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Still Not Worthy Of A Thread


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The ones that are photoshopped look like someone has cut their head off, then pasted back on the same body but in the wrong place.  Like.. what? The bodies are right as far as I can tell. The fuck have they done?!

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Charlie Nicholas has us to go down in his pre season predictions.


How can we possibly be worse than the Pardew / Carver combined horror show and we still weren't s*** enough to go down


Think it was Charlie Nicholas who had Nathan Baker as the one to watch at Villa. Wouldn't care about his expert opinion.

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All of them are Michael Chopra after a few pints.


No point dragging up a specific thread but Lee Clark is on Sky 1 at the moment picking his Premier League XI and some of his spellings for the player names are hideous. Really rates Paul Scuoles and Peter Scumicuel. Have a word. He's also top left signature on that shirt by the looks of it.

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