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Alan Pardew


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He's going nowhere unfortunately. He should have been sacked a long time ago.


Every player seems to go backwards under his coaching, I truly wonder what they do in training because we look so disorganised and easy to beat in every single game we play. Not even the worst teams collapse like we can and it happens way to often. Arsenal, Man City, Everton, Liverpool, Sunderland, At Wigan few seasons back and prob a few more we just fail to turn up and Pardew bigs other teams up far to much, so negative and it shows in his players.


The players should take a portion of the blame but it's his job to get most out of them and he doesn't know how to.

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if we beat cardiff and the mackems then i think he might hang on but seriously, less than 6 points from the next six games and i fail to see how he'll be able to keep his job


he's not had any serious injuries or europa cup games, ashley won't fall for that twice imo


i think he's fucked, 'cause i don't think we'll win 2 of those games

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Can't believe we set out the way we did. Shoking stuff.


Can't tell at this stage whether our players are a bunch of gutless freaks or our manager just isn't very good. Probably both. Please beat Cardiff next week.


You can't tell if our manager just isn't very good?


He's been worse than useless for roughly 250 days, and that's a conservative estimate. I can see what's going to happen now, just as the picture begins to come into the sharpest focus everyone's going to decide its been the players fault all along. Then JFK's going to prove it for you all.

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Thing is it does seem the fans are 50-50 split on him going. Whether it is because they believe the alternative is JFK or they think Pardew deserves a chance to prove doubters wrong.

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Can Pardew survive the coming 6 games?


Cardiff A

Liverpool H

Mackems A

Man City H

Chelsea H

Spurs A


I can really see us getting nothing from theese games and we should have Kinnear installed as our new manager in time for  Norwich H and WBA H ...

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The thing is, no matter how s*** ideas you may have, it's remarkable not being able to communicate or illustrate anything resembling a footballing philosophy after three years in charge.


We can't defend as a unit, we can't attack as a unit. We have no coherence anywhere on the pitch and rely on individual decision making in every part of the game. Nobody knows what territory to mark or occupy, nobody knows what spaces to run into or whether to keep hold of the ball or attack. We have no f***ing clue. It's every man for him self out there.

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We're shit at home. Those will be painful fixtures in front of the home crowd, Pardew will have to his best Excuses game ready for it.


If we are to replace Pardew then we could use the new guy starting with a better run of fixtures so a honeymoon period could inject some confidence into the side while we build a defence/attack.

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I would happily finish 16th this season and see these things happen:


- Sack Pardew

- Blood the youngsters like Sammy, Dummett, Campbell

- Increase british players in the team

- Attack teams and not worry about them



It's about time we truly blood our youngsters for 5 or 10 games rather than odd sub appearance, willing to take the short term pain if it looks like we are trying to build something.

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I can see us losing to Cardiff and the rest but beating a big team and Pardew getting confidence. At this point of time, I don't see how Joe Kinnear could seriously be worse. I haven't seen us this bad since I started supporting the club. I mean, even under the relegation season we weren't this bad tactically, we were just absolute horseshit individually. We had one of the worst squads in the league. Now I want to believe we have at least a top 10 side, but Pardew is absolutely killing it.


We have no defensive shape, no offensive gameplan, and worst of all, we have no fight in us. Sure, a lot is down to the players but it's up to Pardew to stop spreading his legs like a cracked coconut and allow this to happen.


Ben Arfa on the left last night was the biggest joke this season. Been our best player this season and has started on the right.

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I cant see much changing, we will go into the Cardiff game with a similar attitude and end up losing.


At this moment in time, I cant see a way out of this for Pardew, I cant see him turning things about. 



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I can see us losing to Cardiff and the rest but beating a big team and Pardew getting confidence. At this point of time, I don't see how Joe Kinnear could seriously be worse. I haven't seen us this bad since I started supporting the club. I mean, even under the relegation season we weren't this bad tactically, we were just absolute horseshit individually. We had one of the worst squads in the league. Now I want to believe we have at least a top 10 side, but Pardew is absolutely killing it.


We have no defensive shape, no offensive gameplan, and worst of all, we have no fight in us. Sure, a lot is down to the players but it's up to Pardew to stop spreading his legs like a cracked coconut and allow this to happen.


Ben Arfa on the left last night was the biggest joke this season. Been our best player this season and has started on the right.


From the Hull game, bearing in mind it was our defensive display that fucked us. He replaced 2 attackers in Cabaye and Cisse, Moved Sissokho out of position to attacking midfield, Moved Remy to centre, Gouffran to right (He hasn't even played there for us) and Ben Arfa to Left. Did he really need to change 4 players positions against Everton to be getting beat 3-0 by half time anyway. Surely he should have been working on organisation and sensible option would have been to make subtle changes not a total of 6 changes for this game. The bloke is a total cock end, we need to be more organised when off the ball and press teams into mistakes, not shit ourselves every time they have the ball ffs

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He fell in the trap of thinking Baines was a huge threat, to be fair, he was contained to an extent but that's not entirely hard, it's fucking Leighton Baines!! A left back that plays for Everton and he picked a side to 'contain' him! Awful decision! He did prove a lot of ppl wrong tonight that he can't drop big names however, he just chose the wrong time to prove this. Feel like this could be the end of the yang-colo partnership (for now) but Williamson deserves his chance to stay in the side as he played a big part in that second half comeback regardless of how much stick he gets. Pardew has a big week ahead of him on the training ground and changes need to be made, but he's admitted that himself already. Tails will be up after that second half performance, we did ourselves proud in that second half and I actually can see us now beating Cardiff and I never fancy us away!

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He fell in the trap of thinking Baines was a huge threat, to be fair, he was contained to an extent but that's not entirely hard, it's f***ing Leighton Baines!! A left back that plays for Everton and he picked a side to 'contain' him! Awful decision! He did prove a lot of ppl wrong tonight that he can't drop big names however, he just chose the wrong time to prove this. Feel like this could be the end of the yang-colo partnership (for now) but Williamson deserves his chance to stay in the side as he played a big part in that second half comeback regardless of how much stick he gets. Pardew has a big week ahead of him on the training ground and changes need to be made, but he's admitted that himself already. Tails will be up after that second half performance, we did ourselves proud in that second half and I actually can see us now beating Cardiff and I never fancy us away!


Everton took their foot off the gas, our passing was still all over the place.  we got two flukey goals.  Good spin tho brett.

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He fell in the trap of thinking Baines was a huge threat, to be fair, he was contained to an extent but that's not entirely hard, it's f***ing Leighton Baines!! A left back that plays for Everton and he picked a side to 'contain' him! Awful decision! He did prove a lot of ppl wrong tonight that he can't drop big names however, he just chose the wrong time to prove this. Feel like this could be the end of the yang-colo partnership (for now) but Williamson deserves his chance to stay in the side as he played a big part in that second half comeback regardless of how much stick he gets. Pardew has a big week ahead of him on the training ground and changes need to be made, but he's admitted that himself already. Tails will be up after that second half performance, we did ourselves proud in that second half and I actually can see us now beating Cardiff and I never fancy us away!


Everton took their foot off the gas, our passing was still all over the place.  we got two flukey goals.  Good spin tho brett.


Cabaye's goal was a fluke? yep I won't be replying to you no longer. Clueless!




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He fell in the trap of thinking Baines was a huge threat, to be fair, he was contained to an extent but that's not entirely hard, it's f***ing Leighton Baines!! A left back that plays for Everton and he picked a side to 'contain' him! Awful decision! He did prove a lot of ppl wrong tonight that he can't drop big names however, he just chose the wrong time to prove this. Feel like this could be the end of the yang-colo partnership (for now) but Williamson deserves his chance to stay in the side as he played a big part in that second half comeback regardless of how much stick he gets. Pardew has a big week ahead of him on the training ground and changes need to be made, but he's admitted that himself already. Tails will be up after that second half performance, we did ourselves proud in that second half and I actually can see us now beating Cardiff and I never fancy us away!


Everton took their foot off the gas, our passing was still all over the place.  we got two flukey goals.  Good spin tho brett.


Cabaye's goal was a fluke? yep I won't be replying to you no longer. Clueless!





It was a good hit, great strike but it was exactly great team work that created it. 

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I think he lacks confidence in the players. I think they realise this and they lose a bit self belief as well. That makes him lose even more confidence in them and it just starts becoming a negative cycle.

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