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Paços de Ferreira 1-1 Newcastle United (FT) - post game discussion from page 33


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Guest bimpy474

Most people were predicting a hammering off a quality side, any positives to take?


Santon was good, Haris did well and Debuchy was ok, Colo's two handed grip is excellent.

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Oh good, the excuses have started again for Tiote. All Cabaye's fault he can't pass a ball 10 yards without gifting the opposition a chance.


Can't stand Tiote at the minute, but Cabaye needed to move further up at certain points.


Even the centre backs could afford to make themselves available for passes more. Shola never does so no need discussing him.


Tiote seemed to be doing it the most, when in reality he should be doing it the least!


Our wingers and full  backs could only pass the ball between each other once it went wide.


It's all a bloody mess.

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Most people were predicting a hammering off a quality side, any positives to take?


If we'd won you'd be more annoying. That's about it.


Whereas you stay equally annoying no matter what happens.


How do you know? I barely posted before Ashley ruined NUFC.

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Most people were predicting a hammering off a quality side, any positives to take?


If we'd won you'd be more annoying. That's about it.


Whereas you stay equally annoying no matter what happens.


How do you know? I barely posted before Ashley ruined NUFC.


I don't mind you at all Ronaldo, I just sometimes wish everything wasn't so unendingly cynical and hyper-depressing. Nothing personal.

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I'm very positive in the most neutral, even negative of situations. But this is utterly cancerous and we need to realise it because we're the only ones who can do something about it.




You can just tell this season is going to be a mess

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It's shaping up to be like the relegation season. Pardew gets binned after a few games, Kinnear takes over and almost dies in March then we trudge to the Championship with zero fight from our spineless players.


There's a World Cup on after that so it's not all bad.

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Watching us is like watching Zaire at the '74 World Cup. It's as though Pardew found a country that had never seen a football match, went there and rounded up a group of guys. Then explained the rules to them on the way to the game. While he was driving the bus.

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It's shaping up to be like the relegation season. Pardew gets binned after a few games, Kinnear takes over and almost dies in March then we trudge to the Championship with zero fight from our spineless players.


There's a World Cup on after that so it's not all bad.



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Most people were predicting a hammering off a quality side, any positives to take?


If we'd won you'd be more annoying. That's about it.


Whereas you stay equally annoying no matter what happens.


How do you know? I barely posted before Ashley ruined NUFC.


I don't mind you at all Ronaldo, I just sometimes wish everything wasn't so unendingly cynical and hyper-depressing. Nothing personal.


Have to agree with this. Nothing to gain from all the doom and gloom really. Never going to get enough of a backing to change Ashley's mind, especially online.


Think I'm set to support us through thick and thin, put as little money into the club as I can and just have a good moan about things after poor performances.


Would really like to say we shouldn't be getting on the players backs, but lost count of how many times I swore when Tiote got the ball tonight.

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Watching us is like watching Zaire at the '74 World Cup. It's as though Pardew found a country that had never seen a football match, went there and rounded up a group of guys. Then explained the rules to them on the way to the game. While he was driving the bus.

74 it was  zaire defence trying to organise a wall shambolically against Brazil and a  player running up and kicking the ball away as Brazil tried to take the free kick ?  ;D
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Watching us is like watching Zaire at the '74 World Cup. It's as though Pardew found a country that had never seen a football match, went there and rounded up a group of guys. Then explained the rules to them on the way to the game. While he was driving the bus.

74 it was  zaire defence trying to organise a wall shambolically against Brazil and a  player running up and kicking the ball away as Brazil tried to take the free kick ?  ;D


Tbf the guy kicked it away trying to keep the score down and avoid any worse punishment when they got home. He knew the rules and played up to the stereotype to get away with it. That's what he eventually said anyway, and I think it's plausible. :dontknow:

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"Make no mistake, we were the better side throughout the 90 minutes and we should have won it," Pardew told nufc.co.uk.


"But to get a performance like that against this standard of opposition - a team who finished third in their league last season - was outstanding from us.


"We showed our commitment that we weren't just going to lie down. They are a strong team, a good technical team, but we were better than them and as the game wore on we got stronger, which bodes well for the work we have done on the training pitch this week.


"Take the sending-off away and I would say it was a really positive night, but that sending-off has just cast a shadow over it slightly."


Coloccini and Caetano both received their marching orders after clashing while chasing a long ball over the top.


And Pardew was upset at the standard of officiating which preceeded the incident.


"In my opinion the referee let too many tackles go and he was asking for trouble," said the Magpies' manager.


"Someone was going to get hurt or sent off, which is what did happen. Unfortunately for us it was our captain, who we know is a pretty calm character, and that tells you what sort of level the game was at."

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He thinks the ref let too many tackles go before the sending off? :lol: :lol:


He was whistling for fucking everything and doled out a few yellow cards anarl, baffling comment.


Oh, and of course he thinks we played well etc etc. Fuck me. :lol:

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Amusing to note that whilst NUFC fans are debating about a friendly against a mediocre team from a country that is financially bust and from where we are unlikely to gain any merchandise sales or new fans, Man U and Liverpool have been over in Australia and S.E.Asia - where the fans will be getting better incomes/spending power etc - and playing friendlies to cement their already wide fan-bases in these areas.


Just illustrates the thinking and lack of investment from the top in NUFC......Kinnear probably doesn't even know where S.E.Asia is....

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