet. His performance against West Brom away was a season highlight. When he's good he's very good, well better than anyone else in the league good.

Obertan - 5 - Not good enough, hope we do either manage to get rid of him or perform some kind of Perch style transformation on him but a flop


Best - 6 - Worked very hard first half of the season, but like Raylor worked very hard but limited. Still hard done by in a way.

Shola - 7 - Mackem slaying apart played well often when running down clock, holding up the ball, passing not too bad, still quite a few lazy offside performances too

Ba - 9 - His second half of the season dip shouldn't eclipse how amazing he was first half of season. Brilliant player who can score out of nothing.

Cisse - 10 - Similarly, incredible player.


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Guest bimpy474

Them scores were like my Mum judging my school work years ago, broke my heart the old bag did.

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Guest VaVaVoom

Krul- 9- Fantastic first season as a first team regular, has amazing ability and will only get better. Kept us in SO many games.


Simpson-7- Deserves SOME criticism but has had a decent season. He just isnt good enough, not his fault. Some very important blocks and clearance though.


Perch- 8- Turned his career round and has shown he is a very important squad player for next season. Would have him at RB if we dont sign enother fullback.


Santon-7- Has shown glimpses of real ability going forward, still green defensively but for a 1st season in a new country, has done well.


Raylor-8- Sterling effort in the 1st part of the season. Some great/important goals and is definitely a very importand squad player next season.


Colo-9- Outstanding season. Solid and composed and very rarely outdone, caught out a few times but few and far between. Our most important player.


Williamson-6- Hit and miss. He is a decent centre half when doing the basics, i just shit myself when he has time on the ball. Decent squad player.


Saylor- 8- Was an integral part of the best defence in the country until his injury.


Obertan- 5- Shit. Get rid.


Ben Arfa- 8- One of the most naturally gifted players to wear the shirt. Fantastic ability one the ball, real magic and has added a work ethic to fit into our team. Massive player for us. Hope he improves his decision making next season.


Cabaye-8- Has had a very good 1st season here. Great passing ability, great engine and great shot on him, just wish he got into the box and had a go more. 4231 suits him and if we stick with it he we get many more goals and assists.


Tiote- 8- When on form, has dominated the midfield. Needs to become more consistant next season if he is still here.


Gosling- 5- Not much pitch time but when he did get on looked average. Get rid.


Guthrie- 7- Done a great job when asked to come into the side. Needs 1st team football and will leave with our good wishes.


Jonas- 8- Works so hard for the team. Seen less of his running with the ball this season but scored a few mint goals.


Sammy- 6- Shown promise in his cameo's before getting injured. Great goal in the cup and will see a fair bit more of him next season.


Vuckic- 6- Showed real ability in some games he played. Injury record is a worry but hope to see a good bit more of him next season.


Abeid- 6-  Looks to be potentially a very good CM. Like Vuckic and Sameobi, will get alot more pitch time next season.


Marveaux- 6- Shown some class on the ball, technically very good and going to be a great option next season if he can stay fit!


Ba-9- Great form up until the ACON and Cisse coming in. Absolutely gash after though. Hope he stays and regains and sustains his form next season.


Cisse- 10- Fantastic. Complete stiker and almost the best in the PL imo. Left foot, right foot, head, intelligent movement and workrate.


Shola- 7- Few importanrt goals and definitely an option off the bench late on.


Best- 7- Had a good season before injury. Definitely keep him as a squad player.


Lovenkrands- 5- Poor. Giid attitude but let go.

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i thought some of otter's were pretty generous tbh :lol:


Krul - 9: Came of age, one of the best keepers in the league, but needs to work on distribution and has let in a few soft goals.


Simpson - 6: One of the poorest players in the division on the ball, but good positionally and fairly strong in the tackle. Tends to shirk responsibility going backwards though.

Williamson - 5: Pretty crap throughout if we're going to be honest, but got a bit better as he settled into the side.

Coloccini - 10: Immense all season, bar 2 or 3 matches when more physical strikers unnerved him.

Taylor - 9: Just as good as Colo for the part he completed, think he would've scored a few had he stayed fit as well.

Perch - 6: Went from awful to okay to great, so a bit of everything. A Perch medley.

Santon - 6: Took his time to settle in, looked all over the place positionally at first, but finished the season very strongly. Can't help but salivate when he's on the ball.


Raylor - 6: Was a total liability at left-back, though a few will overlook this because of his incredibly valuable goals. Actually looked a million times better later on in the season when he played in midfield, despite his goals drying up.


Obertan - 4: Had a few flashes of talent, but for the most part he looked hopeless.

Ben Arfa - 7.5: Never really got going earlier in the season, but looked outstanding in those few matches when we played 4-3-3. Ended up with a good deal of end product relative to the pitch time he saw. Slightly disappointing final few games though.

Jonas - 7: Started the season like a man possessed, adding end product and helping Raylor out at the back. But after the Stoke match he was abysmal for months on end. Tired faster than the rest at the end of the season due to the effort he put in, but was decent-ish when played centrally. Hopefully be more of a squad player next season.


Cabaye - 8.5: Looked the part after just a handful of games, but suffered from being played as a defensive midfielder for half the season. Still, he made that role his own, running and tackling just about more than anyone else in the Premiership, then looked even better when in an advanced role. Had a fair few anonymous matches during the mid-part of the season however, and has shown a nasty streak at times.

Tiote - 7: Stop-Start season, looked world class at times and a joke at others.

Gosling - 3: Didn't show anything this season.

Guthrie - 7: Played well going forward for the most part but yet again his weaknesses were exposed too often. Wish him all the best at his next club.


Ba - 8: 10 out of 10 before he went to ACON, 7 out of ten once Cisse came in. (4 out of 10 for his recent games mind).

Cisse - 10: Goallllllllllll(s).

Shola - 7: Played his sub role to perfection.

Best - 6: Was brilliant foil for Ba early in the season even if his individual performances weren't the best. will do well for a mid-table club next season.

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Guest BooBoo

I did consider a 10 for Cisse but he missed out (just) due to his no shows v Spurs and Sunderland. Picky, but I suppose 10 has to be perfection.

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I did consider a 10 for Cisse but he missed out (just) due to his no shows v Spurs and Sunderland. Picky, but I suppose 10 has to be perfection.


in retrospect maybe using him as a target man vs the mackems wasn't such a great idea. don't blame cisse for that one.

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Time for some end of season scores:


Krul - 8.5 - Fantastic breakthrough season, where he's played every league game and won us many, many points. Old Trafford was his best match but for me, his performances in the tighter games (Villa home, Norwich home, Swansea away) have been where he's been most valuable.


Simpson - 6 - Individually very poor for large parts of the season, although he has shown some form in fits and starts and the goalline clearances stat is simply nowt short of incredible. I'd like to see him moved on and improved on (TV Burp Poooooeeetttrrrryyyy Coooooorrrrnneeeer) for next season, as I feel his lack of ability with the ball and suspect positioning does cost us at times.


Perch - 7.5 - Amazing turnaround, hard to remember him having any bad games. Has fulfilled so many functions really well - left-back, right-back, centre-back (he was superb against Liverpool and Suarez), and the destroyer role in centre midfield. I used to like him coming on to see out the game if Tiote or Cabaye had a knock or were tired, he was dead effective in that role. Well done, hope we keep him.


Santon - 7 - Taken a while to find his feet but overall has shown some good promise. His season has mirrored Enrique's first at the club - initially struggling to get in the side and posting a few shaky performances but showing signs that he will come good and be a cracking player. Would love to see him get an extended stint at right-back.


Raylor - 7 - Over the wall was one of my favourite moments, and the criticism has been over the top. At times he outshone Simpson despite playing in an unfavoured role. A useful squad player and clearly a good pro; he's a useful utility player and he's also found a place in the centre of the park at times, which is just another string to his bow.


Colo - 9.5 - Can barely remember a single really bad error or rick all season, he's been absolutely superb and exceeded his incredibly high standards. Be nice if he could have scored a few this season but that goes for all our defenders - goals in the Coca Cola Cup apart (copyright Pards 2011), none of our defenders have scored this season which is a bit shite, really.


Williamson - 7-  Came back into the team maybe earlier than ideally necessary, and showed some good form initially and also at the back end of this season. He did have a bit of a rough spell in the middle, but he's posted some excellent showings (Liverpool, Man City and Man U at home are all good examples of him stepping up against bigger sides). Would like him to stay but not as a first eleven player.


Saylor - 7.5 - Was doing really well, shame he got injured.


Obertan - 4 - full of shit. There is literally no reason, no reason at all, that this goon should be in our starting side. He cannot pass the ball, his retention of possession borders on embarrassing and he has scored one goal, one, all season after an extended run in the side. He's an absolute dirt footballer, complete shite and I hope we peddle the big nosed fucker.


Ben Arfa - 8 - similar season to Santon; struggled to get in the team, looked a bit lost, then found his feet and has been excellent for us. Some cracking goals and performances, we just have to hope that a full, uninterrupted pre-season will get him performing to an even higher level after hopefully doing well for the Frogs in the Euros.


Cabaye - 7.5 - midfield terrier with a classy (FTM) edge. I like Cabaye, his eye for a pass is excellent and that free-kick against Man U was absolutely super. I think he'll do well for France in the summer and come back and have a much better season. As Otter and many others said though, the 4-4-2 does limit his influence somewhat. He shines in the 3, that game against Stoke showcased what he can do if we allow for him to push up a bit.


Tiote - 7 - A steady season where he's been in and out mainly due to injury (instead of suspensions this time!) and the African Interruption Cup. He's posted some masterful displays (Man U at home being the stand-out one) but has also looked out of sorts and a bit rusty at times. Hopefully this puts off teams with megabucks from buying him in the summer.


Gosling - 4 - Needs a loan somewhere for 6 months, I have faith he'll come good one day.


Guthrie - 7 - Came in and did a great job whenever one of the first choice central midfield players were missing. His substitute performance against Wolves at home was officially the worst performance from any player this season as a substitute, though. If he moves on, best of luck and he'll get more regular games for a lower half side.


Jonas - 8 - I love him, he's now learned to play in the centre to greater effect which is dead useful. He helped Sad Taylor when he was uncomfortable at full-back and has chipped in with some nice goals and assists. It's just a shame Wolves are relegated cos he saves his best for against them usually!


Sammy - 6 - Did areet, nice goal at Scunny. Some promising cameo performances and he can build on these maybe next season, either with us or out on loan somewhere.


Ferguson - 6 - Has coped manfully when involved and I hope we see more of him next season. He changed the game against Bolton at home, Ben Arfa might have scored a worldie (Merson is a cunt) but he created loads more room by attacking down his left flank.


Vuckic - 5 - Needs a run without injury and another short-term loan.


Abeid - 5 - Did okay, quite like the look/sound of him. Another one who might require a short-term loan if possible.


Marveaux - 6 - Looks good, just needs to stay fit. Potentially will be class.


Ba - 8 - Goals in the first half of the season were varied, numerous and very welcome. He's suffered from the arrival of Cisse and I really hope he doesn't dwell on his barren run too much this summer. Would love him to stay (obvs) but unsure if he will atm.


Cisse - 9.5 - absolutely excellent signing and there aren't really any words. He's one of the best two or three goalscorers in this league (Aguero and RvP being the other couple rivalling him currently) and I fucking love him.


Shola - 7- Finally found his niche as a super sub (SHOLA TIME!), nice assist for Ba's goal against Man U at home too. Often still shite when he starts the game though, QPR away was the worst. Loved his goal against the Mackems too, as is now customary.


Best - 7.5 - goal drought was clouding his excellent all-round play which got so much out of Ba. I'd like to see him and Cisse have a pop together if we insist with the 4-4-2, and unless we get an offer of £5-6m or above we should look to keep hold of Leon. The second goal vs Fulham at home was mint.


Lovenkrands - 4 - Thanks for the Championship season, Pistol Pete. Not good enough for this level and this was reflected by lack of minutes. I wish him well.

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Krul 9 – Probably our most important player. Peaked early in the season, when he saved us so many points.


Simpson 5.5 – the only defender who hasn’t improved. Still not positive enough.


S Taylor 7 – his best season to date, and very unlucky it didn’t last.


Coloccini 8.5 – Occasionally looked vulnerable, but produced some brilliant interceptions and tackles.


Williamson 6.5 – a very dodgy return to the side, but thereafter recovered his old form. A real asset.


Santon 7 – hard to mark, because he really struggled at first. Once he developed some confidence, he looked very promising.


R Taylor 6 – for effort and adaptability. Could be relied on to do his best, but still looks a squad player.


Jonas 7 – hard working and reliable.


Ben Arfa  7.5 – like Santon, hard to mark, but in the second half of the season, really moved up a gear. Next season he could be tremendous.


Tiote 7.5 – followed on from where he left off last season.


Guthrie 7 – a real surprise package. Our most improved player.


Cabaye 7.5 – great commitment to the cause. Improved steadily as he got used to the English game. Next season should be even better.


Obertan 3 – the season’s big disappointment. Needs to play with more heart.


Ba 7 – another difficult player to judge. His goals were invaluable in the first half of the season, but  faded badly when  he was pushed deeper following Cisse’s arrival. He doesn’t look a happy bunny any more and I think he’ll be off.


Cisse 8.5 – apart from his goals, he looked a much better all-round striker than I was expecting. Some amazing strikes and a very important player in our late upturn of form.


Shola 7 – far better than he is given credit for, as I say every year.


Best 6.5 – better than I was expecting. He makes the best of his ability, but not enough quality for where we want to go.


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These are not for effort, before anyone starts. This is how effective they've been whilst on the pitch.



Krul  8



Simpson  5.5

Perch  6.5

Williamson  6

Coloccini  9

Santon  6.5

S.Taylor  7.5

R.Taylor  6



Cabaye  7

Tiote  7

Jonas  6

Guthrie  5.5

Obertan  5



Ben Arfa  8

Ba  7.5

Cisse  9

Best  7

Shola  6.5

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