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The other games today - 2013/14


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Flanagan and Suarez have enough gum for the whole squad.


I've been trying to show my lass how much of a hideous creature Flanagan is on MotD for weeks, i'm convinced the cameras actively avoid him because he's so repulsive.

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Sterling's attitude stinks like.


Why would you say that ?


Had a dip in form after his personal-life issues with a couple of random girls, and new contract got into his head, but seems totally committed in the game and very unselfish since December on the pitch. no more controversy off it either.

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I like Gary Monk.


He's got nee teeth like.


Yea. He's brought the swagger back to Swansea. Very impressed with them today, If Laudrup was still there, their heads would have gone at 2-0 and it would have turned into a toning. They were very sharp.


Having said that, it'll be tough for them in Naples. They played the same team as thursday today and it was a high intensity game, they'll be pretty tired on Thursday as I am certain Rafa will rotate half of his team in Napoli's game tomorrow.

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Really impressed by Liverpool being the top scorers in the league after the ridiculous scoring form City were in for a long time. Don't think they'll win the league but it would make a change for someone that's not Man Utd/Man City/Chelsea to push right to the end.

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Sterling's attitude stinks like.


Why would you say that ?


Had a dip in form after his personal-life issues with a couple of random girls, and new contract got into his head, but seems totally committed in the game and very unselfish since December on the pitch. no more controversy off it either.


A couple of examples now of him being selfish and ball greedy, as well as bad mouthing team mates that tell him as much.

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