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Man United 4 - 3 Newcastle United - 26/12/12 - post-match sobfest from page 50


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The thing is Froggy surely you know that coming to your opponents forum right after the game that ended with an injury time defeat posting a picture of the manager who quite frankly acted in a way that is a disgrace to the game is intense provocation and would result in some strong words. Banter is one thing but when you poke a hornet's nest with your dick surely you don't expect to come out with your dick still functioning. Give it a few days and the tone and content of the conversation would be very different. Although I don't think you're a typical glory hunter, in this instance and based on your provocation, I have absolutely no sympathy for you. You deserve every bit you're getting and more.

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The thing is Froggy surely you know that coming to your opponents forum right after the game that ended with an injury time defeat posting a picture of the manager who quite frankly acted in a way that is a disgrace to the game is intense provocation and would result in some strong words. Banter is one thing but when you poke a hornet's nest with your dick surely you don't expect to come out with your dick still functioning. Give it a few days and the tone and content of the conversation would be very different. Although I don't think you're a typical glory hunter, in this instance and based on your provocation, I have absolutely no sympathy for you. You deserve every bit you're getting and more.


The Fergie picture was after the initial glory hunter stuff aimed at me, but aye I can see why that would annoy some people I suppose.



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Cannot really argue with most of that alpal apart from getting more abuse.


Glad to see that the media are reporting the injury now when our match is mentioned.  You know, the impotant injury to Wayne Rooney that wasn't related to the game.  Not one fucking mention of Anita 'almost being killed'.  Could you imagine the reports if it had been Rooney on the end of that challenge and a Newcastle player getting away without a second yellow?  Of course you can't because the match report would have ended with 'and Newcastle were reduced to ten men late on...' - which ironically we were anyway.

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We have no right to slate Man United supporters for being glory hunters. For the one Korean Scunthorpe United supporter that I'm sure exists somewhere on this Earth, I'm probably just as much of a glory hunting c***. It's all relative.

What absolute bullsh*t.

You follow Man Yoo because they win. End of. There are tons of sneering glorying posts after a Man Yoo victory all over the place. The number actually FROM Manchester are few and far between.

Gloryhunters is, to say the LEAST an understatement.

By the way, Alan "Ars*hole" Brazil was at it again this morning.

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I am giving MOTD, SSN, Radio etc, the widest birth possible for a couple of days.


:lol: Got in from the pub last night and stuck the telly on, it happened to be showing our game so there was a mad scramble as 3 of us dived for the remote to change the channel.


Can't be arsed to remember the game in detail, but as usual it was the fucking hope that killed me. I was all prepared to lose, but not like that!

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We have no right to slate Man United supporters for being glory hunters. For the one Korean Scunthorpe United supporter that I'm sure exists somewhere on this Earth, I'm probably just as much of a glory hunting cunt. It's all relative.


What I do hate is people who purport to 'support' Man U when in reality they just follow the brand name. They'll never go to a game, hell, they won't even watch the games if they have anything better to do. The club barely touches them emotionally at all but for them Man U is a successful brand that they just want as part of their image, like wearing an Armani suit or driving a Mercedes.


These very same people are almost unerringly the most arrogant and belittling towards supporters of other clubs. They are scum of the Earth and should be rounded up, put into a labor camp, and forced to watch Stoke v. Stoke Reserves for the rest of their natural lives.


Froggy, however, is clearly not one of these.


Mentioned it last game but was in a pub full of Man U 'supporters' last time we played and their reaction to their goal was pathetic. Proper 'Whhheeeyyyyy we have scored one of those goal thingies' when one of them had taken a moment out of talking about Hollyoaks (or something) to glance up at the screen and realise the red team seemed to be celebrating.

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We have no right to slate Man United supporters for being glory hunters. For the one Korean Scunthorpe United supporter that I'm sure exists somewhere on this Earth, I'm probably just as much of a glory hunting cunt. It's all relative.


What I do hate is people who purport to 'support' Man U when in reality they just follow the brand name. They'll never go to a game, hell, they won't even watch the games if they have anything better to do. The club barely touches them emotionally at all but for them Man U is a successful brand that they just want as part of their image, like wearing an Armani suit or driving a Mercedes.


These very same people are almost unerringly the most arrogant and belittling towards supporters of other clubs. They are scum of the Earth and should be rounded up, put into a labor camp, and forced to watch Stoke v. Stoke Reserves for the rest of their natural lives.


Froggy, however, is clearly not one of these.


Mentioned it last game but was in a pub full of Man U 'supporters' last time we played and their reaction to their goal was pathetic. Proper 'Whhheeeyyyyy we have scored one of those goal thingies' when one of them had taken a moment out of talking about Hollyoaks (or something) to glance up at the screen and realise the red team seemed to be celebrating.




:lol:  reminds me of being in Islington the night Arsenal won the title at Anfield , and some posh cunts in a car with a flag on top went past and shouted at me -' We won the cup'.....' No you didnt it was the league'

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Man, this defeat hurts like fucking hell, I was surrounded my Man Utd fans as well during it, but am I coming on here acting like a baby? No. I know Froggy personally and he is one of the most level headed Man Utd fans you could meet, trust me I've seen the worst of the worst. People are slating him on here because we're just on the end of bad defeat. Froggy has shit loads of posts on here and has been on here for ages, why complain now?


I'm not from Newcastle, I could have supported a team in League Two but I'm supporting a Premier League team, I guess I'm not a real fan now too in the eyes of Billy I should just fuck off as well.


People need to get a grip, seriously. Man Utd has an army of glory hunting cunts, but that doesn't make them all like that, if it does then what about me, Kaizero, Oldtype etc? Are we fine because Newcastle don't win anything? What happens if Newcastle suddenly become extremely successful, does our status as supporters change because we aren't local?


It's Boxing Day, go out and have a few beers and forget about this result until tomorrow when you calm down.


What a load of shite. He supports Manchester United because they are table toppers. Glory hunters do. Or Liverpool. Or any other parennial title winners over the years. That's why I enjoy our Northern/Southern Irish/ around the World support. Because they're not doing it for the glory, the off hand snidey remarks they can belittle other football fans with, they're doing it to be real fans...fans who experience pain. When I say pain, I don't mean not winning a trophy for a year or two, or even losing one in the last minute to your nearest rivals. Though that would obviously hurt. I mean going years without even looking like winning anything, even getting relegated a few times as we have.


So when we do eventually win something, it will mean something, because we are a proper club with proper supporters, not a club or fans who believe we have a God given right to success, as we obviously don't. I honestly do not understand the mentality of glory hunting...maybe supporting Manchester United/ Chelsea/Liverpool in the 80's helps to provide a fake popularity amongst peers?


So he gets completely slated because he supports a successful club? I get where you're coming from, but I think you're just jumping down his throat because he supports Man Utd and we lost to them in a harsh way today. Just because someone supports a successful club doesn't mean they are a clueless fan or that they are automatically always unreasonable. I don't see where Froggy slated Newcastle on here or rubbed our noses in it, yet people are jumping down his throat. It is clearly just because he is a non-Manchester based Man Utd fan, and for nothing else. People on here need to be bigger than that.


There was gloating as many will testify to. I'm not saying anymore on the subject. I'm sorry Decky if you're upset about your mate's treatment...I said things after he attempted to make humour about my parents I'm not very proud of and for that I shall apologise unreservedly. But on the main point, you are wrong... I detest glory huntery every day of the year...it's why I loathed Liverpool whilst growing up, and it's why I've loathed Manchester United for the last 20 years...I make no apologies here mind....if you have no connection to a place who's incumbent football team keeps winning silverware , and you "support" said team , you'll get no respect from me whatsoever in footballing discussion.


What is the difference between me and him? What scale is glory hunting rated on? Success in one league? A lot of League One, Two and below would see me as a glory hunter. I have no connections to Newcastle, yet I support them, a Premier League team. You can go on about glory hunting until the cows come home, but your point doesn't stop with trophies, Newcastle are incredibly successful and the likes of myself have only become supporters off the back of it. Are we less a supporter than you Billy? Should the likes of me and the other foreigners just do one with Froggy?


Edit: In reply to this: "if you have no connection to a place who's incumbent football team keeps winning silverware , and you "support" said team , you'll get no respect from me whatsoever". Again, if Newcastle win a few trophies are we automatically less a supporter?


Don't be silly Declan, of course glory hunting stops with trophies. We haven't won one for 43 years. You'd be the worst glory hunter in the World supporting us.

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Guest alijmitchell

I used to live with a Northern Irish guy who supported Man U and Celtic. Man U because his dad did (His dad no doubt followed George Best) and Celtic because he was a Catholic. So there can be other reasons for supporting a team. However, he was insufferable cunt on weekends as well. Gloating to me when both won and if either team lost, he didn't care at all, and his standard response to me was "at least we've won all these cups", and "at least is support the best two teams", he also often asked why I supported Newcastle and why I didn't have a second team in Scotland (I was living in Glasgow at the time). So for a while I went to Partick Thistle games for a laugh, but it didn't feel anything like watching the toon so I jacked it. He has never ever felt footballing pain, because at the end of the day, he like most other fans of Man U, just don't 'get it'.

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I'm Irish, catholic and hate Celtic. I have friends who say they support both and reckon they can't decide who to go for when the two play each other.


Never understood this attitude, I support Newcastle but like Luton given my location and a lot of my mates support them so I have been to a fair amount of their games.


If we played Luton I would hope we stuffed them by the biggest margin we could manage, so much so that my mates would cry a little.



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Sick of "taking positives" from defeats like, especially when the f***ing mackems are beating Man City after the many positives we took from them rolling us over at home.




I'll take positives when we win.


He made a rod for his own back after 'those' 3 games. I think since Stoke we genuinely have been unlucky to only have picked up 6 points, and if we hadn't been so shit against West Ham, Swansea and Southampton we might have had the confidence to, for example, hold on against Stoke, pick up a point at Fulham, etc. Genuinely believe those 3 games, the tactics, selections and performances have ruined our season.

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Guest firetotheworks

We have no right to slate Man United supporters for being glory hunters. For the one Korean Scunthorpe United supporter that I'm sure exists somewhere on this Earth, I'm probably just as much of a glory hunting c***. It's all relative.

What absolute bullsh*t.

You follow Man Yoo because they win. End of. There are tons of sneering glorying posts after a Man Yoo victory all over the place. The number actually FROM Manchester are few and far between.

Gloryhunters is, to say the LEAST an understatement.

By the way, Alan "Ars*hole" Brazil was at it again this morning.


Whilst I agree with the sentiment, you should also know that Oldtype is a South Korean that supports Newcastle, which is why he was making that point.

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Guest alijmitchell

All you hear over here is how good the fans of Celtic are too. 90% of the ones I know are all c***s.


Well said, they get given a lot of press for their 'famous european atmospheres' which are good, but I can't think is any different than most places would be if they were playing Barca etc. Other than that, a lot of them are idiots.


On the glory hunting thing and the Northern Irish/Norwegian contingent, then I think when you say it is all relative, then you are right. My argument to my flatmate was about supporting a 'catholic' team in Northern Ireland - why didn't he do that. So I guess to the few followers of the Northern Irish or Scandinavian leagues, then perhaps they might think that a defection to supporting Newcastle is a bit of a glory hunt, I dunno, but we accept them because they buy into our club and are generally decent craic. Obviously football is global, I get that, but we're all aware of the type we've been mentioning, the soulless, replica shirt down the pub wearing man u/man city/chelsea fan who have little or no concept of what football really means to people and are backing a winner.

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My opinion is that we went all out in a first half that we dominated and in the last 20 minutes their experience outdid us. I reckon the chaotic defending might be down to exhaustion more than anything else, we were panicking whenever we had it at our feet.

I would agree with the people who make points that the williamson/simpson side of the defense is far weaker, a replacement for either of these would improve us hugely.

Great effort yesterday, just didn't have the nerve to take something home! Nothing to be ahsamed of!

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