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Alan '48 points' Pardew

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Guest bimpy474

Why does it have to be, because of this or because of that.


Does anyone still not realise we're crap because he's a sub standard awful coach. It's because of him.

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Great post. No wonder Pardew is constantly licking Ashley's rim, he's provided him with a perfect get out of jail card.


I'm not sure about this TBH, surely he's just towing the party line because he wants to be manager of NUFC?


You're possibly right about Pardew not being seen as being responsible for transfers means he comes under less criticism. But then again, it's a fact that it's not his decision. I find it extremely hard to believe Pardew himself is grateful for not being responsible for signings because it means he can get away with being s***.


Ian ffs :lol:



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Why does it have to be, because of this or because of that.


Does anyone still not realise we're crap because he's a sub standard awful coach. It's because of him.




The stupid cunt keeps picking Williamson and Taylor as a pair yet still people wonder if it's his fault.

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Great post. No wonder Pardew is constantly licking Ashley's rim, he's provided him with a perfect get out of jail card.


I'm not sure about this TBH, surely he's just towing the party line because he wants to be manager of NUFC?


You're possibly right about Pardew not being seen as being responsible for transfers means he comes under less criticism. But then again, it's a fact that it's not his decision. I find it extremely hard to believe Pardew himself is grateful for not being responsible for signings because it means he can get away with being s***.


Ian ffs :lol:



Go on...

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Guest alijmitchell

I reckon more people wanted shot of Bobby Robson near the end than is the case with Pardew now.  Managers used to get a lot of the blame from media and the vast majority of the fans in those days mind.


I've got a great many thoughts on why this is, but in the main I think the fact that he doesn't buy his own players is, for many, a complete get-out-of-jail-free card. If a player was s*** under Robson, or any other manager, it was because the manager had bought a s*** player - manager's fault. As someone who has posted on here for more than ten years now, it always strikes me how little we hear it now on this forum because of the way we are now run. Every manager used to be judged more than anything else on who they had bought. Endless discussions on potential future managers usually ended up with people just listing a particular manager's transfer hits and misses.


Robson - bought some crap (I have seen dozens of pro-Robson posts over the years be met with a response of "wasn't that good, bought Viana, Cort and Bramble")

Souness - bought some crap

Roeder - bought some crap

Allardyce - bought some crap

Pardew - hasn't bought any crap (unless you give him credit for Obertan)


A huge amount of football supporters (and even a lot of the press) seem to have a hard time grasping that a manager's job extends to much more than a) buying players and b) picking the team (actually that's not true about the press, they'll acknowledge a manager's positive effect but if it's s***, they'll blame the players but I digress). Pardew only has responsibility for one of those and because he gets off completely scot-free on that charge, that basically lets him get away with anything because it also gets him off charge b) in a roundabout way. He consistently fails to get the best out of, say, the Acronym Brothers, MYM and HBA, so drops them, getting away with selecting the wrong personnel without any finger ultimately pointing at him because he didn't buy them. He can make every single talented player look like total s*** and then hold his hands up saying "not my fault, I didn't choose this rubbish".


But suggestion that a manager might affect their performances has scorn quickly poured all over it, after all they're paid enough to take responsibility for themselves.


You hear it all the time - "Don't blame Pardew, what could he have done differently today?" - coached the team to a competent standard over a 3-year period perhaps? But people think you've got a screw loose if you think he's doing anything wrong beyond what team he picked and what subs he makes, as if it's some sort of paranoid conspiracy theory to suggest that maybe the manager could possibly have any sort of effect on the performances of the players before or after he's written their names on the teamsheet.


Great post. No wonder Pardew is constantly licking Ashley's rim, he's provided him with a perfect get out of jail card.


This is a great post.


Added to this, from my perspective, it seems that quite a few fans have changed their attitudes towards us constantly being a hiring and firing sort of club. I think thre is a media perspective angle as well. When we were in the position of having f*** knows how many managers over a number of years, I remember there being numerous articles about us being a 'chaos' club - and that the fans were part of this - from a number of sections in the media. This eventually became footballing accepted wisdom, and despite the fact that we sacked numerous incompetent managers correctly, we were viewed as an idiotic, senseless club. The response we had to the Keegan/Shearer affairs highlighted this (see the villa banners).  In many football fans eyes we were a laughing stock. Although we were chaotic in terms of management (i.e. appointing the wrong people in the first instance), the perception of where we should be within football was changed immensely, the idea of pressure and huge expectations from the fans up here was solidified. As a result I think a lot of people have settled for 'stability' over success, having been scarred by the relegation and the mess before it, and the insinuation that it was partly the fans fault from the media. This leaves us in a situation where I think some fans would rather not see a return to the instability of firing incompetent managers, the bad press that comes with it, and the negative perception of our football club through the media. We seem to care a lot more about our outward perception than we should.

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I see that from the tweets last night and this morning that Mark Douglas thinks Pardew has run his course.


Is he? I saw a tweet just now where he's saying the problems are the same as last year and then were solved by signing players. The implication being none of it is pardew's fault. Again.

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Guest reefatoon

Said before the game that "Spurs don't travel well" apparently. On the ball as always.


But if you mix that with science, we were onto a hiding for nothing. Though it didn't seem half as bad when not using your naked eye.

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I see that from the tweets last night and this morning that Mark Douglas thinks Pardew has run his course.


Is he? I saw a tweet just now where he's saying the problems are the same as last year and then were solved by signing players. The implication being none of it is pardew's fault. Again.


Nah, he's saying that Pardew's shiteness was masked by the new signings and will be again if we spend in the summer.

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Another loss, another terrible performance, another terrible team selection, another game with incorrect subs and another game where the fans at SJP still haven't turned on this loathsome cunt. What is it going to take? In the three years he's been here we've seen a side full of players who knew what it meant to play for the club and understood the fans torn apart and replaced by cheap shite. I wouldn't have Santon or Sissoko in the side when we were in the championship. Fucking woeful players.


3 years of the worst football we've played in my lifetime yet still people defend him. We have a team that has stronger attacking options than defensive ones yet approach every single game, no matter who the opposition is or what level they play at, to contain a team and stop them from scoring with the hope one of our more talented players will score a wonder goal. The players are so out of touch with this club it's unbelievable and I lay all of that blame solely on Pardew. Would this side under a Keegan or Robson have lost three times in a row to Sunderland? Of course they wouldn't because the manager would understand the importance of the game and what it means to the fans. They also wouldn't go into a derby looking to stop Sunderland scoring, we'd go in looking to murder them from the first whistle. Even Chris Hughton understood that.


The coaching of the side and the way it is set up is my biggest gripe with Pardew though. We have absolutely no off the ball movement and haven't for two years. Last season was one of the worst i've ever experienced and it's down to the hideously outdated 4-4-2 formation and the dinosaur long ball tactics, yet he still persists with it and shows no signs of changing it. His man management is terrible, especially of Yanga-Mbiwa. Dropped after playing brilliant for Coloccini who couldn't give a fuck about being here then when he should have been rightfully reinstated into the team wasn't and instead a brainless fucking moron put in the side ahead of him. I really think MYM could have been a future captain of this club and has amazing potential but he is probably looking to leave in the summer now after that treatment. Ben Arfa has also been treated like shit by him, if he doesn't win the game for us he's on the bench and if he has one or two bad performances he's not seen for a few months. Never a mention that his poor performances could be due to the fact that if he has a great game on the right wing he plays every position but there in the subsequent weeks before he gets dropped again.


I've stopped going to the games now as watching the club I love become an empty soulless shadow of what it once was is too much for me. The club can't even start to make baby steps forward as long as Pardew is the manager of this football club because of his lack of intelligence in being able to develop players with talent into a fluid attacking side.

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Another loss, another terrible performance, another terrible team selection, another game with incorrect subs and another game where the fans at SJP still haven't turned on this loathsome cunt. What is it going to take? In the three years he's been here we've seen a side full of players who knew what it meant to play for the club and understood the fans torn apart and replaced by cheap shite. I wouldn't have Santon or Sissoko in the side when we were in the championship. Fucking woeful players.


3 years of the worst football we've played in my lifetime yet still people defend him. We have a team that has stronger attacking options than defensive ones yet approach every single game, no matter who the opposition is or what level they play at, to contain a team and stop them from scoring with the hope one of our more talented players will score a wonder goal. The players are so out of touch with this club it's unbelievable and I lay all of that blame solely on Pardew. Would this side under a Keegan or Robson have lost three times in a row to Sunderland? Of course they wouldn't because the manager would understand the importance of the game and what it means to the fans. They also wouldn't go into a derby looking to stop Sunderland scoring, we'd go in looking to murder them from the first whistle. Even Chris Hughton understood that.


The coaching of the side and the way it is set up is my biggest gripe with Pardew though. We have absolutely no off the ball movement and haven't for two years. Last season was one of the worst i've ever experienced and it's down to the hideously outdated 4-4-2 formation and the dinosaur long ball tactics, yet he still persists with it and shows no signs of changing it. His man management is terrible, especially of Yanga-Mbiwa. Dropped after playing brilliant for Coloccini who couldn't give a fuck about being here then when he should have been rightfully reinstated into the team wasn't and instead a brainless fucking moron put in the side ahead of him. I really think MYM could have been a future captain of this club and has amazing potential but he is probably looking to leave in the summer now after that treatment. Ben Arfa has also been treated like shit by him, if he doesn't win the game for us he's on the bench and if he has one or two bad performances he's not seen for a few months. Never a mention that his poor performances could be due to the fact that if he has a great game on the right wing he plays every position but there in the subsequent weeks before he gets dropped again.


I've stopped going to the games now as watching the club I love become an empty soulless shadow of what it once was is too much for me. The club can't even start to make baby steps forward as long as Pardew is the manager of this football club because of his lack of intelligence in being able to develop players with talent into a fluid attacking side.

here here

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I see that from the tweets last night and this morning that Mark Douglas thinks Pardew has run his course.


Is he? I saw a tweet just now where he's saying the problems are the same as last year and then were solved by signing players. The implication being none of it is pardew's fault. Again.


Nah, he's saying that Pardew's shiteness was masked by the new signings and will be again if we spend in the summer.


Was that Douglas' view or is he claiming that the board are thinking along those lines?



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I see that from the tweets last night and this morning that Mark Douglas thinks Pardew has run his course.


Is he? I saw a tweet just now where he's saying the problems are the same as last year and then were solved by signing players. The implication being none of it is pardew's fault. Again.


Nah, he's saying that Pardew's shiteness was masked by the new signings and will be again if we spend in the summer.


Was that Douglas' view or is he claiming that the board are thinking along those lines?




His view. He added that he doesn't expect any action with the current agenda/ambition.

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I see that from the tweets last night and this morning that Mark Douglas thinks Pardew has run his course.


Is he? I saw a tweet just now where he's saying the problems are the same as last year and then were solved by signing players. The implication being none of it is pardew's fault. Again.


Nah, he's saying that Pardew's shiteness was masked by the new signings and will be again if we spend in the summer.


Was that Douglas' view or is he claiming that the board are thinking along those lines?




His view. He added that he doesn't expect any action with the current agenda/ambition.


Well he's got that spot on. Better late than never.

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Do we hope we finish about 11th or something now? I mean because at the start of this season it was stated we must achieve a top 10 finish so surely that's means to sake him?


I'd much rather take 11th and no Pardew going forward, than 8th-9th and Pardew for the foreseeable future.

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He's bullet-proof it looks like.  I'd like him gone immediately but I just can't see it. I felt passive watching the goals go in last night. Weird feeling


The thing that hits me hardest is that he's not even under any pressure. How can he not be under pressure?

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