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Brazil squad was announced today:


Goalkeepers: Jefferson (Botafogo), Marcelo Grohe (Gremio), Diego Alves (Valencia)


Defenders: David Luiz (Paris Saint-Germain), Marquinhos (Paris Saint-Germain), Thiago Silva (Paris Saint-Germain), Miranda (Atletico Madrid), Fabinho (Monaco), Marcelo (Real Madrid), Filipe Luis (Chelsea), Danilo (Porto).


Midfielders: Luiz Gustavo (Wolfsburg), Fernandinho (Manchester City), Elias (Corinthians), Souza (Sao Paulo), Oscar (Chelsea), Willian (Chelsea), Coutinho (Liverpool), Douglas Costa (Shakhtar Donetsk).


Forwards: Roberto Firmino (Hoffenheim), Neymar (Barcelona), Diego Tardelli (Shandong Luneng), Robinho (Santos).

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Robinho, Elias and Souza :anguish: Don't really mind the rest and do think that Diego Tardelli despite him playing China he deserves his spot at the moment the way he's played for the national team under Dunga.

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Firmino's form has really dropped since the Bundesliga started up again in January, surprised he's in. Guess it shows the lack of natural forwards in Brazil at the moment...

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Atletico MG beat Santa Fe away in the Libertadores to keep them alive in their group. Boca Juniors have apparently been impressive as well, but I think Corinthians are the best team in South America this year. With Tite back the organized football is back and we just don't concede goals very often. Add experience to all of that and this team can't crumble under pressure hopefully. Cristian (ex-Fenebarche), Elias (ex-AtlMadrid and Sporting), Renato Augusto (ex-Bayer L), Vagner Love (ex-CSKA), Jadson (ex-Shaktar) and then the guys from the team that won 2012 as Guerrero, Danilo, Sheik and Ralf and I just can't see how they aren't favourites.

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Argentine league starts tonight betting and low scoring matches fans.


Wait what's that, you have some questions?


Has it got 30 teams?


Why yes, yes it has.


Can you qualify for continental competition by finishing 18th?


Of course you can, what league doesn't have this? Needless playoff games ahoy.


60 games sounds a bit hectic - is that right?


Obviously it's only your local derby rival you play twice in the regular season, all other teams once  - just the 30 games.


Right got it, hang on...bit of a random one - is there a club named after and founded by a bus company in the 80's I can support?


Damn straight, Crucero del Norte are the team for you.


1 of the hoards of teams that were promoted are 4th, the next highest is 14th. Such a great decision.


And I also, I finally got round to looking; matchday 24 is comprised solely of clasicos. Superb.

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I missed Dani Osvaldo going on loan to Boca Juniors. Seems like he's done well for them.


You know you've fucked up your career when you've cost over £10m+ at some stage and you're back playing in South America before you're 30. Far too good for that league.

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Hard to say because he doesn't naturally fit in to a 4-3-3/4-4-2 and also his best positions are also Messi's best positions. Shone in the last game though so you never know.


Doesn't seem to be 100% clear what system Tata will use at the Copa either, which I think could well be an Argie downfall.

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Talk of 433 with Di Maria, Aguero and Messi up top.


Argentina have got an embarrassment of riches up top like.


What do you reckon to Dybala?


As always - been the same near all our lives if it was me I'd go

Higuain - Aguero


Di Maria - Mascherano - Perez


I like him (and remember watching him in the B when River were down there) but with anyone like that you wonder how he'll cope when he goes from being the big fish to just another fish plus I can see him getting shoehorned out wide if he comes to England.

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Sao Paulo beat Corinthians 2-0 in the last qualifying round to send San Lorenzo out in the group. Ridiculous red cards, please google them. The two dives are so ridiculous from Sao Paulo players I'm sat here actually laughing out loud at how bad they were and how the ref fell for both.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our Copa America team has player from Al Ahli and some Chinese team and Robinho. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Dunga will probably win it anyways and then win everything until the World Cup where we'll fail once again.

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Open question - why is Brazilian domestic football so terrible? Thought I'd see what Sao Paulo v Cruzeiro in the Libertadores had to offer and it's been utterly turgid. 2 of the much better teams in the country too. This isn't an anomaly either, must have watched a few dozen games between teams in Brazil in the past 12-18 months and the vast majority of them have more long balls in them than most Football League offerings, painfully slow build-up and finishing of an incomprehensibly bad level. Technical skill yes in terms of trickery and pace but even then, set pieces are quite often abysmal. The pitches are diabolical too. I can only assume there's a massive under-funding in domestic football, or at least its not going to the right people. But in terms of the style of play, why is it so negative? Sorry if that comes across as harsh Flip et al but it's just what I've seen. Alarmingly poor given Brazil's incredible footballing history.


The crowds though make a brilliant noise despite debatable attendances, and in big games are deafening.

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Open question - why is Brazilian domestic football so terrible? Thought I'd see what Sao Paulo v Cruzeiro in the Libertadores had to offer and it's been utterly turgid. 2 of the much better teams in the country too. This isn't an anomaly either, must have watched a few dozen games between teams in Brazil in the past 12-18 months and the vast majority of them have more long balls in them than most Football League offerings, painfully slow build-up and finishing of an incomprehensibly bad level. Technical skill yes in terms of trickery and pace but even then, set pieces are quite often abysmal. The pitches are diabolical too. I can only assume there's a massive under-funding in domestic football, or at least its not going to the right people. But in terms of the style of play, why is it so negative? Sorry if that comes across as harsh Flip et al but it's just what I've seen. Alarmingly poor given Brazil's incredible footballing history.


The crowds though make a brilliant noise despite debatable attendances, and in big games are deafening.


We have dinosaurs as managers and dinosaurs controlling clubs. The dinosaurs have negative views on football and there is no long-term thinking because teams lose their key-players every other month. Would say you are being a tad harsh though as I wouldn't say it comes even close to football league quality though, as the Brazilian league is much much better in every aspects. I think there's quite a few PL teams that would have in the Brazilian league, because what you are describing (which I agree about) is the same for the bottom half of the PL with the few exceptions.


Also, slow build-up for me is the biggest problem in football nowadays. Except the top teams in Europe teams seem unable to build-up play without reverting to long-balls.


Didn't see the game tonight but both Sao Paulo and Cruzeiro are used to playing good football. Cruzeiro lost their three key players while I have no idea why Sao Paulo didn't play well.

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30 man initial Argie squad announced


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