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Who would you let go?

Guest VaVaVoom

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Guest VaVaVoom

And for how much?


Simpson...2mil...We can get better. Would love Debuchy to replace him. Or Pieters.

Guthrie...FREE...Amalfitano already in to replace imo.

Smith...FREE...Not a loss

Forster...2mil...Doesnt want to sit on the bench. Would like if he did though. Better than Elliott.




I'd think people wouldnt mind to see Best go but for me, him and Shola will be important back up players. I'd possibly even like to see us offer Lovenkrands a year extension.


Obviously i dont want us to lose ANY of our key players but if wer did, how much would it be for to accept it?






Ben Arfa...20mil



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Only member of the first-team squad that i wouldn't be remotely bothered to see go would be Simpson. At a stretch Obertan, but he can be a useful option from the bench. I've come to accept that Guthrie's done here, but i still think he's a good player and would rather keep him.

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tiote not 30 mill... 30 mill number is super rare can be price achieve for defensive type of player.... 20 mill is sublime price for tiote. On note the potential most expensive player in newcastle squad is ben arfa it just need next season hype from media....

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Smith, Kadar and Lovenkrands are already out the door, I would have said them.


Otherwise, only really Simpson, Xisco and Obertan. Ranger, Harper and Forster I'm a bit indifferent about. Elliot, Vuckic, Abeid, Sammy and Shane need loans, even if they're just short-term ones.


Guthrie will probably go but I'd like to keep him, ideally. Also hope we keep Tavernier.

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If Tiote was to go, i'd hope we'd hold out for something in the region of £30m. Numbers are all relative, a player is as much as someone is willing to pay/how much a club values him. He is absolutely vital to us so it'd be irritating if we let him go for something that is 'fair', in comparison to what other players go for.

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Id let go Harper, Smith, Lovenkrands, Simpson, Ranger, Obertan ... Id try and keep Guthrie as I think hes the perfect backup to Cabaye .. but I can accept that he wants to find himself consistant first team football at this stage in his career.

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Guest VaVaVoom

Smith, Kadar and Lovenkrands are already out the door, I would have said them.


Otherwise, only really Simpson, Xisco and Obertan. Ranger, Harper and Forster I'm a bit indifferent about. Elliot, Vuckic, Abeid, Sammy and Shane need loans, even if they're just short-term ones.


Guthrie will probably go but I'd like to keep him, ideally. Also hope we keep Tavernier.


Forgot about Xisco...he can fuck off as well :lol: on what 50k a week? Him and Smith leaving takes a huge chunk off the wage bill.


I disagree about loans for the younger lads. For the season we are going to have they need to be training with the 1st team squad regularly and will be needed quite a bit i would imagine.

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And for how much?


Simpson...2mil...We can get better. Would love Debuchy to replace him. Or Pieters.

Guthrie...FREE...Amalfitano already in to replace imo.

Smith...FREE...Not a loss

Forster...2mil...Doesnt want to sit on the bench. Would like if he did though. Better than Elliott.




I'd think people wouldnt mind to see Best go but for me, him and Shola will be important back up players. I'd possibly even like to see us offer Lovenkrands a year extension.


Obviously i dont want us to lose ANY of our key players but if wer did, how much would it be for to accept it?






Ben Arfa...20mil




The valuations of those you don't want to go are perplexing to me. I don't value Tiote and Cabaye higher than Cisse and Ben Arfa...

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Smith, Kadar and Lovenkrands are already out the door, I would have said them.


Otherwise, only really Simpson, Xisco and Obertan. Ranger, Harper and Forster I'm a bit indifferent about. Elliot, Vuckic, Abeid, Sammy and Shane need loans, even if they're just short-term ones.


Guthrie will probably go but I'd like to keep him, ideally. Also hope we keep Tavernier.


Forgot about Xisco...he can fuck off as well :lol: on what 50k a week? Him and Smith leaving takes a huge chunk off the wage bill.


I disagree about loans for the younger lads. For the season we are going to have they need to be training with the 1st team squad regularly and will be needed quite a bit i would imagine.


We won't need them all at the same time. Sending them out for a month/three months at a time can only be good; particularly if we can have recall options.

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Guest VaVaVoom

Smith, Kadar and Lovenkrands are already out the door, I would have said them.


Otherwise, only really Simpson, Xisco and Obertan. Ranger, Harper and Forster I'm a bit indifferent about. Elliot, Vuckic, Abeid, Sammy and Shane need loans, even if they're just short-term ones.


Guthrie will probably go but I'd like to keep him, ideally. Also hope we keep Tavernier.


Forgot about Xisco...he can fuck off as well :lol: on what 50k a week? Him and Smith leaving takes a huge chunk off the wage bill.


I disagree about loans for the younger lads. For the season we are going to have they need to be training with the 1st team squad regularly and will be needed quite a bit i would imagine.


We won't need them all at the same time. Sending them out for a month/three months at a time can only be good; particularly if we can have recall options.


I reckon we could use most of them in the League Cup like. I'd expect Abeid, Vuckic, Sameobi, Ferguson and Tavernier to be starting a good few games together.

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There's no one I want to see go. If Forsters going (which is very likely) we need a decent back up keeper. Also i'd like to see Obertan and Gosling go on loan for half a season, or even more.

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Simpson can go, the rest would fight tooth and nail to keep, want to keep this group together, got a great spirit and understanding.


I would never let Ben Arfa go even for all the money in the world, we'll struggle to find a player with his talent again

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Simpson is the only first teamer who we can 'easily' upgrade on, and even then there's no guarantees everything will fall into place.


After that we could probably get a better left sided attacker than Ba, but could we get someone who can play up top or on the left as well?


We've lost a lot of youth players this year, would be happy to see no first teamers out, a full back and centre half in and then build on the underbelly of the club. Its a cliche, but we are adding Taylor and Marveaux to the first team squad post Jan as well

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we need a big squad next season. these i would still like to leave or expect to leave:




Løvenkrands (done at this level)


Elliot (dont know much about him tbh but from what i seen he doesnt look good. maybe get someone younger with talent.


Guthrie (expect to leave, but i do like him) he is replaceable though and we already got Romain.


simpson (expect to leave) could be a good backup...he doesnt see it that way though. for left and right back we have ok cover in ferguson, raylor, jonas....but if simpson goes we should at least sign one lb or rb. i would like to see santon on the right...its more natural....but guess it depends on who is available...


Forster (expect, for 2 mill + its ok)


Harper (move on or a coaching role maybe?)


kadar ( dont know much about him...but guess he will leave)


obertan ( think we should sell if possible...can be used as a sub...but cant see him improve much unfortunately).


Shola & best (?) shola isnt going anywhere and best could be ok cover. wouldnt be sad to see one of them leave if replaced.


ranger (not needed)


Hope to see these players more next season or loaned out:


Harris V.








Gosling (as i expect guthrie to leave i wouldnt mind keeping gosling....still believe he can play a role like guthrie did this season...also we cant change and will not so much in one window).


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Guest ThievingMagpie

Honestly I'd keep the whole lot of them except Smith, Xisco (who unfortunately will NEVER get his chance at United) and Ranger and keep the rest. We need the squad depth and I think we have enough "creative" finance people at the club to I think we'll be able to make it work within the financial model currently set down by Mike Ashley.



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Would be silly to let Elliot go imo, we have already lost Soderberg, Harper is out of contract and it looks like Forster is gone so we already need one keeper.


Elliot was highly rated at Charlton IIRC, just because he didn't instantly settle here doesn't mean he isn't good enough. If we sign another keeper we will still need a third choice and you aren't going to get a really good keeper who will play back up to the back up.

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