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Crap players who have had a stormer


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Someone mentioned Graham Fenton, I think I am still pychologically scarred from his two goals against us for Blackburn, I'm sure I had nightmares for weeks of Sky Sports commenators just repeating "The Newcastle Fan Graham Fenton" horrible few weeks that was. :(


I saw him last weekend managing North Shields, he's still a right shit like.

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Macheda for Man United. Looked a terrific prospect when he first hit the scene at Man United - what has happened to him since though - too much, too soon?

Injuries and poor loan moves have affected him. Probably will never be a world beater that he looked capable of becoming though. But can still be a good top flight striker imo.
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Macheda for Man United. Looked a terrific prospect when he first hit the scene at Man United - what has happened to him since though - too much, too soon?

Injuries and poor loan moves have affected him. Probably will never be a world beater that he was hyped-up to be. But can still be a good top flight striker imo.

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Matty Pattison vs West Brom at home in 2005/06 - looked like a right player. Then came back after the summer shorn of his ginger-blonde big barnet and was hideously woeful for the rest of his time at the club.

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Daniel Cordone's debut vs Derby County.


Was just about to post that. Though we'd uncovered a gem there.


Also seem to remember Karelse having a good game at Highbury, think we drew 0-0?


Let in 4 on his debut at The Dell though.


3 v Wimbledon too so the Arsenal game fits what the thread is about.

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Carl Cort looked good against us.  Was shite after he joined.

I disagree.

He had a terrible time with injuries for us but his goals to games ratio was excellent.

He was completely shot when he came back to replace the injured Bellamy in 2002 mind.

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Mido and Kenwyne Jones come to mind for having hit a bit of form for about a month of their whole careers


Mido was a good player, tbh.


He was decent, but he had zero application or drive. That was his problem.

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Mido and Kenwyne Jones come to mind for having hit a bit of form for about a month of their whole careers


Mido was a good player, tbh.


He was decent, but he had zero application or drive. That was his problem.


Ok, thanks.

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