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Alan Pardew


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Ashley and Llambias aren't football men. They don't understand football and almost certainly can't see how terrible our football is every week. Even if they could it matters little to them.


This is the main reason I can't see them sacking him unless it gets absolutely desperate in terms of relegation.


They understand what dropping from 5th to whereever we end up means £'s.


Probably but they're happy to take that drop since it meant not investing over the summer. I think they're happy for us to bob along achieving nothing but staying afloat, and I'm sure they think Pardew can do that.

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There'll come a point where it becomes a case of salvaging the season rather than saving it.


Pardew needs to be gone by then. We still have the players and time to turn it around. That's why I want him replaced now rather than waiting for him to fuck up further.

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Guest neesy111

Ashley and Llambias aren't football men. They don't understand football and almost certainly can't see how terrible our football is every week. Even if they could it matters little to them.


This is the main reason I can't see them sacking him unless it gets absolutely desperate in terms of relegation.


They understand what dropping from 5th to whereever we end up means £'s.


IMO Season Ticket sales will plummet next season, not a chance I'm paying to watch the shite I've had to this season.  Cuppled in with prize money being vastly down, it'll be a big hit.

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Here's the thing with Cisse. Has never previously played out wide as far as I know.


Ba on the other hand played exclusively on the left at Hoffenheim.


I'm sorry, but if Ba doesn't want to play there for the better of the team, then he sits. Period.


Especially as it is also increasingly looking as though he won't be around much longer, as he is not happy to sign a new contract.

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Here's the thing with Cisse. Has never previously played out wide as far as I know.


Ba on the other hand played exclusively on the left at Hoffenheim.


I'm sorry, but if Ba doesn't want to play there for the better of the team, then he sits. Period.


Especially as it is also increasingly looking as though he won't be around much longer, as he is not happy to sign a new contract.


I totally agree with this, it's inexplicable that Ba isn't playing on the left every game.

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Ashley and Llambias aren't football men. They don't understand football and almost certainly can't see how terrible our football is every week. Even if they could it matters little to them.


This is the main reason I can't see them sacking him unless it gets absolutely desperate in terms of relegation.


They understand what dropping from 5th to whereever we end up means £'s.

Assuming the same as last season (5th to 15th):

£7.5m less in merit payments + £2-3m is future TV payments due to lower league positioning this season.


The increased TV deal money will override all of that though...I think.

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Guest neesy111

Can I just say what has Pardew done in the past apart from 5th last season to warrant such backing?


I'm going to eat a cake full of humble pie with West Ham when I next see him who predicted last season it'll all fall apart under Pardew.

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I still rate him.


As he integrates Anita into the side we are playing better football. Hes an option for the back 4 to play it out to and we've launched it a lot less in the last 2 games as a result. I doubted Anita, but hes starting to prove me wrong.


With the ball on the deck more Ba and Cisse are starting to show signs they can play together. There is still a long way to go here though, but credit to Pardew for not giving up on it.


The intensity (and ability) of our midfield covered a multitude of deficiencies last year. Cabaye and Tiote consistently covered more ground than anyone on the pitch, and Jonas would run miles too. We would win 2nd balls, put sides under pressure and control the middle against all but the best teams. Consequently a team containing Obertan, Best, Simpson, Taylor went 11 unbeaten.


We just haven't had that this season. But I think Tiote is starting to get back to what he was and Anita may be able  to forge an effective partnership with him.


He is showing too much loyalty to Jonas though, and it is costing us. Hopefully Marveaux can follow Anita into the side and complete an absolute turn around from their horror 1st half at Everton.


Get Cabaye back and 1 or 2 players in January without losing anyone, and I'm hopeful we'll look very good for the cups and 2nd half of the season.


Improved 2nd half performances make it clear the players are still playing for him, and I see plenty of signs of improvement and reasons to be positive.


Really don't understand a lot of the criticism in this thread.


The main reason I dislike Pardew is that its very hard to see any intelligent or logical thought behind his tactics, beyond personal preference. Even when we were going direct with Hughton, we had a game plan, i.e. getting Barton to hit long diagonals at our front men to get behind their defensive line, or setting the team up to benefit from Carroll's flick-ons. Our defence had a proper game plan too; remember the high line, which was actually effective at pressuring the other team off the ball quickly? Or our triple-layered defensive line which made us impregnable in some games? When Pardew took over he brought nothing new to the team for a while and we did just fine.


That, and he's a smug egoistic prick who will never learn from his mistakes or put any blame on himself ala Souness.



Over the course of nearly 2 years he has taken over this side:




Simpson  Williamson / Taylor Colo  Enrique


          Jonas            Nolan      Tiote          Barton


                Ameobi  Lovenkrands


And delivered a mid table finish without having the player the side was built around for half the season (despite being assured that he would have him)



He then put out this side and delivered an 11 game unbeaten run. Again he had to do this without the striker and the left back he was promised in the summer:




Simpson  Willo / Taylor  Colo      Taylor


Obertan        Tiote          Cabaye        Jonas


                  Best                Ba



Then when that side ran out of steam in the middle third of the season (and a lot of people on here, who have clearly learnt nothing, started absolutely slaughtering him), he made the transition to this side:




        Simpson        Williamson  Colo        Santon


                    Jonas        Tiote  Cabaye


                      HBA        Cisse        Ba


And delivered a 5th placed finish, far beyond anyones expectations.


Thats not "a fluke", thats consistently good management over nearly 2 years. Compare to the many other managers we've had who don't manage to impose any system of play at all, and have clearly lost the players completely after less than a year.


A big part of it has been the faith he has shown in squad players. I never saw any way Perch could play in the Premier League. Since leaving Guthrie has disappeared off the faith of the earth. I remember being incredulous that Best was starting v West Ham. Pardew talked him up in the press, stuck him in the team despite the barracking he would get if we lost, and Best got a hat trick and was very effective for the rest of the year.


Hes now properly struggling for the 1st time in 2 years, but we are improving, and I'd back him to deliver a 4th effective starting XI. How about supporters actually show a bit of faith in him? You cannot possibly say he hasn't earned it.


I believe the first 6 words of your final sentence reveal a lot about the motives behind your post in this thread, and that of a lot of other posters as well.

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IMO Season Ticket sales will plummet next season, not a chance I'm paying to watch the s**** I've had to this season.  Cuppled in with prize money being vastly down, it'll be a big hit.


Shirt sales will be down because no self respecting person will buy a shirt with Wonga on it.

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I still rate him.


As he integrates Anita into the side we are playing better football. Hes an option for the back 4 to play it out to and we've launched it a lot less in the last 2 games as a result. I doubted Anita, but hes starting to prove me wrong.


With the ball on the deck more Ba and Cisse are starting to show signs they can play together. There is still a long way to go here though, but credit to Pardew for not giving up on it.


The intensity (and ability) of our midfield covered a multitude of deficiencies last year. Cabaye and Tiote consistently covered more ground than anyone on the pitch, and Jonas would run miles too. We would win 2nd balls, put sides under pressure and control the middle against all but the best teams. Consequently a team containing Obertan, Best, Simpson, Taylor went 11 unbeaten.


We just haven't had that this season. But I think Tiote is starting to get back to what he was and Anita may be able  to forge an effective partnership with him.


He is showing too much loyalty to Jonas though, and it is costing us. Hopefully Marveaux can follow Anita into the side and complete an absolute turn around from their horror 1st half at Everton.


Get Cabaye back and 1 or 2 players in January without losing anyone, and I'm hopeful we'll look very good for the cups and 2nd half of the season.


Improved 2nd half performances make it clear the players are still playing for him, and I see plenty of signs of improvement and reasons to be positive.


Really don't understand a lot of the criticism in this thread.


The main reason I dislike Pardew is that its very hard to see any intelligent or logical thought behind his tactics, beyond personal preference. Even when we were going direct with Hughton, we had a game plan, i.e. getting Barton to hit long diagonals at our front men to get behind their defensive line, or setting the team up to benefit from Carroll's flick-ons. Our defence had a proper game plan too; remember the high line, which was actually effective at pressuring the other team off the ball quickly? Or our triple-layered defensive line which made us impregnable in some games? When Pardew took over he brought nothing new to the team for a while and we did just fine.


That, and he's a smug egoistic prick who will never learn from his mistakes or put any blame on himself ala Souness.



Over the course of nearly 2 years he has taken over this side:




Simpson  Williamson / Taylor Colo  Enrique


          Jonas            Nolan      Tiote          Barton


                Ameobi  Lovenkrands


And delivered a mid table finish without having the player the side was built around for half the season (despite being assured that he would have him)



He then put out this side and delivered an 11 game unbeaten run. Again he had to do this without the striker and the left back he was promised in the summer:




Simpson  Willo / Taylor  Colo      Taylor


Obertan        Tiote          Cabaye        Jonas


                  Best                Ba



Then when that side ran out of steam in the middle third of the season (and a lot of people on here, who have clearly learnt nothing, started absolutely slaughtering him), he made the transition to this side:




        Simpson        Williamson  Colo        Santon


                    Jonas        Tiote  Cabaye


                      HBA        Cisse        Ba


And delivered a 5th placed finish, far beyond anyones expectations.


Thats not "a fluke", thats consistently good management over nearly 2 years. Compare to the many other managers we've had who don't manage to impose any system of play at all, and have clearly lost the players completely after less than a year.


A big part of it has been the faith he has shown in squad players. I never saw any way Perch could play in the Premier League. Since leaving Guthrie has disappeared off the faith of the earth. I remember being incredulous that Best was starting v West Ham. Pardew talked him up in the press, stuck him in the team despite the barracking he would get if we lost, and Best got a hat trick and was very effective for the rest of the year.


Hes now properly struggling for the 1st time in 2 years, but we are improving, and I'd back him to deliver a 4th effective starting XI. How about supporters actually show a bit of faith in him? You cannot possibly say he hasn't earned it.


I believe the first 6 words of your final sentence reveal a lot about the motives behind your post in this thread, and that of a lot of other posters as well.


Sensible stuff, I'm with you TBH. I don't agree with everything Pardew does, but I can't remember a manager where I have.


But as you say, people are writing off his abilities far too easily, and might have a lot to do with his personality for some.

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Can I just say what has Pardew done in the past apart from 5th last season to warrant such backing?


I'm going to eat a cake full of humble pie with West Ham when I next see him who predicted last season it'll all fall apart under Pardew.


It's not only about Pardew. Who do you see replacing him right now if he gets the boot?

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Ashley and Llambias aren't football men. They don't understand football and almost certainly can't see how terrible our football is every week. Even if they could it matters little to them.


This is the main reason I can't see them sacking him unless it gets absolutely desperate in terms of relegation.


They understand what dropping from 5th to whereever we end up means £'s.

Assuming the same as last season (5th to 15th):

£7.5m less in merit payments + £2-3m is future TV payments due to lower league positioning this season.


The increased TV deal money will override all of that though...I think.


The increased TV money is the season after.

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Guest neesy111

Can I just say what has Pardew done in the past apart from 5th last season to warrant such backing?


I'm going to eat a cake full of humble pie with West Ham when I next see him who predicted last season it'll all fall apart under Pardew.


It's not only about Pardew. Who do you see replacing him right now if he gets the boot?


That's a big issue but a decent manager could get more out of the 1st team than what Pardew is currently.

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what planet are some of these people on, wake up and smell the coffee!


using Ba not playing on the left as some excuse for Pardew's failure lol


Oh yeah because simply putting Ba out on the left will miraculously solve all our problems and make us from playing like turds to world beaters.  FML.


Because Ba playing out wide is the reason why we finished 5th last season... NOOO!!!!


Ba played only a handful of games out wide over the entirety of last season.


Wake up!!!!


Jonas played mostly the entirety of games outwide on the left not Ba last season and we finished 5th and now he looks like a turd,  explain that one.

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We have loads of players on long contracts, Pardew has one himself. All the signs are the club is planning for stability, it would be a massive mistake to sack the manager at this point.


The biggest mistake would be to keep him and go down.

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We have loads of players on long contracts, Pardew has one himself. All the signs are the club is planning for stability, it would be a massive mistake to sack the manager at this point.


When do you sack him? When we are 7 points adrift with 3 games to go?

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what planet are some of these people on, wake up and smell the coffee!


using Ba not playing on the left as some excuse for Pardew's failure lol


Oh yeah because simply putting Ba out on the left will miraculously solve all our problems and make us from playing like turds to world beaters.  FML.


Because Ba playing out wide is the reason why we finished 5th last season... NOOO!!!!


Ba played only a handful of games out wide over the entirety of last season.


Wake up!!!!



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We have loads of players on long contracts, Pardew has one himself. All the signs are the club is planning for stability, it would be a massive mistake to sack the manager at this point.


The biggest mistake would be to keep him and go down.


We have loads of players on long contracts, Pardew has one himself. All the signs are the club is planning for stability, it would be a massive mistake to sack the manager at this point.


When do you sack him? When we are 7 points adrift with 3 games to go?


Obviously if anyone knew we were going down, and would survive by replacing him, we wouldn't be discussing this.

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We have loads of players on long contracts, Pardew has one himself. All the signs are the club is planning for stability, it would be a massive mistake to sack the manager at this point.


The biggest mistake would be to keep him and go down.


We have loads of players on long contracts, Pardew has one himself. All the signs are the club is planning for stability, it would be a massive mistake to sack the manager at this point.


When do you sack him? When we are 7 points adrift with 3 games to go?


Obviously if anyone knew we were going down, and would survive by replacing him, we wouldn't be discussing this.


So just keep him till we know we're down. Great plan batman.

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