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Part of his bio:


Adult Comedy Entertainer, DJ, Massive Sunderland AFC fan, Love snowboarding, do a bit of photography occasionally. Follow me wife @Kazza1574 ...she's funny!


Go on hers...


wife and mum of 1 gorgeous but stroppy daughter. domestic goddess and all round hard worker and the best wife my hubby's had! and I'm no 4



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It's the repeated "HIGHLY OFFENSIVE!!!!1111!11" warnings.  So presumably it's more than what a comedian does responding to hecklers?  You go in and he just repeatedly mocks, belittles and swears at you?


Probably means he's a massive racist TBH.


Probably aspires to be Roy Chubby Brown, imagine that...

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Guest firetotheworks

The Fergie stuff about the mackems is fake incase anyone needed confirmation.  Skimmed through his book in Asda before.


I didn't realize you could read a book by skimming it.


Judging by your spelling, I'm going to read that sentence as genuine enlightenment on your part and that it's loaded with absolutely no sarcasm whatsoever.




Neesy man. If that's deliberate, it's funny. If it's not, then it's even funnier.

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"I know Ellis Short has invested quite a bit of money in Sunderland but they just can't get it right at the moment and there was signs a couple of years ago that Newcastle were on the right path and were getting towards Champions League football but now they've just fallen off it a little and Newcastle in particular are a club that are worthy of being right up there at the top of the league because they're a fantastic club, but so are Sunderland as well."


The bit in bold made me laugh, nowt like an after-thought :lol:

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not sure where to put this but the horse puncher got 12 months in jail


This might sound retarded but did he get a longer sentence because it was a cop-horse? Or does punching a "normal" (or off duty cop-horse for that matter) yield the same penalty?  ???

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not sure where to put this but the horse puncher got 12 months in jail


This might sound retarded but did he get a longer sentence because it was a cop-horse? Or does punching a "normal" (or off duty cop-horse for that matter) yield the same penalty?  ???


Last time i decked a horse i got a stern telling off :undecided: not sure if it was just your average horse or off duty tho. Just trying top make an example of this bloke.

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Normally I'm all for harsh sentencing for animal

Abuse, but I'm not sure this falls into that category. It's clearly just to make an example

Of him before the derby


I don't think you understand Haiku.



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Wee Phillie bringing that class marra.






Wee Phiilie looks like a herniated testicle in a leotard, and I hate to stoop to his level, but in the interest of balance...


Wooh me lads, we're doing what we like to,

Shoutin abuse at Darren Bent's mam and Romelu Lukaku

If you're not white we'll let y'knaa with monkey sounds and faces

Gannin' along the Roker Roaaaaaaaaaaad, to shout at other races.


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Guest Slippery Sam

Wee Phillie bringing that class marra.






Wee Phiilie looks like a herniated testicle in a leotard, and I hate to stoop to his level, but in the interest of balance...


Wooh me lads, we're doing what we like to,

Shoutin abuse at Darren Bent's mam and Romelu Lukaku

If you're not white we'll let y'knaa with monkey sounds and faces

Gannin' along the Roker Roaaaaaaaaaaad, to shout at other races.



Very good 'Wee Bhoy', very good.

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It's amazing how many of these notable characters they have. The Mickem's, the two knackers who camp outside to get the shirts and now this leather faced prick. All have such stereotypical Mackem qualities. Basically what I expect every one on RTG looks like :lol:.

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Guest Slippery Sam

It's amazing how many of these notable characters they have. The Mickem's, the two knackers who camp outside to get the shirts and now this leather faced prick. All have such stereotypical Mackem qualities. Basically what I expect every one on RTG looks like :lol:.


Looks like he's wearing the Ibiza kit i.e. a full Ibiza kit wanker.

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It's amazing how many of these notable characters they have. The Mickem's, the two knackers who camp outside to get the shirts and now this leather faced prick. All have such stereotypical Mackem qualities. Basically what I expect every one on RTG looks like :lol:.


you missed the Sunderland Icon Wearside Jack

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not sure where to put this but the horse puncher got 12 months in jail


This might sound retarded but did he get a longer sentence because it was a cop-horse? Or does punching a "normal" (or off duty cop-horse for that matter) yield the same penalty?  ???

I think they are classed as police property so therefor anything illegal done to them carries a higher sentence, the same applies to assaulting a police officer instead of a civilian, or nicking a police car instead of an ordinary car.
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It's amazing how many of these notable characters they have. The Mickem's, the two knackers who camp outside to get the shirts and now this leather faced prick. All have such stereotypical Mackem qualities. Basically what I expect every one on RTG looks like :lol:.


you missed the Sunderland Icon Wearside Jack


Also the bloke with the '9-1 FTM' van :lol:

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Wee Phillie bringing that class marra.


Wee Phillie ‏@WeePhillie 1h

Clear ya throat ready for Sunday... #SAFC pic.twitter.com/LcbnCDThid

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They still laughing their cocks off over that disabled kid being hit by a flare from their end? Must be reet hard bastards.

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