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Match tickets

Crumpy Gunt

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I give up Ashley has won anyone attending the Arsenal game is a c*.. who have their own addictive problems to deal with...ffs how hard is it to stay in toon and get pissed in all of the pubs supporting non attaendance?


Every fucka who goes to that match is an Ashley supporter its as simple as that - don't moan later on lads and lasses is all I ask... I will be in toon and laugh at any c*nt that moans having been there. Tempted to twat you all tbh..

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genuinely feel crap. the older one understood and was all for cancelling, but the youngest.....


Everyone's circumstances are different, don't beat yourself up over it.  For what it's worth I reckon old people and young kids get a pass on all this stuff anyway.

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It’s genuinely mad so many still go. Tens and tens of folk I know have packed it in, and yet still full.


My parents initially met each other at the SJP many moons ago. Both packed it in 08/09 after decades of support home and away. They’ve been back once, thanks to me - we got beat unsurprisingly. I kept going, near three quarters of my life I was a ST holder. Last season was the first I didn’t attend since I was 6. It gets easier but my god I’d love to go back and support a proper football club where my money goes somewhere.

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genuinely feel crap. the older one understood and was all for cancelling, but the youngest.....


Everyone's circumstances are different, don't beat yourself up over it.  For what it's worth I reckon old people and young kids get a pass on all this stuff anyway.


Agree with this like. There was a lass on Twitter getting some stick for renewing. She even said she hadn't wanted to but she has an autistic son and if they change their routine it causes massive distress for him and he sees SJP as his "safe place." For for that reason alone, cancelling would have caused no end of problems. Not that she should have to explain herself anyway but you can't blame the likes of her for still going.

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have to own up.

i'm ashamed and disgusted with myself.


i have let my youngest talk me into renewing his season ticket and have not cancelled mine.


i just feel numb as if i've done something terrible (which i have). feel sick.

this feels s***.


I'm lucky my kids (3 and 5) haven't really got into it yet so could walk away but if they had been going it would have been harder to as you don't want to disappoint them and love seeing their faces light up.


I like it to soft play/parks/kids parties. I really don't want to be there but I do it for them.

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genuinely feel crap. the older one understood and was all for cancelling, but the youngest.....


Everyone's circumstances are different, don't beat yourself up over it.  For what it's worth I reckon old people and young kids get a pass on all this stuff anyway.


Agree with this like. There was a lass on Twitter getting some stick for renewing. She even said she hadn't wanted to but she has an autistic son and if they change their routine it causes massive distress for him and he sees SJP as his "safe place." For for that reason alone, cancelling would have caused no end of problems. Not that she should have to explain herself anyway but you can't blame the likes of her for still going.




And here’s why I said what I did.

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My daughters Autistic and I can say that her son wouldn’t fully get why he can’t go and the change in routine would be a huge issue. Every emotion and change in routine, plans etc is ten times worse for someone with Autism. Obviously some people handle it differently but it would be a huge change for him.

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It’s genuinely mad so many still go. Tens and tens of folk I know have packed it in, and yet still full.


It's all about the location of the stadium imo.


Yep. If it was out of town then people would more likely think twice.


It’s too convenient. I’m in town on Saturday, may as well go etc

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genuinely feel crap. the older one understood and was all for cancelling, but the youngest.....


You never know, he might change his mind after a few games after seeing how miserable the games are going to be now

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genuinely feel crap. the older one understood and was all for cancelling, but the youngest.....


I told my lad last week we were not renewing. He was gutted but understood (which I was very pleased about) promised him if Ashley goes we will be back. Got a season ticket for Dunston for us both which I'm sure will fill a bit of the void..

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Guest covmag

My daughters Autistic and I can say that her son wouldn’t fully get why he can’t go and the change in routine would be a huge issue. Every emotion and change in routine, plans etc is ten times worse for someone with Autism. Obviously some people handle it differently but it would be a huge change for him.


I totally agree with this, my stepson has Asperger and couldn’t handle it.He’d have to go because to him it’s routine.

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My daughters Autistic and I can say that her son wouldn’t fully get why he can’t go and the change in routine would be a huge issue. Every emotion and change in routine, plans etc is ten times worse for someone with Autism. Obviously some people handle it differently but it would be a huge change for him.


I totally agree with this, my stepson has Asperger and couldn’t handle it.He’d have to go because to him it’s routine.


Those people get a pass like, we're not monsters :lol:

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My daughters Autistic and I can say that her son wouldn’t fully get why he can’t go and the change in routine would be a huge issue. Every emotion and change in routine, plans etc is ten times worse for someone with Autism. Obviously some people handle it differently but it would be a huge change for him.


I totally agree with this, my stepson has Asperger and couldn’t handle it.He’d have to go because to him it’s routine.


Those people get a pass like, we're not monsters :lol:


Precisely. Any genuine reason for continuing to go as mentioned on this page is absolutely fair enough.


The main demographic that needs the shit and abuse is the one that feels they have to go to demonstrate how loyal they are, the "he's not going to stop me" brigade. The ones who go for a laugh with their mates (do it in the pub) and blatantly don't give a fuck about the state of the club, their day on the lash is more important. Worst of all is the pseudo macho "get away from the wife" loser mob who seem to revel in being a laaaad and escaping their partner possibly because their missus is as dull and irritating as they are.

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My daughters Autistic and I can say that her son wouldn’t fully get why he can’t go and the change in routine would be a huge issue. Every emotion and change in routine, plans etc is ten times worse for someone with Autism. Obviously some people handle it differently but it would be a huge change for him.


I totally agree with this, my stepson has Asperger and couldn’t handle it.He’d have to go because to him it’s routine.


Those people get a pass like, we're not monsters :lol:


Precisely. Any genuine reason for continuing to go as mentioned on this page is absolutely fair enough.


The main demographic that needs the s*** and abuse is the one that feels they have to go to demonstrate how loyal they are, the "he's not going to stop me" brigade. The ones who go for a laugh with their mates (do it in the pub) and blatantly don't give a f*** about the state of the club, their day on the lash is more important. Worst of all is the pseudo macho "get away from the wife" loser mob who seem to revel in being a laaaad and escaping their partner possibly because their missus is as dull and irritating as they are.


Some of it is a social thing and certainly was for me, now put me in loser category but it was ideal time to go out with mates and do my own thing away from kids, family, pressures etc. Saying to my wife I'm going to the pub all afternoon just for the crack doesn't wash to well whereas was a little more accepting if the match. Now I have basically said I have cancelled it but plan to take in some local games say once or twice a month and meet up with my mates either there or after match if they decide to go.


When it's ingrained for so long I think it's hard to break free. Now I love spending time with my kids and wife but it can consume you and find for my own sanity I need that bit of a break. I stopped letting football ruin my days and weeks a long time ago so more went for the other reasons

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genuinely feel crap. the older one understood and was all for cancelling, but the youngest.....


You never know, he might change his mind after a few games after seeing how miserable the games are going to be now


i think this will definitley be the case. we've had that chat already.


he'll probably not want to go after the first few defeats and the shitty atomsphere - the problem is the FCB already has our money.

so we may stop attending and go do other "lads bonding" stuff on a saturday afternoon but that FCB wont give a fuck.

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Also, people are free to spend their money on whatever they like and go to as many games as they want. I would only say they have chosen a sub standard product so don't complain about the no frills quality that gets delivered. I won't be listening to it as I think there is a choice and if I had continued to go I couldn't have had much complaint if we go down as I know what that product looks like

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Another enlightening encounterat work.  Same lass who once told me She wasn't 'too fussed about rafa'.


Telling me how her ticket will cost 800+ next season, and how she MIGHT have to give it up due to the money.  Yet paid the price this season for a eyeful of Stevey Bruce, who she likes as a bloke but definitely not as a manager.


It's this sort of stuff that makes me sure we're still going to have a full house come Arsenal.  There are far too many of these people about.


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genuinely feel crap. the older one understood and was all for cancelling, but the youngest.....


Everyone's circumstances are different, don't beat yourself up over it.  For what it's worth I reckon old people and young kids get a pass on all this stuff anyway.


Agree with this like. There was a lass on Twitter getting some stick for renewing. She even said she hadn't wanted to but she has an autistic son and if they change their routine it causes massive distress for him and he sees SJP as his "safe place." For for that reason alone, cancelling would have caused no end of problems. Not that she should have to explain herself anyway but you can't blame the likes of her for still going.

All symptomatic of Ashleys' reign. He's divided a fan base that when it has a club worth backing is 2nd to none.

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I have been a season ticket holder for over 30 years.  I have just cancelled my direct debit with the bank and out of courtesy I also informed the Newcastle box office.


I'm not sure how I feel, at this moment in time I feel numb.  :weep:

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I have been a season ticket holder for over 30 years.  I have just cancelled my direct debit with the bank and out of courtesy I also informed the Newcastle box office.


I'm not sure how I feel, at this moment in time I feel numb.  :weep:


good fucking lad

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