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Alan Pardew


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Guest sicko2ndbest

”I don't know what you all want me to say. I obviously want to win on Thursday and I want to win again on Sunday (at Southampton) and I have got to come up with some sort of magical plan which makes me do that, but we have got enough quality in the squad to carry the two games and I hope we can.“


Not a magical plan Alan, just a tactically astute plan


If your talking magical plans, you've lost already!


Starting to come across as an arrogant fucker as well ' I don't know what you want me to say'.........I'll tell you what to say Alan, 'my hoof ball tactics havnt worked all season, we play more long balls than Stoke/West Ham, I need to go back ton the drawing board' ....would be a start

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He's really kept up his can-do attitude from last season, fair play.


Nah seriously, take a step back here.  Start reading between the lines of what he's saying in almost every interview now.


This one: "they are stronger clubs than us financially", “I've heard in the press and even our fans talking about transfers in".


After Swansea: along the lines of "they had a more experienced side out than us", i.e. the board didn't back me so I'm forced to play kids (and tbf out of form players too as there is no competition for places).


He's taking subtle swipes at the board and if he's got any integrity or ambition about him (and I'm not saying this would be good for us) the public swipes will get more obvious and behind closed doors he'll be ranting and raving.  That will be his undoing and why he gets binned in the end, because it's not likely to be for playing matters unless we're really struggling.  That's unless he is actually willing to put up with it, the signs are he's getting pissed off with it.

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Getting to the stage where I don't even want to hear him speak any more. I know he's got interviews to do and he's being asked questions which he's got to answer but I'm sick of his bullshit. Not fucking interested in what you say pal, just sort the fucking team out. Stop talking about it and fucking do something about it. 

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Getting to the stage where I don't even want to hear him speak any more. I know he's got interviews to do and he's being asked questions which he's got to answer but I'm sick of his bullshit. Not f***ing interested in what you say pal, just sort the f***ing team out. Stop talking about it and f***ing do something about it. 





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He's really kept up his can-do attitude from last season, fair play.


Nah seriously, take a step back here.  Start reading between the lines of what he's saying in almost every interview now.


This one: "they are stronger clubs than us financially", “I've heard in the press and even our fans talking about transfers in".


After Swansea: along the lines of "they had a more experienced side out than us", i.e. the board didn't back me so I'm forced to play kids (and tbf out of form players too as there is no competition for places).


He's taking subtle swipes at the board and if he's got any integrity or ambition about him (and I'm not saying this would be good for us) the public swipes will get more obvious and behind closed doors he'll be ranting and raving.  That will be his undoing and why he gets binned in the end, because it's not likely to be for playing matters unless we're really struggling.  That's unless he is actually willing to put up with it, the signs are he's getting pissed off with it.


Very true. Can't see Ashley getting rid in spite of the shite we've been served up so far this season. We'd have to be bottom three by Christmas, I reckon, if Ashley was going to pull the trigger.


Even if Pardew was to go, I wonder what manager worth his salt would be willing to work under this regime? Doubtless it'd be another chancer, another football dinosaur/relic who wouldn't otherwise be able to get a top flight job. Frustrating as fuck, but Pardew's got to be a safer bet for the time being. Not a chance in hell we'll ever be appointing a top draw manager under this lot.

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Nobody else hearing what I'm hearing then?  My dad alluded to it earlier and it clicked.  Put everything else aside and he's taking subtle digs at the board more and more often.


You could be right for sure man but he got into bed with them and he knew what was under the covers.

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doesn't he regularly come out with stuff like this ? pretty sure on the run up to every transfer window people are reading between the lines about getting us ready to sell everyone and coded messages to the owner.


agree with midds about getting sick of hearing him but to be fair it goes for all managers, they all say what they think we want to hear and lie through their teeth, they shouldn't be required to have press conferences etc as 99.9% of them are pure shit.

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Be contrary all you like - it's went from him saying it was a very successful window and that we should all be thankful to the owner, to him making more and more statements that indicate he's frustrated that he couldn't add to his squad in the summer.  The increase in those statements has coincided with a downturn in results, it says to me that he's not willing to take the heat off the board as much (if at all) when things aren't going so well.  Will be interesting to see if there's anything in it.

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Be contrary all you like - it's went from him saying it was a very successful window and that we should all be thankful to the owner, to him making more and more statements that indicate he's frustrated that he couldn't add to his squad in the summer.  The increase in those statements has coincided with a downturn in results, it says to me that he's not willing to take the heat off the board as much (if at all) when things aren't going so well.  Will be interesting to see if there's anything in it.

on the run up to every window he says what we 'want' (the message to the owner) and afterwards ' be thakful we didn't sell everyone'...where's the contrariness ?
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Be contrary all you like - it's went from him saying it was a very successful window and that we should all be thankful to the owner, to him making more and more statements that indicate he's frustrated that he couldn't add to his squad in the summer.  The increase in those statements has coincided with a downturn in results, it says to me that he's not willing to take the heat off the board as much (if at all) when things aren't going so well.  Will be interesting to see if there's anything in it.

on the run up to every window he says what we 'want' (the message to the owner) and afterwards ' be thakful we didn't sell everyone'...where's the contrariness ?


He's not dong that, he's not generally referring to future windows and 'what we want', he's making statements that are blaming the last window and the general transfer policy for our form.  He's never really done that before and he's now doing it more and more regularly.  In other words, not taking the heat off the board as you might expect.  Plus it's a bit early to be putting pressure on before January.

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Be contrary all you like - it's went from him saying it was a very successful window and that we should all be thankful to the owner, to him making more and more statements that indicate he's frustrated that he couldn't add to his squad in the summer.  The increase in those statements has coincided with a downturn in results, it says to me that he's not willing to take the heat off the board as much (if at all) when things aren't going so well.  Will be interesting to see if there's anything in it.

on the run up to every window he says what we 'want' (the message to the owner) and afterwards ' be thakful we didn't sell everyone'...where's the contrariness ?


He's not dong that, he's not generally referring to future windows and 'what we want', he's making statements that are blaming the last window and the general transfer policy for our form.  He's never really done that before and he's now doing it more and more regularly.  In other words, not taking the heat off the board as you might expect.  Plus it's a bit early to be putting pressure on before January.

where you getting that from.


says other clubs have more money...check

says we just have to get on with it....check


if anything some would say he's saying clubs that have spent more than us are in a simialr situation, reading that article, which group of words lead you to the conclusion he's having a sly dig at the owner  ?

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“I've heard in the press and even our fans talking about transfers in" - that says to me in the summer just gone, not in January.  And in that case he's changed his tune a lot since a couple of months back, when things were a bit more "rosy".  He'll have to watch himself being so insubordinate, that's all I'm saying.


Plus as stated, the quotes about big old Swansea having a more experienced side out than us, in other words he's pissed off that he's having to play kids.  Saying he wasn't that disappointed with the result on Saturday and also that "What do you want me to say?" quote suggest he's feeling a bit hard done by and is absolving himself of much of the criticism. I suspect there are other quotes knocking about as that's the feeling I get, I can't be arsed digging them up as I'm off to bed.

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swansea did have a more experienced team out (not that i think it matters too much).


the quote you mentioned is very ambiguous, even if it meant the window gone, which i'm not sure about, in which we had decent bids for de jong and debuchy (if the story they moved the goalposts are true), would he rather spend that on inferirors are bide his time.....would you ?


not disappointed with the reult on saturday, i'll bet he was, my guess is he's tripped over his words or it's been misreported, if it were true and meant that way that would be the BIG story.........you know that deep down aswell.

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He's really kept up his can-do attitude from last season, fair play.


Nah seriously, take a step back here.  Start reading between the lines of what he's saying in almost every interview now.


This one: "they are stronger clubs than us financially", “I've heard in the press and even our fans talking about transfers in".


After Swansea: along the lines of "they had a more experienced side out than us", i.e. the board didn't back me so I'm forced to play kids (and tbf out of form players too as there is no competition for places).


He's taking subtle swipes at the board and if he's got any integrity or ambition about him (and I'm not saying this would be good for us) the public swipes will get more obvious and behind closed doors he'll be ranting and raving.  That will be his undoing and why he gets binned in the end, because it's not likely to be for playing matters unless we're really struggling.  That's unless he is actually willing to put up with it, the signs are he's getting pissed off with it.


Why is he taking subtle swipes at the board while signing an 8 year contract?

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