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RIP Joe Kinnear (1946–2024)


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Slagging of Shearer's managerial credentials.. Someone with no experience expected to turn around the most dysfunctional outfit in the league.

It was absolutely ridiculous expecting shearer to get us out of that mess.

Don't forget that bizarre quote from Ashley post relegation about the Shearer appointment being his best decision.. Depressing..

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Guest Phil K

Slagging of Shearer's managerial credentials.. Someone with no experience expected to turn around the most dysfunctional outfit in the league.

It was absolutely ridiculous expecting shearer to get us out of that mess.

Don't forget that bizarre quote from Ashley post relegation about the Shearer appointment being his best decision.. Depressing..

Well said. Given such an impossible situation, I believe Mourinho or Fergie would have struggled to have managed any better. A lost cause to say the least.

Just shows what an admirable job Hughton did to turn it round.

Now we have Kinnear back and depression has swamped the fans, I can't see the players rising above it.

Blame Kinnear ? Why ? Its ALL Ashleys fault.

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I'm not having the "it was a lost cause" thing mind. Tough job yes, but we also had 3 very winnable home games in there which he should have been capable of winning 2. We didn't have to even hit a point a game to stay up.

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Does have the right to have a pop back at shearer - yes

Does he have a right to take a pop back at any of the many critics draggin his name through the dirt - yes


But it's tit for tat. He is incapable of understanding why people are upset and more importantly taking the high road and just getting on with his job and trying to prove people wrong. He thinks he is much better than anyone is giving himself credit for, well that's fine but he should also know, having been in the game so long, how the media works and not rise to it.


I am sure in the future after he leaves the club we will hear how it was a no win situation Job where any good player bought will be Carr or Pardew and bad signings will be his. Well I hope he accepts that early and doesn't turn it round and making it all about him when they are a team. Herein lies the problem with Mr. Kinnear he is incapable of grace and will always turn everything around to be about him.


Why is it always the fans taking the high road while the monkeys at the club run it's name through the dirt. Words are cheap i kinnear means it he and the club needs to show it for once.


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Kinnear also mentioned that he will interfere with training.

I'm sure he will if he thinks he should, that is his job. I have absolutely no doubt that kinnear will throw everything into his Job and get alot done. My worry is the result, as like most I don't trust him or have reason to trust that his vision is close to what we would like to see or believe is needed for progress. And yes Joe if your reading we know your the paid professional and should know best.


At least we know five a sides are out.

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I kind of just want to teleport to the end of august and catch up on all the insane shit that's definitely going to happen and not actually live through it a day at a time.


Time travel rather than teleportation tbh.



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I kind of just want to teleport to the end of august and catch up on all the insane shit that's definitely going to happen and not actually live through it a day at a time.


:lol: Fuck the Cliffs notes.


Every week we're not getting cracked to pieces home and/or away is a week to savor, T.

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Nah, I searched amazon for medically induced coma kit but they don't have them yet apparently. Too stressful honestly.


:lol: You think the season is going to be less stressful? You know this little bit here where we're all like, "What's Joe gonna do next?" This is the easy part of the season. You want to skip closer to the Gouffran off at 70, Shola on for HBA, 1-0 leads that we defend for an hour part of the narrative?


:lol: Fuck that noise. We're gonna miss then when we're using ten to defend our 1-0 vs Stoke.

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A couple of things from some of the last posts on here; accusing Shearer of not being intelligent enough to be a successful manager. Most managers are as thick as the footballers they manage, many including our current finest are incapable of getting the rudiments of their own language correct. Secondly anybody saying that well at least Pardew is still here, has forgotten the diabolical football we have played for most of the nearly three years he has been in charge. Thirdly can somebody dig up Shearers actual quotes from the Sun. He certainly said people were laughing at NUFC, I don't recall that he said JFK was a cunt.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Shearer cannot be blamed for our relegation, even though the man himself has both personally and publicly said he had to shoulder some of the blame. Relegation was down to Ashley, Kinnear and the players. Ashley for undermining KK, allowing him to leave and then hiring Kinnear who then went on to win a handful of games and in doing so totally smashing whatever spirit or professional pride was left with the squad and of course the squad for simply failing to perform, despite being more than capable.


The Shearer appointment was a desperate throw of the dice in the hope his name alone would galvanise everyone, fans, players, everyone. But by then it was a case of too little too late, the damage had already been done and no-one would have saved us. Shearer came into a club whose players (thanks to Joe) came in whenever they wanted, did what they wanted and didn't even eat or sit together. Viduka was told he could do as he pleased as long as he did the business on the weekend for example.


Shearer himself was stupid to take on the job, he did so in a vain attempt to save the club from relegation and to become an even bigger hero, that and to get his foot into the management door so to speak. His mistake was as big as Ashley's.


Kinnear should keep his mouth shut. To speak about Shearer like he has shows a complete lack of respect and also shows the true side of his character, he's a tit for tat man, an aggressor, a loud mouth buffoon who likes to create enemies and talk the talk. But look at his career man, its a joke :lol:


Just like this club at the moment :(

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So if we have indeed given him an office, can't we just lock him in there for 3 years (almost like in Oldboy?). Black out all the windows and all that too?


Include the tongue-cutting scene please.

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