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RIP Joe Kinnear (1946–2024)


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Mate just sent this - Jesus


He leaves a trail of destruction when he departs clubs, in whatever format


Wimbledon        - Left in 1999, Wimbledon relegated in the following season – 2000, Wimbledon moved and ceased to exist in 2003

Oxford                  - Left in 2001, Oxford relegated at the end of that season – 2001, never recovered and relegated from league in 2006

Luton                    - Left in 2003, Luton relegated in 2006, again in 2007 and relegated from the league in 2008

Notts Forest      - Left in 2004, Forest relegated at the end of the season

Newcastle          - Left in 2009, Newcastle relegated at the end of the season


You can’t lay everything at his doormat but the record is pretty striking nonetheless.




"My record speaks for itself..." :spit:



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I like him. Don't want him anywhere near our club, or owt, but he's still an interesting character.


You like him!? I can't find any likeable thing about him..  :undecided:


Aye, not sure what there is to like. He comes across as a horrible man.


Yep a downright horrible foul mouthed little thug wannabe who will only drag the clubs name further into the sewer. A liar (3 LMA managers of the year anybody), fantacist, revisionist and 1st class old and past it gobsite who should have been put out to pasture a long time ago.  Our tactics last season where horrible and i dread to think of him passing on any of his tactical nous when i remember his horrible Wimbledon team.


An awful appointment which doesnt make no sense what so ever.


At least Simon Bird (surprise surprise) http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/joe-kinnears-return-newcastle-mean-1957290 has had the gumption to question it. But we all know what he is or what JFK thinks he is.


http://www.true-faith.co.uk/tbawe.html sums it up nicely saves me higher blood pressure by ranting on.

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Seems so odd that this had blown up on Sky Sports, Kinnear claiming all sorts, then today nothing at all being said. I cant see the harm of releasing a statement, he's already opened his mouth on SSN, It's all sorts of weird the whole thing


The longer it takes for the club to respond the more it looks like they are in a panic and wondering how to control the situation. What they get for dealing with that old deluded self important c***.


The whole thing is odd though, it happened so quickly and he confirmed it, what have they got to lose by announcing it now, everyone already knows, its in all the papers. I just find it all strange, not as clear cut as it appears imo. I still think it will happen but there's certainly more to it than meets the eye imo


Well its either JFK jumped the gun and nothing at all has been agreed or he has way way way overdone what he role is going to be. If he has spoken the utter truth then it would have been confirmed by now, the delay only proves non of it is okay.


That's the best case scenario TBH. The worst is that he actually is DOF with actual powers over recruitment and organisation etc.

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Guest taps01

Liking him is probably a bit strong, but I don't hate him.


So his constant lying and overinflated opinion of himself doesn't bother you? I cringed at every sentence he uttered in that Sky interview.


Was just going to post something similar.  I cant stand people who tell lies and have never really understoodway people do it as the truth always comes out. 

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Still don't believe this has actually happened. It's got to be "jobs for the boys", surely? Not that that justifies this at all but I'm struggling to work out why on earth this would ever happen. Staggering.

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"I saw Alan as a player – he was a heck of a player – and we bumped into each other a couple of times when he was West Ham manager.


We always bump into each other at the Manager of the Year awards.


Last year I was at the awards when Alan won it.


I said ‘congratulations, but you have to get two more to catch me!"





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To be fair, his wiki does say



LMA Manager of the Year





So he's probably just going off that.


Either his wiki is wrong or the LMA wiki is wrong. 


1994 Joe Kinnear Republic of Ireland Wimbledon

1995 Frank Clark England Nottingham Forest

1997 Danny Wilson Northern Ireland Barnsley

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To be fair, his wiki does say



LMA Manager of the Year





So he's probably just going off that.


He probably edited it himself, and pointed to it to convince Ashley of his suitability for the role.. :lol:







Edit: damn you Ishmael

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This whole thing is surreal. Remember when he claimed to have been offered a long contract or summit?


I genuinely think there is something wrong with him.

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Guest neesy111

Devious fucker probably edited his own wiki :lol:


It's highly unlikely that he knows how to switch on his PC, never mind edit Wikipedia.


I'll be surprised if he knows how to use a mobile phone properly, never mind a PC.

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