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Parma were my second team 15 years ago. Pay no attention to that craphouse league now. Really sad for them, though.


Asprilla, Zola & Brolin....wow. No idea if that was ever a front three, but still wow.


They had those 3 plus Stoichkov and Inzaghi in 95/96.

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unreal, the main Chelsea racist is a Human Rights Activist :lol:




The Chelsea football thug being hunted for pushing a black man off the Paris underground is a former Irish cop, the Sunday World can reveal.


An international manhunt has been launched for three Chelsea supporters after a video of them shoving Souleymane S off the Metro went viral, sparking a wave of condemnation around the globe.


The Sunday World has learned that the man cops want to speak to for pushing the Paris-born French-Mauritian man from the train is 50-year-old Richard Barklie.


And we can also reveal the extraordinary double life the ex-RUC police officer leads.


By day he is the director of a worldwide human rights organisation, lecturing on racial tolerance around the globe. But at the weekend Barklie rubs shoulders with hooligans and racists from the notorious Chelsea Headhunter crew.


And we can reveal that the burly Co. Antrim native left the police force under a cloud amid allegations of drink-related problems.


The Sunday World understands that Barklie is running scared after the Met police in London issued his picture from CCTV images of the racist incident in Paris.


He was one of three faces flashed around the globe on Friday with the message that police wanted to speak to the men in relation to the episode that sparked an emotional outburst from Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho.


The burly thug and ex-RUC man was snapped by a fellow passenger using a mobile phone, aggressively preventing a black man from boarding a Paris Metro train. Barklie was filmed leading the charge to prevent him entering the carriage.


The footage clearly shows Barklie with his two hands on Souleymane S (below), roughly shoving him out the train door and back on to the platform.


The 33-year-old father of three was merely trying to board the Metro train as he made his way home after a day’s work.


Bully-boy Barklie and his racist pals – some of whom appeared unsteady on their feet – repeatedly blocked Souleymane’s path.


    As the victim finally retreated in a state of shock, the Chelsea fans chanted: “We’re racist. We’re racist and that’s the way we like it!”


At that point, other black passengers already on board left the train.


The incident happened shortly before the Paris Saint-Germain v Chelsea Champions League clash on Tuesday night.


Within hours the shocking footage was flashed around the world on all major TV news and internet bulletins. The 1-1 result paled into insignificance as criticism was heaped on the racist behaviour of the Chelsea supporting thugs.


Chelsea FC issued immediate statements of condemnation saying that if it could be proved any of those involved were Chelsea season ticket holders, they would be banned from attending matches for life.


There is a long history of middle-class professionals indulging in soccer hooliganism at the weekends. But by any standard Barklie, who sources say is a season ticket holder at Stamford Bridge, leads an extraordinary double life.


Having left the police force in Northern Ireland he studied law and became a campaigner for human rights around the world.


He is a director of the World Human Rights Forum, a global network of campaigners, and has worked with organisations who help victims of the Troubles.


Barklie can be seen online in a video taken in March 2013 that is in stark contrast to his Paris metro viral.


In it, he addresses a session of the World Human Rights Conference being held in Kerala, India. The man at the centre of the Chelsea race storm quotes the teachings of Martin Luther King and Gandhi in an appeal for racial tolerance.


He preaches to an Asian gathering: “We must all keep working with a sense of compassion for each other in our hearts, with a sense of justice and equality we should banish from our hearts and minds prejudices of creed, colour, religion and gender. When we do this we will conceive a more harmonious and peaceful society.”


The well-travelled activist adds: “I campaign for human rights, try to raise the awareness of human rights around the world on behalf of the World Human Rights Foundation.  I would like to thank the people of Kerala for what has been the warmest welcome I have received in my many visits across the world.  The lush and fertile nature of this beautiful land is complemented by the warm and endearing nature of the people.”


English cops offered assistance to their French counterparts as the hunt to track down the thugs began.


So far three fans have been told by Chelsea Football Club to stay away from future matches as police hunt the three men in the latest images.


On Thursday, Souleymane S revealed he planned to make an official complaint about the matter.


    “These people, these English fans should be locked up. At first I couldn’t understand them because they were speaking English, but it was clearly addressed at me,” he added.


Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho condemned the actions of the thugs on Friday, saying: “We feel ashamed, I refuse to be connected with these people.


"This is not Chelsea FC, we would show Souleymane we are different. Chelsea is the owner, the board, the manager, the people who work here, they are the true people who support Chelsea. I do not know the gentleman, but I would support him coming.’


    The Sunday World was made aware of Barklie’s identity after we were contacted by a number of former cops who served alongside him.


Last night, a former RUC officer told us: “I recognised Barklie right away – in fact as soon as I saw the film footage on the TV news, I knew it was him.


“He can be clearly seen shoving a black man trying to board the train back out the door and on to the platform. If you ask me was I surprised? I’d have to answer ‘No’.”


Barklie served in west Belfast, where he was involved in springing RUC Special Branch informer Sandy Lynch who was being held captive by the IRA.


A native of Carrickfergus, he also worked in north Belfast and for a while in Derry.


Former police colleagues claim that it was during his days in the Maiden City that he switched his football allegiances from Glasgow Rangers to Chelsea.


Once based at Woodburn RUC station on the Stewartstown Road, Barklie was transferred under a cloud to Tennent Street in the staunchly Protestant Shankill area.


He was later eased out of the force on medical grounds after his disciplinary record became too much of a headache for his police bosses.

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