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Newcastle 1-1 Stoke 8/2/15 - FT post-match reaction from p30


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Stoke seem pretty good at the safe ball possession and at times it's made our pressing looks stupid. It's as if we're playing as the away team and we've only really threatened when we've broke from some of their play. I'm finding watching players like Whelan kicking his way through the game and Diouf diving all over the place absolutely painful.


Sammy's been our best player in my opinion. I also feel for Perez who's given pretty much nothing to work with. I can see us losing this rather than winning it.

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Sammy's been our best player in my opinion.




I just thought his movement has been decent, he has created a couple of openings and if we're going to create a decent chance it looks like it will come from him and Haidara linking up. I wouldn't have said anyone is standout on the pitch where I've missed someone having a blinder.

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Sammy's been our best player in my opinion.




I just thought his movement has been decent, he has created a couple of openings and if we're going to create a decent chance it looks like it will come from him and Haidara linking up. I wouldn't have said anyone is standout on the pitch where I've missed someone having a blinder.


Agree, I thought Sammy was doing well.

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Sammy's been our best player in my opinion.




I just thought his movement has been decent, he has created a couple of openings and if we're going to create a decent chance it looks like it will come from him and Haidara linking up. I wouldn't have said anyone is standout on the pitch where I've missed someone having a blinder.


Agree, I thought Sammy was doing well.


Looks our most threatening player as usual.

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Didn't think it was that bad..


Neither do I. Last 10 minutes or so were a little slower, but we're generally moving the ball well. Cabella/Ayoze/Sissoko/Haidara and even Sammy have a good rapport going forward. Still worried about the defense falling asleep for half a second and Stoke sneaking a goal.

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