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Alan Pardew


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Man City and Chelsea also had unlimited money.  Think that was the main reason for their trophy winning, not a f***ing spine.


This is the truth. Add man utd to the list.


Alex Ferguson would laugh in your face if you told him that having a stable player base was unimportant.

You think he keeps Ryan Giggs and Darren Fletcher around because they're both still better than he could buy elsewhere?


Lol is this guy serious???


Giggs and fletcher that's the reason they won the title, nothing to do with spunking 26 mill on a 30 year old mad scoring dutchman


Fergies spine would had meant f*** all had Mancini nabbed Rvp.


I don't remember them having Van Persie last season or the season before that when they finished 1st and 2nd on goal difference.


I don't remember either, neither mind the amount they spent.

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Definitely agree about Coloccini. If you look at the teams we've been putting out lately, apart from Taylor and Jonas, they've almost been thrown together in the last year.


The complete fuck up of the season is down to Pardew but the complete lack of heart we've seen in the last two home games is a different issue. They've been like lost children out there and that can definitely come from not having a leader on the pitch. Some people think Colo's not a leader, I disagree.

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Definitely agree about Coloccini. If you look at the teams we've been putting out lately, apart from Taylor and Jonas, they've almost been thrown together in the last year.


The complete f*** up of the season is down to Pardew but the complete lack of heart we've seen in the last two home games is a different issue. They've been like lost children out there and that can definitely come from not having a leader on the pitch. Some people think Colo's not a leader, I disagree.


Most influential player we got.  He just have that calming effect on the defence.  Still not forgotten the shocking games he had when we went down but certainly has come along way since then.

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Definitely agree about Coloccini. If you look at the teams we've been putting out lately, apart from Taylor and Jonas, they've almost been thrown together in the last year.


The complete fuck up of the season is down to Pardew but the complete lack of heart we've seen in the last two home games is a different issue. They've been like lost children out there and that can definitely come from not having a leader on the pitch. Some people think Colo's not a leader, I disagree.


Was no leadership on the pitch when we got dicked 7-3 by Arsenal, either - with him on the pitch with his head down. Colo's important only because he's part of our best CB partnership.


Need to buy some leadership in the summer.

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Definitely agree about Coloccini. If you look at the teams we've been putting out lately, apart from Taylor and Jonas, they've almost been thrown together in the last year.


The complete fuck up of the season is down to Pardew but the complete lack of heart we've seen in the last two home games is a different issue. They've been like lost children out there and that can definitely come from not having a leader on the pitch. Some people think Colo's not a leader, I disagree.


Was no leadership on the pitch when we got dicked 7-3 by Arsenal, either - with him on the pitch with his head down. Colo's important only because he's part of our best CB partnership.


Need to buy some leadership in the summer.


This is the problem, you can't just buy leadership, even the best leaders need a couple of years at a club before they can really be able to get a grip of things.


This is what annoys me about Steven Taylor. He's about 27 now. At that age, Carragher, Terry, Rio had all grown out of their early idiocy and were real leaders. What's Taylor doing? Still twatting about in front of the goalkeeper, flouting the rules by getting on the floor to head it back to Krul and still holding his gut when he handles the ball. Grow the fuck up man. He'll never be as good a player as any of them but that's even more reason to stop acting the twat and start acting like one of the club's senior professionals.


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I think we have a bunch of new French players who don't speak English, led by Cabaye who is still sulking that we wouldn't let him go to Spurs last summer. Add in Pardew's brand of football and it was all going to go badly wrong at some time.

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True story about Taylor. Never grew out of being the local lad breaking through.


It comes back to what I said yesterday about us buying whoever's available for the right price as opposed to targeting stature and actual suitability. There are natural leaders out there. As much as I didn't like Nolan as a player he actually orchestrated a huddle on his debut against the mackems and led us through the 90 minutes.

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Thats whats irked me about Taylor this season and last. Every single time we think he's turned the corner and grown up and fufiled the potential, he has this lapse where you forget he's a senior player aged 27 with the kid who was playing right back learning the trade.


FWIW, Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa was apparently an extremely vocal and chatty captain of Montpellier - and I fully believe in time we'll see him become an absolute rock for us. He's 23 years old, new league, played poorly in the last few matches, etc. I fully believe the current crap being served by our manager has made a very confident and classy CB look like a nervous kid unsure of his own ability and scared shitless to make a mistake. Pardew absolutely failing him and many of our players not instilling a single ounce of confidence in him.


You can buy and recruit captains and leaders. Its done in all types of sports all over the world.

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In hindsight, putting such a fresh back 4/5 out there has been a huge mistake. Defending more than anything is about coaching and consistency and doing things as a unit. Having a back five on Saturday, four of whom made not just their Newcastle debuts but their Premier League in the last four months, was a recipe for disaster. To then set up to invite pressure onto them was fucking insanity.


Having Simpson and Colo back should help us massively. For all Simpson's failings, and I have always said this, he is a solid defender in a cohesive unit because he knows where to stand. He's unlikely to be caught in a botched offside trap. He's been standing next to Colo and Taylor for four years, this will help keep us solid if nothing else.

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Our squad is well stocked with players who finished 5th last season though, 2 years or 10 years they clearly have some kind of bond and can play together. I'm not discounting the importance of having a few old heads in the squad and I realise that just throwing a load of new players into the mix is a gamble, the more you play together the more in tune you become, I suppose it's basic stuff, I just don't think the problem stems from not having some sort of "English spine".


EDIT: I think Coloccini being injured has been pretty massive problem for us mind, an unstable defence can destroy confidence and he's obviously central to a lot of what we do regardless of how people view him as a captain. I don't think we've ever really looked well as a side when he's been out (not that we've looked great with him in this season for the most part).


I  agree about Colo - he was the main reason we got a point at SOL and in many games has saved our bacon single-handedly...Taylor is poor when Colo is out of the side and MYM is still coming to terms with the PL.

I would like to know the REAL reson behind Colo's sudden departure and wish to leave ; he did leave a hole but it was the absence of many created goal chances that wrecked us in the second half of the season and that is down to Pardew's style....or lack of.

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Never really expected him to be sacked before the season's out anyway. After that though there's no way he can stay.


Never try to second-guess what the 2 loons running the club will do - if Llambias has anything to do with it, Pardew will still be there come August....

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I agree with TT and Gary Neville and have argued that point many times before. Talk of xenophobia is simply nonsense.


We don't need an English spine to the team at all, we need a manager who can get the best out of the players we have, that's all we're missing.


It's not coincidence that nearly every successful club has that national spine to them, in fact they're nearly always local too. This is particularly obvious in those clubs that sustain such success.


Arsenal? never been outside the top 4 during Wenger's time and they have hardly had a english spine the majority of the time.


Has f*ck all to do with it.


Last time they had the title was with Cole, Keown, Campbell, Parlour with Seaman leaving at the start of that season. The likes of Vieria, Bergkamp & Henry were instrumental but they'd all been their a minimum of 5 years, understood the league, settled and spoke very good english.


Called having a mix and balance, something we lack.



Also ironcally enough Henry, Diaby and the likes of site Keown as a leading figure to helping them settle and get used to the english way.


Agree with this - they had a better mix of experienced players for the PL.

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You have to give Villa - and Lambert - real credit for their performance last night and through much of the past half-season.


They have given themselves a realistic chance of avoiding relegation after being given very little money to spend and by developing what is obviously a good group of youngsters topped off with the shrewd signing of Benteke....how many believe that in their position, Pardew would have told his team to go for goals against Sunderland last night...??

Seems to me that regardless of what happens now, Lerner has had the better value this season from his manager who, it should be remembered, was only hired last summer after doing a good job establishing Norwich in the PL.


The incredible result they pulled off means that they will be flying morale-wise now whereas we have come off the back of 2 home defeats where 9 goals were conceded without reply and with a side whose morale and, if Edwards is to be believed, a Dressing room riddled with disputes and discontent - which side is the most likely to survive in such circumstances..??


Without taking anything at all away from Villa, you have to wonder how much of last night's hammering was down to the Mackems taking things a bit easy but not having seen the game I am not going to say they did.

The facts remain that we now have a disastrous goal-difference and are on the same points as Villa and the Mackems with only Wigan looking as if they may have too much to do - not that I would bank on THAT to save our skins.


Ashley and Llambias' decision to fire Hughton and then hire Pardew looks more and more suspect every day; even worse is their apparent decision to want to retain his services.


If NUFC go down, the club will face years of Championship football under these people - we are becoming like Villa before Lerner took over - a club whose fans detest their owner and spend years trying to get rid of him...it doesn't look good.

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can't actually believe with the situation we are in right now and with how most feel about Pardew that we actually started the season with a win over Spurs and Pardew being sent to the stands for a push on the assistant ref..did that actually happen this season? FFS

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Does Pardew have any idea how to build and coach a back four? We all appreciated our solidity in the first 3-4 months of last season but it's easy to forget that was the house that Chris Hughton built in terms of the defensive unit. As I said above, those players had already been playing together pretty effectively for years.


Pardew wants to go back to that solidity but with new players - does he have the first fucking clue what he's meant to be doing with them structurally or was he taking credit for what was, in the main, someone else's work?

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Does Pardew have any idea how to build and coach a back four? We all appreciated our solidity in the first 3-4 months of last season but it's easy to forget that was the house that Chris Hughton built in terms of the defensive unit. As I said above, those players had already been playing together pretty effectively for years.


Pardew wants to go back to that solidity but with new players - does he have the first fucking clue what he's meant to be doing with them structurally or was he taking credit for what was, in the main, someone else's work?


To answer the two questions - Hell no and Yes, the big prick.

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Hughton wasn't the one to play Raylor at LB and Pardew was the one who got Saylor to the best form we've seen him in his career. He has no problem when it comes to building a team that relies on solidity at the back first and foremost, winning matches through moments of individual brilliance. First concede no goals, then get the ball to the front player(s) asap to do the damage. It all unraveled when he has to implement a more expansive style of play. He just couldn't find the balance between defence and proper attacking build-up, especially in a 4-3-3 formation that is as alien as Obertan's head. Coupled with the new lads struggling to bed in , communication issues (a big part in any defence) and a drop in confidence, the back 4 couldn't function as effectively as an unit this season. At this stage where the pressure is all on us to get a minimum 3 points from the games left, having a nervous Elliot and Colo only just coming back, it is a big 'if' whether we can get any resemblance of a unit to pull us over the line.

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Guest Slippery Sam

'I came up against this subject many times,' added Wenger. 'You cannot want to be the best league in the world and close the borders, because then you're not. So you have to find a good mixture. I think the good mixture is to produce the players from your own academies and buy top, top, top class players.





Oh and the knock out blow, wait for it dickheads:






“The difference between Arsenal today and my generation is that we had a backbone of English players,” said Pires.


“I’ve said this for years. Arsenal’s identity during the time they still won trophies was that spine of Englishmen.


“During my time they had Tony Adams, Martin Keown, David Seaman, Lee Dixon, Ray Parlour and Nigel Winterburn – all very important players.


“Our strength was the mixture of Englishmen and talented arrivals from Europe.


“Now the club has some very good youngsters but they still lack experience.


“To my mind the only solution for Arsenal is to buy some English players.


“Arsene Wenger has talented players, but the team lacks a solid base.


“I think it would do Arsenal good to rediscover some of the identity they had in the past.”


Wenger, being the very successful manager is right. He has always said you have to have players from the academy, or at least players that have been at the club a long time. That is a totally different thing to attributing attributes to a nationality and thinking buying that nationality is a solution. Organically building a team slowly with an engrained style of play, is certainly something that is beneficial. That is the reason he is turning to British players now as he said recently he thinks he has a better chance of holding onto them long-term instead of losing key players every season in their current run on the ladder.


Pires the flair player who has yet to coach or manage has less of a clue. To say they should just buy some English players and expect it to fix all their problems is moronic.


He has more of a clue than you or I, since he's played football at the highest level and was involved in said successful Arsenal team.


Or do you think that much of your own opinion you put it above his on this subject?


Don't be daft. You know as well as anybody that there are plenty of ex-pros who talk rubbish as much as there are that talk sense. I'm sure there are plenty of occasions where somebody in the game has said something you vehemently disagree with but you don't disregard your own opinion and fall in line with theirs just because they played the game. If you're going to go down the route of your last post then that's what you're saying you will always do from now on.


He's (Pires) talking drivvle, you can't just plug some English players into the Arsenal team and expect to turn into title challengers. They lack top quality players all over the park and they lack top level personalities too. If they shoved Gareth Barry, Gary Cahill and Ashley Young into the team it's more likely to drag them further towards the Europa League spots.


There is merit for having a bunch of local players who have grown up together, know each other and have been imbedded into a club's philosphy over a number of years. That goes without saying regardless of their nationality and that's the benefits the great clubs have because they have the set-up, financial power and the engrained philosophy (Ajax, Barcelona, Bayern etc) to do so. That's closer to what Wenger has referred to in the past and what he tried to do as soon as he went to Arsenal, unfortunately they haven't seen much of a return on the investment until Wilshere came along.


FWIW,  a year or so after taking over at Arsenal, Wenger said "I will always have an English spine to the team". Fact.

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Guest icemanblue

If today's stories of unrest, due to the French lads, are untrue or even exaggerated, they could work in our favour. Throughout our awful form, we've avoided any kind of national criticism. Now they're starting to stick the boot in, it's entirely possible that it could generate the much fabled 'siege mentality', and put a bit of fire back in a few bellies.


That may be clutching at straws, but, at this point, we don't really have many other options.

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Wouldn't be at all surprised if it was true but there are no quotes to back it up from any of the stories.


From what I've seen on the pitch the players are certainly spineless/unprofessional enough for it to be the case and they certainly don't look to be rounding together for the manager to get us out of it.

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