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Man United 4 - 3 Newcastle United - 26/12/12 - post-match sobfest from page 50


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Bigi was probably my favourite NUFC player before he went off today, the kid is brilliant. Also, Marveaux needs to play every game, doesn't matter who else is fit.


Not sure he fits in when everyone is fit mind, I like him in the middle, but I thought him, Anita, Perch and Bigi were phenomenal, particularly in the first half. Completely bossed it.


Mind you, I was actually quite confident when I saw their line up and bench which makes the outcome even more disappointing. We'll never have a better chance to do them there.


We said the same thing after the New Year's 0-0 when Shearer got denied a stonewall pen.

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Just seen the goals.


Fucking Simpson for the last goal man, he's looking across the line and still plays them all onside. Useless bag of shite. It was also very polite of him not to close Van Persie down for their 3rd goal, on another day his strategy of falling onto one knee and standing there waiting for him to get the shot away might have worked too.


Evra's goal was the kind of shot that Krul saves more often than not, disappointing from him on that one.


Cracking finish from Cisse, hope that'll boost his confidence.


De Gea for our first. :lol:


I don't think our second should be a goal... Evans puts it in his own net trying to keep the ball away from Cisse, who is right on his shoulder and six yards from goal. I don't think you can expect a defender to just assume the player is offside, for all Evans knows they might have their very own Danny Simpson at right back playing Cisse onside like a cunt. I think he has to make a play for that ball, and is being forced to do so by us having a player in an offside position.


(I do know that by the letter of the law the goal should be allowed to stand, so well done the ref for making what was technically the right decision. My point is more that I think the rule in this situation is a bad one.)


If we're going by the letter of the law then if it's not a goal, it's a penalty, Evans is pushing and shoving Cisse, he basically shoves him into the offside position, which is a foul, he then has a has a bit of a spaz attack and knees it into his own net whilst Cisse just watches him do it. Goal or penalty, those are the only legitimate options for the ref.


You know full well the ref isn't gonna give a penalty very often for that kind of pushing and shoving, that kind of thing is very much a judgement call and generally the easiest thing to do for a ref is ignore it.


Offside on the other hand is a very clear cut on or off scenario that necessitates a definitive call one way or the other from the linesman.


Wasn't really my point in any case, it's more to do with what constitutes being "active" these days that I think is wrong.

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This match proved 2 things ;

1. We DO have players capable of playing decent football...when given the chance by the managment..

2. That Simpson and Williamson are total liabilities in a PL defence...they should NEVER be within 50 miles of a club the size of NUFC.


The midfield, with Anita prominent and receiving excellent support from Bigi and Perch, were in command of this game for large parts of the first half...for me, the turning point was when - inevitably - Simpson was totally free on the right of the Man U area with an unmarked Ba in the box, and still manage to sky his cross over their bar in a dreadfull attempt at a shot. We were leading 2-1 at that point and a goal for us then would have really given them a mountain to climb.

Even when Cisse restored our lead at 3-2, both Williamson and Simpson were at 6s & 7s when they got both their equalizer and the winner.


NO team with any ambition can hope to achieve any form of success with defenders like these 2 and once again, those running the club should be castigated for failing to get adequate replacements in the summer - I am certain we would be several points better off had they done so.


Marveaux had a great game, really unlucky not to score with the free kick and Cisse played his heart out...his goal showed what he can do if given the right service which, for a change, Obertan managed to do.

I wasn't happy with Bigi being subbed, he looked full of running to me and although Obertan made an instant impact, we began to lose the m/f battle which resulted in the shortcomings of our defence being exposed.


The terrible tackle on Anita near the end looked serious and the guy should have  walked...had this been at most other venues, he undoubtedly would have gone. Ferguson's antics have been discussed on aanother thread so nothing new about that here...the officials/PL/FA are to blame for letting him get away with it.


We will miss Anita greatly, esp with Cabaye out because he was behind much of our m/f control - we can go one of 2 ways now and its in the lap of the gods which way that is.

No matter how people say we were unlucky, we still lost after being ahead twice - good sides don't do that, even at OT...it cost us the title at Liverpool in 1996 and I just hope it isn't going to be even more expensive this time...


West Ham used to have a reputation for being professional 'blowers'...losing games after doing all the hard work - we are beginning to look like the modern equivalent...

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Man, this defeat hurts like fucking hell, I was surrounded my Man Utd fans as well during it, but am I coming on here acting like a baby? No. I know Froggy personally and he is one of the most level headed Man Utd fans you could meet, trust me I've seen the worst of the worst. People are slating him on here because we're just on the end of bad defeat. Froggy has shit loads of posts on here and has been on here for ages, why complain now?


I'm not from Newcastle, I could have supported a team in League Two but I'm supporting a Premier League team, I guess I'm not a real fan now too in the eyes of Billy I should just fuck off as well.


People need to get a grip, seriously. Man Utd has an army of glory hunting cunts, but that doesn't make them all like that, if it does then what about me, Kaizero, Oldtype etc? Are we fine because Newcastle don't win anything? What happens if Newcastle suddenly become extremely successful, does our status as supporters change because we aren't local?


It's Boxing Day, go out and have a few beers and forget about this result until tomorrow when you calm down.


What a load of shite. He supports Manchester United because they are table toppers. Glory hunters do. Or Liverpool. Or any other parennial title winners over the years. That's why I enjoy our Northern/Southern Irish/ around the World support. Because they're not doing it for the glory, the off hand snidey remarks they can belittle other football fans with, they're doing it to be real fans...fans who experience pain. When I say pain, I don't mean not winning a trophy for a year or two, or even losing one in the last minute to your nearest rivals. Though that would obviously hurt. I mean going years without even looking like winning anything, even getting relegated a few times as we have.


So when we do eventually win something, it will mean something, because we are a proper club with proper supporters, not a club or fans who believe we have a God given right to success, as we obviously don't. I honestly do not understand the mentality of glory hunting...maybe supporting Manchester United/ Chelsea/Liverpool in the 80's helps to provide a fake popularity amongst peers?


So he gets completely slated because he supports a successful club? I get where you're coming from, but I think you're just jumping down his throat because he supports Man Utd and we lost to them in a harsh way today. Just because someone supports a successful club doesn't mean they are a clueless fan or that they are automatically always unreasonable. I don't see where Froggy slated Newcastle on here or rubbed our noses in it, yet people are jumping down his throat. It is clearly just because he is a non-Manchester based Man Utd fan, and for nothing else. People on here need to be bigger than that.


There was gloating as many will testify to. I'm not saying anymore on the subject. I'm sorry Decky if you're upset about your mate's treatment...I said things after he attempted to make humour about my parents I'm not very proud of and for that I shall apologise unreservedly. But on the main point, you are wrong... I detest glory huntery every day of the year...it's why I loathed Liverpool whilst growing up, and it's why I've loathed Manchester United for the last 20 years...I make no apologies here mind....if you have no connection to a place who's incumbent football team keeps winning silverware , and you "support" said team , you'll get no respect from me whatsoever in footballing discussion.


What is the difference between me and him? What scale is glory hunting rated on? Success in one league? A lot of League One, Two and below would see me as a glory hunter. I have no connections to Newcastle, yet I support them, a Premier League team. You can go on about glory hunting until the cows come home, but your point doesn't stop with trophies, Newcastle are incredibly successful and the likes of myself have only become supporters off the back of it. Are we less a supporter than you Billy? Should the likes of me and the other foreigners just do one with Froggy?


Edit: In reply to this: "if you have no connection to a place who's incumbent football team keeps winning silverware , and you "support" said team , you'll get no respect from me whatsoever". Again, if Newcastle win a few trophies are we automatically less a supporter?

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And in reply to this: "if you have no connection to a place who's incumbent football team keeps winning silverware , and you "support" said team , you'll get no respect from me whatsoever"


If said football team didn't keep winning silverware, and suffered a few relegations, are we better supporters?




Incognito. You have said to me that you don't give a shit how I ended up supporting Manchester United. It's the fact they've won everything lately and I support them and have no connections so I'm a glory hunter. Using that logic, say I started supporting Reading years ago, and go through a turbulent time, a few relegations etc, and then they get bought over, start winning everything and I continue to support them. You won't care that I went through the relegations etc, because you don't care how I support the incumbent football team that keeps winning silverware.


Nonsense argument for me like, but it's clear you have no intention of considering that some people from other cities have genuine support of teams from others. Which is a shame, because the first words out of my mouth yesterday were praising your performance and I was hit immediately with ridicule for being a glory hunter. Loss-Loss for me.


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Who did you support in the Olympics Froggy, the US or China?


Shocking to see the likes of yourself come out with that Bluestar. Why didn't you ask me the same question? Again, I raise the issue, Newcastle are a Premier League side and bar one season have been in this division for the guts of 20 years. Are people like myself glory hunters? I seem to remember foreigners on here were labelled "Keegan band wagon jumpers". Some people on here are just obsessed with this idea of being a local fan and need to fuck off to Skunkers*.


*For those who don't know Skunkers, I was banned from there because I wasn't a local! :lol:

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We have no right to slate Man United supporters for being glory hunters. For the one Korean Scunthorpe United supporter that I'm sure exists somewhere on this Earth, I'm probably just as much of a glory hunting cunt. It's all relative.


What I do hate is people who purport to 'support' Man U when in reality they just follow the brand name. They'll never go to a game, hell, they won't even watch the games if they have anything better to do. The club barely touches them emotionally at all but for them Man U is a successful brand that they just want as part of their image, like wearing an Armani suit or driving a Mercedes.


These very same people are almost unerringly the most arrogant and belittling towards supporters of other clubs. They are scum of the Earth and should be rounded up, put into a labor camp, and forced to watch Stoke v. Stoke Reserves for the rest of their natural lives.


Froggy, however, is clearly not one of these.

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Who did you support in the Olympics Froggy, the US or China?


Shocking to see the likes of yourself come out with that Bluestar.


How come?  I've spent the last two decades berating adoptive Man U fans online and in reality, it shouldn't come as that much of a shock.  Yes, there are followers of other clubs who have decided to follow them for whatever reason, but Man U's entire business model is based on bandwagon jumpers and their 'global brand'.  And which other team has had such a sustained period of trophy winning and success that an entire generation of people can't have started watching them when they were in the doldrums?


Show up on another team's forum as a Man U fan from Ireland, Spain or London posting photos of Fergie grinning after his performance today and I don't know exactly what you expect the response to be.  I can't imagine it would be different on any other board.

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Who did you support in the Olympics Froggy, the US or China?


Shocking to see the likes of yourself come out with that Bluestar.


How come?  I've spent the last two decades berating adoptive Man U fans online and in reality, it shouldn't come as that much of a shock.  Yes, there are followers of other clubs who have decided to follow them for whatever reason, but Man U's entire business model is based on bandwagon jumpers and their 'global brand'.  And which other team has had such a sustained period of trophy winning and success that an entire generation of people can't have started watching them when they were in the doldrums?


Show up on another team's forum as a Man U fan from Ireland, Spain or London posting photos of Fergie grinning after his performance today and I don't know exactly what you expect the response to be.  I can't imagine it would be different on any other board.


I posted a picture of Alex Ferguson in a thread called Alex Ferguson. It was mainly to joke with Wormy, who will have taken absolutely no offence to it, as he's capable of banter. If that picture is what annoyed you there's problems there like. I'll remove it if it's so terrible to you. I know this is a Newcastle forum, but Alex Ferguson is iconic to me, and I've sat there and watched him being torn apart on this forum without any sort of retaliation but a picture of him. Is that really so horrific?


I was getting plenty of abuse before that picture as well. So don't pick that as the main reason for your berating.

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Who did you support in the Olympics Froggy, the US or China?


Shocking to see the likes of yourself come out with that Bluestar.


How come?  I've spent the last two decades berating adoptive Man U fans online and in reality, it shouldn't come as that much of a shock.  Yes, there are followers of other clubs who have decided to follow them for whatever reason, but Man U's entire business model is based on bandwagon jumpers and their 'global brand'.  And which other team has had such a sustained period of trophy winning and success that an entire generation of people can't have started watching them when they were in the doldrums?


Show up on another team's forum as a Man U fan from Ireland, Spain or London posting photos of Fergie grinning after his performance today and I don't know exactly what you expect the response to be.  I can't imagine it would be different on any other board.


I posted a picture of Alex Ferguson in a thread called Alex Ferguson. It was mainly to joke with Wormy, who will have taken absolutely no offence to it, as he's capable of banter. If that picture is what annoyed you there's problems there like. I'll remove it if it's so terrible to you. I know this is a Newcastle forum, but Alex Ferguson is iconic to me, and I've sat there and watched him being torn apart on this forum without any sort of retaliation but a picture of him. Is that really so horrific?


I was getting plenty of abuse before that picture as well. So don't pick that as the main reason for your berating.


I'm not annoyed in the slightest, the people who are annoyed are those who are some how baffled that an Irish Man U fan will be getting stick for being a glory hunter on another team's forum after a game like that.  I don't think the Fergie picture is any more or less 'banter' than the stick you get for the team you picked, it's exactly to be expected.


Fergie is to managers what Joey Barton, Craig Bellemy or Luis Suarez is to players, if he's on your team I think you'll love him no matter what he does, to anyone else he's a prick.

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Who did you support in the Olympics Froggy, the US or China?


Shocking to see the likes of yourself come out with that Bluestar.


How come?  I've spent the last two decades berating adoptive Man U fans online and in reality, it shouldn't come as that much of a shock.  Yes, there are followers of other clubs who have decided to follow them for whatever reason, but Man U's entire business model is based on bandwagon jumpers and their 'global brand'.  And which other team has had such a sustained period of trophy winning and success that an entire generation of people can't have started watching them when they were in the doldrums?


Show up on another team's forum as a Man U fan from Ireland, Spain or London posting photos of Fergie grinning after his performance today and I don't know exactly what you expect the response to be.  I can't imagine it would be different on any other board.


I posted a picture of Alex Ferguson in a thread called Alex Ferguson. It was mainly to joke with Wormy, who will have taken absolutely no offence to it, as he's capable of banter. If that picture is what annoyed you there's problems there like. I'll remove it if it's so terrible to you. I know this is a Newcastle forum, but Alex Ferguson is iconic to me, and I've sat there and watched him being torn apart on this forum without any sort of retaliation but a picture of him. Is that really so horrific?


I was getting plenty of abuse before that picture as well. So don't pick that as the main reason for your berating.


I'm not annoyed in the slightest, the people who are annoyed are those who are some how baffled that an Irish Man U fan with be getting stick for being a glory hunter on another team's forum after a game like that.  I don't think the Fergie picture is any more or less 'banter' that the stick you get for the team you picked.


Fergie is to managers what Joey Barton, Craig Bellemy or Luis Suarez is to players, if he's on your team I think you'll love him no matter what he does, to anyone else he's a prick.


Agree to disagree. Being called a disgrace for supporting Manchester United isn't any more or less banter than posting a picture of Fergie in the Alex Ferguson thread? That's fair enough then.


I get banter from some people about it, which is fine, I love banter, especially with football. There are quite clearly some people here who are NOT joking around though. Like I said, being called a disgrace. Being accused of supporting Manchester United to gain fake popularity with people and claming that I think my club has a God given right to win things. All incorrect, all offensive to certain degrees, and certainly not banter.

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There's stuff in football that regularly crosses the line, but surely a word like 'disgrace' to describe managers, supporters, clubs, tackles, referees and players is probably one of the most used words in the game and something that would rarely cause genuine upset to all but the most thin-skinned fans.

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I get banter from some people about it, which is fine, I love banter, especially with football. There are quite clearly some people here who are NOT joking around though. Like I said, being called a disgrace. Being accused of supporting Manchester United to gain fake popularity with people and claming that I think my club has a God given right to win things. All incorrect, all offensive to certain degrees, and certainly not banter.


Think you're a decent poster mate, but for future reference next time your team turns us over might be best to stay on the down-low for a day or so until emotions calm down - we'll all be fucked off with Arsenal and Wenger's cheating dirty ways in a couple of days and forget how much we hate your lot for a while!


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There's stuff in football that regularly crosses the line, but surely a word like 'disgrace' to describe managers, supporters, clubs, tackles, referees and players is probably one of the most used words in the game and something that would rarely cause genuine upset to all but the most thin-skinned fans.


Nah I disagree with that. It's different calling a group of fans a disgrace and then singling out somebody in a debate and flat out calling them a disgrace for nothing but supporting a club. It's not my fault someone else wrongly disputes my reasons. In cases like that being called a disgrace isn't really fair.


Prepared to drop it now mind. Onwards.

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I get banter from some people about it, which is fine, I love banter, especially with football. There are quite clearly some people here who are NOT joking around though. Like I said, being called a disgrace. Being accused of supporting Manchester United to gain fake popularity with people and claming that I think my club has a God given right to win things. All incorrect, all offensive to certain degrees, and certainly not banter.


Think you're a decent poster mate, but for future reference next time your team turns us over might be best to stay on the down-low for a day or so until emotions calm down - we'll all be fucked off with Arsenal and Wenger's cheating dirty ways in a couple of days and forget how much we hate your lot for a while!



Aye I'll keep that in mind. Didn't even think of leaving it after the whistle as I was here the whole way through the match. Can see how it would have been annoying with emotions running high after such a game.


I wish you lot would win the league so I could support NUFC instead though.  :crazy2:

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