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Great idea. Should have been done years ago. I'll definitely take part in this but no doubt there'll still be 40,000+ sheep inside the ground by kick off.

I'm literally baffled at the thought that someone might have sat through the last few seasons, watched them replace Pardew with fucking carver then watched what is happening on the pitch now, then could judge the idea of a one game sky protest and just not bear the thought of not being in the ground.


Absolutely ludicrous :lol:

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Great that people will get off their arse to do something, so really cannot knock whoever is running this. Personally doubt it will achieve its aim - to force Ashley out, at least not on its own.


There are probably only a couple of things which will make him sell - relegation, or a silly £300M+ offer. He was definitely selling last time we went down, despite what the Ashley Out website says. It was the lack of a buyer with cash which stopped him. This time we're not in the middle of a huge economic slump and there is more TV money. Perfectly feasible that if we went down we would have a number of buyers willing to offer Ashley back most of his investment and take a punt on getting back up before the parachute payments run out. And if he has had a couple of years of sustained abuse he might just take it.


So I wouldn't say a campaign like this has no merits, it can make a difference, but I think to get rid it might take a year or two in the wilderness of the Championship to really get him to sell up.

Totally agree relegation will be the catalyst for a sell up and god help us with a manager who can manage and i do not mean that in a bad way as we need Ashley gone to progress as a club to get back to normal
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Would be nice to think that a 5th straight loss to them could be the catalyst to better things and finally get the fans off their backside and do something about this. A bit like when they beat us in the play offs in 1990 it could turn out to be a massive blessing in disguise.

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Great that people will get off their arse to do something, so really cannot knock whoever is running this. Personally doubt it will achieve its aim - to force Ashley out, at least not on its own.


There are probably only a couple of things which will make him sell - relegation, or a silly £300M+ offer. He was definitely selling last time we went down, despite what the Ashley Out website says. It was the lack of a buyer with cash which stopped him. This time we're not in the middle of a huge economic slump and there is more TV money. Perfectly feasible that if we went down we would have a number of buyers willing to offer Ashley back most of his investment and take a punt on getting back up before the parachute payments run out. And if he has had a couple of years of sustained abuse he might just take it.


So I wouldn't say a campaign like this has no merits, it can make a difference, but I think to get rid it might take a year or two in the wilderness of the Championship to really get him to sell up.


The people who bought Man City were interested in buying us but it has been reported that Ashley did not turn up at the arranged meeting so they looked elsewhere.


I believe there are interested buyers but Ashley will be a nightmare to deal with, is probably asking too much and does he even want to sell.



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Got a response from north of the border on another forum to the joint action:



A New Campaign:


I'm a member of a large Rangers forum and would be happy to pass on any information etc.


In terms of boycotting, Rangers fans have ended this and we are now happy to go to games, knowing the money is going into the club. I'm sure they'd be happy to display banners etc if requested. Play-offs are coming up so would gain some exposure.


What Rangers fans did which the media took notice of was boycotted their home games as much as they could (you always get some who will attend regardless) but try your best to encourage a boycott, it's short term pain for the long term health of your club. Instead, attend away games as much as you can. Sell out every single allocation you receive, make the club see what they are missing.


You guys have a much harder task than us since he owns you outright and also has all your debt. Stick at it though, zero season tickets, protests outside the ground etc etc.




The SFA ruling that MA couldn't increase his holding was certainly helpful however it would not have altered the long term aim.


He can have all the shares he wants but if you're starving him of revenue, it's his own money he's keeping the club afloat with. Mike Ashley doesn't like using his own money.


We drove our share price into the ground, other shareholders panicked and eventually one sold to Dave King. You guys don't have that luxury but you need to go for maximum media exposure instead, make his name toxic in the UK.



Poison the fatman and his odious sweatshop brand at every turn... plus a day of joint action sounds possible from the response.

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Good luck to them, but unless someone comes up with the cash to buy the club Ashley will not care what fans say. He has too much money invested in the club, Plus it is a free world wide advert for his sports direct . With the t.v money also coming into the club , finding a buyer to match Ashley price will be very  hard. Hope I am wrong and it works and Ashley sells up, I just cannot see it  :weep:

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Good luck to them, but unless someone comes up with the cash to buy the club Ashley will not care what fans say. He has too much money invested in the club, Plus it is a free world wide advert for his sports direct . With the t.v money also coming into the club , finding a buyer to match Ashley price will be very  hard. Hope I am wrong and it works and Ashley sells up, I just cannot see it  :weep:


Hopefully you'll be turning up to the protest to add your voice.  We all need to make the effort and we all need to do whatever we can to bring about change.  If we do nothing then nothing will change, if we do something then we have a chance, no matter how small the chance actually is.

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The main concern is finding someone to buy the club. We could really do with someone like Shearer doing a bit of a Niall Quinn and bringing some investors to the table. These ex players are all keen to give a little soundbite saying how shit everything is but we really need them to be actively supporting something like this.

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Good luck to them, but unless someone comes up with the cash to buy the club Ashley will not care what fans say. He has too much money invested in the club, Plus it is a free world wide advert for his sports direct . With the t.v money also coming into the club , finding a buyer to match Ashley price will be very  hard. Hope I am wrong and it works and Ashley sells up, I just cannot see it  :weep:


Hopefully you'll be turning up to the protest to add your voice.  We all need to make the effort and we all need to do whatever we can to bring about change.  If we do nothing then nothing will change, if we do something then we have a chance, no matter how small the chance actually is.

Live in Australia now

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Live in Australia now


Any excuse.  :lol:  Maybe you can do something in Australia on the day and take a photograph like we did with the photographs of people in places wanting Pardew out?

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Live in Australia now


Any excuse.  :lol:  Maybe you can do something in Australia on the day and take a photograph like we did with the photographs of people in places wanting Pardew out?


Yes will do something like that, will be my  effort.

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It's true that the AshleyOut campaign probably won't have as much impact as the SackPardew did. Ashley is litterary a bigger obstacle than Pardew will ever have been. This will be a very daunting task but something has to be done. People say that we will hurt the club in the long run if we do this, only Ashley is doing that really well all on his own really. Nothing he is doing is going to benefit the club at all, it is only going to benefit Mike Ashley himself.


Don't know what effect getting relegated would have this time. Will he sell? Would he do it for a lower price? Would he invest more to get the team back up? Would he just lose what little interest he has completely and just let the club drift? Not sell and leave everything on Charnley to clean up, with no money, until the club gets promoted again?

As it looks right now we will go down, if not this season then the next... especially if Carver will be at the helm.


Even boycotting, protesting or kidnapping Ashley's food provider will hurt the club then so be it. Better to take a last stand rather than just letting the club sink into oblivion without just as much as a pathetic whimper.

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There will be people out there imo. It's not like we are some shit house team, considering the fact Ashley has repeatedly fucked us and fans are pouring in I'm sure a potential investor could see what just a little bit of optimism could do. I'd argue it's the perfect time to buy us


This is the exact reason why, in my opinion, nothing we do will bring about any change at all.  We all know he does what he wants, doesnt give a fuck who gets annoyed by it and doesnt change.


Boycott for 1 game? "So what, everyone will be back soon enough"

Get banners and protest? "So what, they've done it (protest) before - dont care"

Get media attention on him saying he's doing x, y and z to the club? "good for them, any publicity is good publicity. Had it before and here I am"


Like someone said, literally the only power us fans ACTUALLY have is to buy him out, which will never happen.  He could be here for decades, literally. A few north-east fans whining about him doesnt affect his worldwide business. The only thing that will change here will be fans out of pocket making stuff (banners, hiring planes.. whatever) to tell him what he already knows

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Sadly, I cant see that much has changed other than we are in that part of the yearly cycle where optimism is at a low ebb & most cant wait for the season to end.


My view is that, by its own nature, forums & social media in general tend to polarise opinions & as such, can provide to be an inaccurate reflection of the support it is there to represent. In reality, I don't believe the will exists (Amongst the majority of "match day support") to effect any tangible change.


Just as we had no say in the running of the club with the previous odious incumbents, so we don't with Ashley. Similarly, I believe change will arise in the same manner: We`ll wake up one day to a story that gathers pace as the day unfolds and then low & behold, we  will be at the behest of another plutocratic (Of which we will have no influence over) monster.


Regardless, I wish you all the best if luck





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The main concern is finding someone to buy the club. We could really do with someone like Shearer doing a bit of a Niall Quinn and bringing some investors to the table.


Shearer, Barry Moat, Sting and Mark Knopfler tag team.

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The main concern is finding someone to buy the club. We could really do with someone like Shearer doing a bit of a Niall Quinn and bringing some investors to the table.


Shearer, Barry Moat, Sting and Mark Knopfler tag team.


What about Ant and Dec?


...Mike Neville?

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