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2014 FIFA World Cup Brasil™ - Europe vs. America

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i know these things are normally shit, but jesus christ. There are about 20 people in that area. They normally fill these things up and make pretty patterns with the vast amount of choreographed peeps, but instead we've got 5 kids knocking a ball on a string :lol:

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Cannot wait for Russia and Qatar's version of this


Oh my God I was just thinking this.


I'm officially okay with Qatar getting the world cup if there's one these to look forward to.

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Our Olympics one was much better. :smug:


China says :yao:


This is the fucking World Cup. China doesn't say shit. China is at home watching this shit just like the rest of us.


:lol: How come only I got yelled at? Shouldn't Neesy be comparing this to the 66 ceremony? Yell at him too!

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