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Alan Pardew


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Just checked, Perch and Jonas are one booking away from a suspension. Cabaye is two away.


Am i right thinking there's a point mid-season where yellows become null and void, or am i making that up? Wishful thinking that'd we'd make it to New Year without another suspension anyway.


That's not for a fucking age IIRC.

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"f***ing awful". Jesus wept.


We were man. Are you f***ing blind or something or just plaid stupid?! We could barely sting 4 passes together and were outplayed by an extremely average Liverpool side. We scored just before the break but rather than come out after the break full of spunk, we came out all meek and sat back. We played so deep the likes of Cisse were operating well inside the half-way line.



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Just checked, Perch and Jonas are one booking away from a suspension. Cabaye is two away.


Am i right thinking there's a point mid-season where yellows become null and void, or am i making that up? Wishful thinking that'd we'd make it to New Year without another suspension anyway.


End of the year I think.

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Guest neesy111

Just checked, Perch and Jonas are one booking away from a suspension. Cabaye is two away.


Am i right thinking there's a point mid-season where yellows become null and void, or am i making that up? Wishful thinking that'd we'd make it to New Year without another suspension anyway.


That's not for a fucking age IIRC.


New Year isn't it?

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Guest Dontooner

Hmmm watching us play is starting to give me a feeling of a old school Italy or German team. Very solid defensively and will attack when they think its time to come out of the shell. Well these teams did win or perform quite well over time maybe its time for me to accept we are a defensive 1st team. Not like Pardew is going anywhere soon.

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We drew, great, but can anyone say that was a good performance? Or that we played well? We were f***ing awful and have been like that far too often for me anway, not to show my concern.


We were fairly crap, as we have been all season. We made an average team look good by allowing them to play, as we have done all season.


I'm reluctant to get on Pardews case but jesus wept it's frustrating watching us at the minute.

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We're losing all our purples!  :frantic:


We have five winnable games coming up in the league, normally i'd want at least 11 points from them but with the injuries and suspensions we're picking up it'll be really tough.


Overall I don't think our season has been too bad in terms of results.  We've had one result which was slightly better than I expected and three that were slightly worse so we're down about four points on what I would have thought we should be aiming for.  It's the performances that aren't improving that is so worrying.

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"f***ing awful". Jesus wept.


We were man. Are you f***ing blind or something or just plaid stupid?! We could barely sting 4 passes together and were outplayed by an extremely average Liverpool side. We scored just before the break but rather than come out after the break full of spunk, we came out all meek and sat back. We played so deep the likes of Cisse were operating well inside the half-way line.


We weren't awful.  Fact.


We were, especially the entire second half. We invited the pressure all day long, as always.

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Guest Howaythetoon

We are worse to watch than anything served up by Roeder and Big Sam because we have very good players throughout.




Suarez is a very good player but if I'm a manager I'd man mark him because he is quite predictable. He is very selfish, one-footed and his whole game-plan is to run at his man, get into the box and dive/get tripped or get a shot away.


What do we do? Nowt, we just let him roam and do as he pleases.


As for Sterling... he's no better at this stage than N'Zogbia was for us when he first broke through and I suspect the Liverpool man will become a similar type of winger, all pace and directness but not a lot else.

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Hmmm watching us play is starting to give me a feeling of a old school Italy or German team. Very solid defensively and will attack when they think its time to come out of the shell. Well these teams did win or perform quite well over time maybe its time for me to accept we are a defensive 1st team. Not like Pardew is going anywhere soon.


I think it´s a different between defending in a good way and in a poor way. They performed in a good way, we in a bad. Because when we finally are getting the ball we just hoof. The ball is coming back faster than we can hit it. TRY AND FUCKING KEEP THE BALL.


And regarding our "so called offensive play" :facepalm:

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Too easy blaming Pardew for everything. He's not responsible for passing success is he? And decision making when carrying the ball? And finishing? And the ability to get something, anything at all from a set piece (see corners).


Their goal was a rare one. Bad defending though, and an even worse pass from Jonas feeding them the opportunity in the first place. Punished for our mistakes.

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Guest neesy111

HTT OTT as usual with his criticism.


It's frustration and I can understand people getting frustrated watching us.


I'm frustrated, but saying it's worse than the stuff under Allardyce is 100% bullshit.

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They have suarez and sterling and then the rest are distinctly average imo. I felt we defended brilliantly for the most part and for all their bluster they lacked that killer instinct. Really ccould have done with alll three points mind, however unrealistic/hopeful.

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We are worse to watch than anything served up by Roeder and Big Sam because we have very good players throughout.




Suarez is a very good player but if I'm a manager I'd man mark him because he is quite predictable. He is very selfish, one-footed and his whole game-plan is to run at his man, get into the box and dive/get tripped or get a shot away.


What do we do? Nowt, we just let him roam and do as he pleases.


As for Sterling... he's no better at this stage than N'Zogbia was for us when he first broke through and I suspect the Liverpool man will become a similar type of winger, all pace and directness but not a lot else.


worse to watch than under rodent and fat sam?


we might be one dimensional, but at least we are organised at the back, something we never had even as far back under Sir Bobby.

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We are worse to watch than anything served up by Roeder and Big Sam because we have very good players throughout.




Suarez is a very good player but if I'm a manager I'd man mark him because he is quite predictable. He is very selfish, one-footed and his whole game-plan is to run at his man, get into the box and dive/get tripped or get a shot away.


What do we do? Nowt, we just let him roam and do as he pleases.


As for Sterling... he's no better at this stage than N'Zogbia was for us when he first broke through and I suspect the Liverpool man will become a similar type of winger, all pace and directness but not a lot else.


Nah man, Stoke in the cup away from home before he was sacked.


Awful, just awful.

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Guest Howaythetoon

He is responsible for tactics, game plan and our football philosophy which is when we take the lead we try and protect that lead. When you have a side full of attacking flair that's a negative and backward philosophy. LET THEM PLAY should be the philosophy. When we went into the break one-nill up our philsophy should have been all about that second goal and getting at Liverpool. We did the opposite. Sadly I called it such is our predictability. We even deploy such tactics at home. Ironcally he picked a very good side and deployed the players in a good formation but our tactics despite such players and the formation were all-too familiar and trademark Pardew, cautious, percentages type footy and all-too damn predictable, so predictable a no-nowt like me called it at half-time as to how the second-half and game would pan out.

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worse to watch than under rodent and fat sam?


we might be one dimensional, but at least we are organised at the back, something we never had even as far back under Sir Bobby.



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Really needs to up his game and get the side moving forward. 




Simpson  Taylor  Willo      Santon



    Cabaye    Anita        Fergie



    Ben Arfa                  Sammy



Next match for me





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