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RIP Joe Kinnear (1946–2024)


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Say it ain't so, Joe


By Mark Douglas on Jun 17, 13 01:27 PM


DAY one of Joe Kinnear's second coming and Newcastle United's director of football is confronted with an in-tray the size of Everest.


For those of you who remember Kinnear from the first time around, that was the mountain he claimed he used to fly over with the Crown Prince of Nepal when he was managing the tiny principality. Verification was never forthcoming on that point, but I digress - Kinnear's workload is undoubtedly mountainous.


Transfers, departures, assessing the playing staff - all key parts of Kinnear's new role that require immediate attention. Perhaps his first order of business should be closer to home, though.


He should start with a clarification of what exactly he meant when he asserted that "Geordies are Geordies", extending the point to claim that the fans of the club are uncomfortable with anyone from outside the area working at St James' Park.


It might seem like a trifling point that will be buried under the avalanche of intrigue about to descend on Barack Road but it's really not. It's a lazy, damaging and utterly false stereotype that has no place being repeated by a senior employee of the club.


For the last couple of years United's most consistent message has been that they want to make tickets affordable. Derek Llambias talked of packing the stadium full of Newcastle supporters - especially younger fans and families. And they backed it up with novel ticket pricing initiatives and themed days aimed at tempting fans through the doors.


You can see the tension here. Club employees have worked hard to try and reconnect, and have made some strides too. It doesn't help when club employees are deploying the tired old cliche about North East supporters placing disproportionate importance on someone's birthplace.


Kinnear should know, too, that fans never mentioned his birthplace during his first stint in 2009. Any concerns were expressed when fortunes begin to slide at the turn of the year, and were always for football reasons.


I doubt Kinnear meant to cause offence. He never does and he's a decent, say-it-as-I-see-it kind of guy. Working with him first time around was a whirlwind and he never really bore a grudge, despite the sweary fury.


The real question is whether he is up to the job - and what the job has been created for. Kinnear has contacts: he knows people. Arsene Wenger still takes his calls, apparently.


But there are serious concerns about whether a man who has only been involved in front-line professional football for five months of the last eight years. The Premier League is a competition that evolves at break-neck speed - and United were caught standing still last season. For Kinnear to walk into that environment and make a flying start is a challenge of monumental proportions. I wish him the best.


There are serious questions here; and pressing concerns. All this froth about Geordies only wanting to engage with one of their own is a toxic sub-plot that needs to be put to bed quickly.


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He think Pardew was a hell of a player. Trust me. He wasnt. Distinctly average he was. Cant wait to see what players he brings in. Managers will be able to pile any old shite onto us


I'm praying to God Carr is utilised to veto any of his stupid decisions and render any authority in Kinnear's position redundant.

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Guest reefatoon

Gonner be class when he starts claiming he has been to the moon 4 times.




He will probably try to snap up Sly Stallone as our new keeper and Michael Caine as our new centre back, after watching that "match" on the telly

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"I told, Albert, er, Alton, er, uh... Pards that Jonas is the best player I've seen since a young Paul Miller led me to a runner up finish at Wimbledon in 1993. I spoke with Maradoner and he told me, 'Yoe - that's how they say it, funny blokes - Yoe, Yonas is like a young me.' When I managed Nepal and we had a young striker by the name of Yeti that led us to the 1992 World Cup, I learned a lot that will stand me in good stead here. I'm not a Geordie but I left this club leading this division and a billion miles from relegation. Those supporters who didn't love me can fuck right off. I wish they hadn't hidden my 7 Manager of the Year trophies but I'm sure they'll turn up."

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They could almost brush this under the carpet with a decent signing. Maybe that's what we are waiting on.


Kinnear to announce it and take credit for it, everyone goes oooooh, this could be a good thing.

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"I told, Albert, er, Alton, er, uh... Pards that Jonas is the best player I've seen since a young Paul Miller led me to a runner up finish at Wimbledon in 1993. I spoke with Maradoner and he told me, 'Yoe - that's how they say it, funny blokes - Yoe, Yonas is like a young me.' When I managed Nepal and we had a young striker by the name of Yeti that led us to the 1992 World Cup, I learned a lot that will stand me in good stead here. I'm not a Geordie but I left this club leading this division and a billion miles from relegation. Those supporters who didn't love me can fuck right off. I wish they hadn't hidden my 7 Manager of the Year trophies but I'm sure they'll turn up."


:lol: They put a crazy motherfucker in charge. It's wonderful. Shit like this isn't supposed to happen in 2013.

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Ashley loves ruthless, aggressive, classless characters. Look at Llambias, Kinnear, Wise. All of these individuals have these qualities. Is there a successful manager out there that has such characteristics?

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Guest chicken little

Can't believe it's 4:30pm Monday, and there's no further info on this stuff fromt he club. Extraordinary.


16.24 when you posted that


there's still time, like, that's all i'm saying

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Would be hilarious if Kinnear has essentially proven his unsuitability for any role at SJP before he's even started and bears the brunt of it.

I keep thinking that nothing will ever be announced and Kinnear will just never be seen at the club again. He's already ruined a lot by running his mouth, so hopefully that is the case here as well.

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