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Crystal Palace manager


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It's clear Pardew is a bit wrong in the head. He actually does think he's some sort of genius and top manager.


There's long-standing and significant amounts of evidence that suggest he's got a number of interlinked mental illnesses. Nothing wrong with this, of course, but the chances are he's making his condition/s worse by remaining in post instead of seeking, as a matter of urgency, the professional help he so obviously needs.


Does this sound familiar? He's narcassistic.


People who are diagnosed with a narcissistic personality disorder are characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance. They have a sense of entitlement and demonstrate grandiosity in their beliefs and behavior. They have a strong need for admiration, but lack feelings of empathy.[5]


Symptoms of this disorder, as defined by the DSM-IV-TR, include:[1]


Expects to be recognized as superior and special, without superior accomplishments

Expects constant attention, admiration and positive reinforcement from others

Envies others and believes others envy him/her

Is preoccupied with thoughts and fantasies of great success, enormous attractiveness, power, intelligence

Lacks the ability to empathize with the feelings or desires of others

Is arrogant in attitudes and behavior

Has expectations of special treatment that are unrealistic

Other symptoms in addition to the ones defined by DSM-IV-TR include: Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends, has trouble keeping healthy relationships with others, easily hurt or rejected, appears unemotional, and exaggerating special achievements and talents, setting unrealistic goals for himself/herself.[6]


Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by an over-inflated sense of self-importance, as well as dramatic, emotional behavior that is in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders. [7]


In addition to these symptoms, the person may display arrogance, show superiority, and seek power.[8] The symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder can be similar to the traits of individuals with strong self-esteem and confidence; differentiation occurs when the underlying psychological structures of these traits are considered pathological. Narcissists have such an elevated sense of self-worth that they value themselves as inherently better than others, when in reality they have a fragile self-esteem, cannot handle criticism, and often try to compensate for this inner fragility by belittling or disparaging others in an attempt to validate their own self-worth. Comments and criticisms about others are vicious from sufferers of NPD, in an attempt to boost their own poor self-esteem.[9]


Another narcissist symptom is a lack of empathy. They are unable to relate, understand, and rationalize the feelings of others. Instead of behaving in a way that shows how they are feeling in the moment, they behave in the way that they feel they are expected to behave or that gives them the most attention.[6]


Yeah, that was one. A season-ticket holding GP friend of mine compiled a list of four separate issues, providing examples. I can't remember the last one but we had:


1) Sociopathic

2) clearly, 100% Psychotic

3) Narcissistic disorder

4) cannat mind


He said that there was a bit more to it than just the whole 'Silver Fox'/'The King' thing he has going on. His professional opinion was that wor Alan isn't just a c***, he's actually very unwell.

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If only the club put as much effort into actually running the club as they do PR.


I know what you mean, but lerl @ the notion of NUFC putting any effort whatsoever into PR.





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If only the club put as much effort into actually running the club as they do PR.


I know what you mean, but lerl @ the notion of NUFC putting any effort whatsoever into PR.






It's more the ridiculousness of the situation. No other club does this. If the fans are unhappy with a manager they just sack him and replace him.

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All this PR and it'll be worth nothing in turning around fan opinion if we lose to  Leicester.  The club has learned nothing since Ashley bought it.

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“I am not here to be the players’ friend.


I am here to be the manager of the football club and it is my job to make decisions on what I feel is the best side to take on whoever we are playing.


“We have the situation where, potentially, more players are unhappy because they are not involved, but that is a great position for us to be in because it means we have more players to select from and it gives us more options about how we set up."


So you're accountable for the results and performances then you smarmy fucking cunt. You're the boss, the buck stops with you shitface.

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Was that Pearson?  :lol:


Fuck me, I'm that used to getting annoyed at Pardew for this bullshit, man. Ah christ man. I automatically assume any shit quotes in an article are down to him now - that's my default setting. Nnnnggghhhhh.


Not apologising like.  :hmm:

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If The Sun are right then maybe that Palace job is still there for Pardew after all!!


Warnock on his uppers


Neil Warnock could become Crystal Palace's new director of football


EXCLUSIVE By CHARLIE WYETT Published: 14th October 2014


CRYSTAL PALACE are ready to move Neil Warnock upstairs — if they can find the right man to replace him.

Warnock, 65, has been back in charge for just five Premier League games.


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“Right now, it’s not about Mike Ashley’s regime or even whether Alan Pardew’s the right manager.


:lol: what is actually happening in the world, why is alan pardew seemingly enough to overturn +100 years of football tradition and be given a free fucking pass for being a shite manager by virtually everyone?  can't get my head around it

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It could get really interesting if he loses against Leicester :lol:


To be honest I've stopped reading a lot of the stuff at the moment. Partly because I'm bored if it all but secondly dislocated my shoulder on sat so have other painful concerns currently :-/


Apathy, grim

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“Let’s face it, Newcastle are a million miles away from challenging for titles today,” he said.


“This season is all about pulling away from the relegation zone and climbing up the table.




Pathetic  :lol: :lol:

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Adrian Durham and Talksport seem to be the only ones talking any sense on this.  That's how f***ed up this has become.  Talksport are the voice of reason.


I'm starting to fear for our and my own mental health now. :lol:


The sad thing is that the masses will lap up all this PR bullshit. We are fucking doomed as a football club.

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But but... Why didnt we build on the success of 5th and start challenging for titles? Or is everyone now agreed that was a total fluke and under Pardew the best we can hope for is a relegation battle....


And not forgetting Pardew bleating on about his new crop of players and having a cheeky push for 5 or champions league.  Weve gone from challenging the top teams to surviving relegation in 6 games.  :lol: :lol: :lol:

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