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Crystal Palace manager


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I think Pardew retains the support of Ashley because he is the ultimate brown noser, absolutely perfect for Ashley


There have been plenty of opportunities for Ashley to sack him yet he has not pulled the trigger, which indicates he clearly likes Pardew and will stick with him through thick and thin


Sadly I think Pardew will remain as manager even if we end up in The Championship, we are stuck with this useless prick

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Just listened again to Colin Murray on Talksport website, from about 1020 this morning. He got it spot on, exposed Ashley for what he is and explained how he has no desire to sack Pardew because he is doing everything required from Ashley to allow him to keep coining it in.

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Some utter fucking tube of a presenter 'Keith' on sky now triping on about 'time to bed in new players' 'unlucky' with injuries blah blah blah....


Utter moronic fucking shite.


Now that cretin Bowyer on holy fuck! Aaaaargh!!!!! 'He will get it right and pull them through, don't judge him yet'...

I want a gun and i want it fucking now.


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It's well beyond the point of no return. The only question now is one of time -- even Ashley must know that there's no way back for Pardew under any circumstances. He's put his faith in a CB pairing that's absolutely awful without any reasonable alternative, he's put his faith in a strikeforce consisting of precisely zero strikers, and he's actively pushed aside creative forces who could potentially score goals for the sake of his ego. He can't get the best out of anyone.


We're gangrenous. Do we merely cut off the diseased finger now or do we wait until the entire arm or more is rotting? Because that's inevitable.


And anyone who even insinuates that Pardew should stay because of who might replace him is a complete idiot. You couldn't find a manager with a record as poor as Pardew's -- couple that with the toxicity of his presence and literally anyone would be better.

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I'm no doubt being incredibly stupid here, but could someone post a link for the Colin Murray show from this morning? I've just been on the TS website but the most recent 'Listen Again' for him is from Friday.

I assume i'm allowed to post this, if not I will just delete it, from about 17 minutes in:




You're a star, no idea why I couldn't find that myself. Cheers!

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I'm no doubt being incredibly stupid here, but could someone post a link for the Colin Murray show from this morning? I've just been on the TS website but the most recent 'Listen Again' for him is from Friday.

I assume i'm allowed to post this, if not I will just delete it, from about 17 minutes in:




Cheers for posting that.


WOW... first time I've heard one of the media telling it like it is, and asking the pertinent questions... i.e. why does Ashley want the club, why does Pardew stay?

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Colin Murray and Caulkin :clap:


Tide has definitely turned from a media perspective, not that MA gives a shit (more exposure for him and s**tdirect. Definitely too late but better late than never. 2014 has proved many well documented things, all of which support what most have thought for year.  Pardew is completely incompetent and Ashley is all about the money. Whilst I think its fairly obvious the former will leave sooner rather than later, its a shame the latter will not be following him out of the door any time soon.

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