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The other games today - 2012/13

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f***, Middle Eastern teams are such cheats.  :lol: Makes you glad to be in UEFA, most of the teams are fairly tolerable.


Yanks on here have to put up with the central Americans who are nearly as bad.


You get used to their time wasting antics.. incredibly poor performance by Australia. Out pressured and out fought by Jordan. Holger Osieck our German coach still does not realise that players like Neill and Cahill are past their used by dates. Performances arent going to improve with a team full of 34 year olds. Time to blood the youth with a sprinkling of experienced players, like Bresciano.


I've watched quite a lot over the years and it never ceases to amaze me just how bad they are. Time-wasting, feigning injuries, diving, playacting... they do lot in extremes. Disco is right that the North Africans are the closest thing to rivaling them. I can't imagine what it would be like supporting a team that has to play these sides on a regular basis.


The way Neill was outpaced from that position for the 2nd goal should be a clear indication of his level. He looked extremely slow and cumbersome all game. I barely noticed Cahill on the pitch at all.


You're right that Bresciano was the one experienced guy who looked capable. Not too surprising considering he's had a career in a slower paced league and is a bit more cultured with the ball.


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International football is kinda decent.


It's not like. Watching it at least, it is generally a very poor substitute for the top European leagues.


I do quite like following the results though (seeing who is likely to qualify etc) and occasionally betting on it.

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International football is kinda decent.


It's not like. Watching it at least, it is generally a very poor substitute for the top European leagues.


I do quite like following the results though (seeing who is likely to qualify etc) and occasionally betting on it.


My opinion is fluctuating from the result in the Norway, match, man. :razz:


It's shit in general, though, yeah.

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San Marino defending like Champions against Montenegro.


Djordjevic scores and takes his shirt off. Most pointless booking in the history of the game? :lol: It's San Marino ffs.


Wasn't he the bloke who was a CM 01/02 legend of the Cherno Samba ilk?

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