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Reds 2-9 Blues - Post-match reaction frpm page 35

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final 11s warm up game tonight, fingers crossed for no injuries. Shouldn't have spent all weekend lying horizontally and tanning booze and popcorn.


We going out for food at night? Jim hosting a bring-your-own-pie party?

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Guest neesy111

final 11s warm up game tonight, fingers crossed for no injuries. Shouldn't have spent all weekend lying horizontally and tanning booze and popcorn.


We going out for food at night? Jim hosting a bring-your-own-pie party?

Yes, I'm suggesting to go to dat bar for some pizza.

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Guest neesy111

Can people confirm for evening meal please:













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You've only yourself to blame frankly Dan. What did you expect to happen, huh? Thought you could move thousands of miles away, leave us all devastated and then just regularly swan back and pick up where you left off? No way pal. You've made your decision, you chose a life with a nice woman and a decent wage, a house and a dog over toiling away in moderate poverty in a broken country having occasional fun times with people who find you barely tolerable. You live with it sunshine. I hope your happy with yourself.

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aye but nee1 plays football


due to my vast american wealth I could've swanned back for the weekend, but my parents are here at the time, so it'd probably not go down well

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