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Massadio Haïdara (now playing for Brest)

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This window's been class, always some sort of bullshit to wake up to.


What kind of hours do you sleep?  :lol:


People's different time zones are befuddling in here.


Living in Melbourne, it's 11AM on Saturday morning here.


All the good s*** goes down while I'm asleep. :lol:


Ah right!  :lol:


At least you sleep well.


I've gone to bed angry most nights this month.

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This window's been class, always some sort of bullshit to wake up to.


Tell me about it. I get news like Colo wanting to leave and this Haidara story before my last bit of business for the day, and wake up to news like the Remy deal hijack. Nightmares don't end when I wake up. :lol:

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To you LRD  :love:









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Nah, dun worry about that. Ikon was just trying to distract us from the gloomy mood hanging around this place really.


Right, Ikon?  ;)


Correct mate




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