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The other games today - 2012/13


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For all the talk about our schedule - having to go to Athens on Thursday then Chelsea on Saturday - I didn't realise that Chelsea themselves are playing today, then Wednesday and us on Saturday. They have an additional fixture to make up due to participation in the Super Cup in a couple of weeks.


Not as tough as our fixtures of course, but not as much as an advantage as I thought.

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Always liked Boyce :thup:


He's one of those names where you think "yeah he's comically bad", but he's not actually a bad player.


Was going to put him in my FF team as he'll get points going forward. Snip at 5m. Won't get many clean sheet bonuses in that defence though :lol:

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Guest Realist

It's a metaphor for their season - look dire at the start, calm down, achieve safety. 


When will you go down, Wigan :dave:

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Torres has been exceedingly bad.


That'll be because he's my fantasy league captain. :lol:


I know, you'd have to be a right dickhead to have Torres as captain.







Lampard and Ivanovic though. :fwap:


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Virtually no pressing in the Wigan half. Still finding it quite interesting though. A Wigan goal would make things better though - as a spectacle, anyway.


After the first 10 admittedly disastrous minutes, Wigan have been the better side. Chelsea don't look fussed about keeping any sort of high tempo.

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