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Well that first bit can be applied to one ticket not being sold TBH. Someone else just buys it.


That's only true if the ground is full every week, which it isn't.


Which is why I boycotted when I believed it was a United effort.

You could say an extra person might turn up and show discontent from one week to the next...

That doesn't make any sense heza, sorry.


It doesn't make sense or you just choose not to understand it...


It doesn't make any sense because we're talking about pumping money into the club.  You boycotted a game and fair play but I assume you still paid for it, and this season you're still paying for it.  I think I prefer the "can't whack the habit, need to bring my kids, etc" stuff to the idea of a one man protest making any difference tbh.


It's not a one man protest if more join. Which is my whole point. If people like myself join those for a boycott then those who boycott shoudl join for sit-ins or other in ground protests. Even if it's for the sake of one or a few games. It's strength in numbers that matters and whether that be in the ground or out is almost irrelevant because most the cash comes from those outside the ground now anyways watching on Sky.


No your going to the games and your putting money into his pocket whilst he takes the p*ss and he will continue to do so as long as the likes of you keep attending. Got nothing to do with peoples circumstances and reasoning if you attend your doing nothing to change anything as he doesn't give a f*** if you boo and call him s***; as he has your money whilst laughing his tits off. The boycott of one game is f*** all and the only way anything will happen is a mass boycott over a period of time but you keep making your excuses and keep putting money into his back pocket. Anyone who attends deserves everything they get and in my opoinion are two faced when complaining about things. Your right the 'sheep' will continue to attend mathes and you deserve everything you get by doing so.


He doesn't give a shit if one or two people don't turn up either. He does give a shit if the masses do either though, as has been shown before. I agree that mass boycott's is the best form of protest, I just believe it also needs to be organised and orchestrated so that the masses do it and not just odds and sods who are replaced by day trippers. TBH I can see why you see some people as two faced but you cannot tar everyone with that same brush. It's actually laughable that some of you seem to consider not going as the only form of protest that you can do / achieves anything when helping organise protests and putting them into action is even more effort so to rubbish what the likes of AO do (unless it's boycotting) is just daft. My point is as it always has been that we need to be joining each other in protest both in and out the ground. Which is what AO organised very well actually. People should be putting what they think is the best form of protest to one side and just joining each other to oust these cunts.


Saying "my protest is the only thing that works" is exactly why no protest has entirely worked to date.

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Do we even know if he'll give a shit if people stop turning up en masse? We're all just guessing, but with the tv money pocketed I'm not sure he'd care, especially with next season's increase.


I'm really starting to think that getting relegated this season is the only chance we have of getting rid, and even then it'd have to be followed up with the sort of vitriolic protests I don't think we're capable of as a fanbase.

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Do we even know if he'll give a shit if people stop turning up en masse? We're all just guessing, but with the tv money pocketed I'm not sure he'd care, especially with next season's increase.


I'm really starting to think that getting relegated this season is the only chance we have of getting rid, and even then it'd have to be followed up with the sort of vitriolic protests I don't think we're capable of as a fanbase.

He's advertising a shop with a media department and club tab like Saddam's press office. At the first sign of life mass public sustained discontent they'll shit the fucking bed.

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and people who don't even live in the area anymore going on about how they don't go anymore on here (and abusing those who do) is kind of ridiculous because I bet you sure as hell didn't leave the area as a result of NUFC. Therefore, it's not even a choice you have to make.



Spot on!


It's not spot on :lol: It's "not a choice I have to make", as if I couldn't possibly imagine what such a decision would entail?! It's really not all that complex like.


I can just as easily play my own card on this one - given I get to come to Newcastle once a year at best, and there have been a handful of times where I could've gone to a game, including big games vs Man Utd, yet I haven't. And it wasn't exactly a difficult decision. Hand over money to this NUFC and Mike Ashley? :lol: No chance.


Not spot on.


Cretins who decide to come here a couple of times a season who then give up going, then tell everyone else from the area they're wrong for still going. Can't stand them.

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Don't worry, plenty of us from the area think those who go are wrong to do so as well.


Aye, they're the ones who complain about the people who still go because the people who still go didn't listen to them when they demanded everyone stop going just coz they'd decided not to go anymore and are now pissed off because they didn't follow their commands.

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Don't worry, plenty of us from the area think those who go are wrong to do so as well.


He does have a point, I lived 2 miles from the ground and went to every game, I now live 9 miles away and have stopped going.  :icon_scratch:

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Aye, must support random thicko c***s purely because they support the same football club as you. Doesn't matter if they're facilitating the demise of said football club.


I'm just pig sick of seeing arrogant t***s pat each other on the back and label vast swathes of our support 'thicko c***s', as admirable a stance as your non-attendance from 'Murica is. Have personally packed it in this season, but a large percentage of people who continue to go were there watching Keegan's and Robson's teams, and will be there long after you've given up. As for facilitating the demise of the club, get a grip man.


:lol: They are literally handing over their money to the man responsible for ruining our club. How can it be anything else?



Please take my £500


50,000 plebs.


My gripe with the 'facilitating' comment is that we're all facilitating it by subscribing to sky, buying into the Premier League brand etc. Don't see the point in apportioning any unique level of blame to those watching the football on a Saturday as they've always done. The blame ultimately lies with Ashley and those running the game.


Your general point is a fair one but you, and many others, show yourself up with s**** like '50,000 plebs'.


No the ones showing themselves up are the fools who are handing over their £500+ year after year, sit in silence like a load of dummies,  whilst Ashley and his chums sit there laughing at them. They might as well all drop their trousers, bend over and let the fat man finish the job.


Here f-ing here

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Don't worry, plenty of us from the area think those who go are wrong to do so as well.


Aye, they're the ones who complain about the people who still go because the people who still go didn't listen to them when they demanded everyone stop going just coz they'd decided not to go anymore and are now pissed off because they didn't follow their commands.


Commands :lol:

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Don't worry, plenty of us from the area think those who go are wrong to do so as well.


Aye, they're the ones who complain about the people who still go because the people who still go didn't listen to them when they demanded everyone stop going just coz they'd decided not to go anymore and are now pissed off because they didn't follow their commands.


Aye marra, its coz others didnt follow, not coz theyre responsible for handing over hundreds of pounds to the man who is absolutely destroying any form of identity or purpose the club ever had.

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Don't worry, plenty of us from the area think those who go are wrong to do so as well.


Aye, they're the ones who complain about the people who still go because the people who still go didn't listen to them when they demanded everyone stop going just coz they'd decided not to go anymore and are now p*ssed off because they didn't follow their commands.


Commands :lol:


Bow down to them!

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The same could be said for any NUFC fan who has Sky. Our club takes in more from Sky money than it does from season ticket sales, by a long way. They should be ashamed!


Yes. That is exactly the same.


Cheers for helping make a change :thup: Enjoy the era of Mike.

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The same could be said for any NUFC fan who has Sky. Our club takes in more from Sky money than it does from season ticket sales, by a long way. They should be ashamed!


Yes. That is exactly the same.


Cheers for helping make a change :thup: Enjoy the era of Mike.


Cracking reply.

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The same could be said for any NUFC fan who has Sky. Our club takes in more from Sky money than it does from season ticket sales, by a long way. They should be ashamed!


Yes. That is exactly the same.


Cheers for helping make a change :thup: Enjoy the era of Mike.


Cracking reply.


The way I see it no-one in their right minds could be satisfied with 8 years of Ashley's ownership for the countless reasons we all know about so no point reiterating.  If you accept that you've got 2 options as a fan surely?  Stop paying him money or keep paying him money and actively try to force the cunt out of the club from your position 'on the inside'.


The probably we have is that barely anyone is willing to do the second one so they're essentially forfeiting their status as supporters of NUFC and becoming fans of football or just customers of the PL and Ashley. 



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Like I've always said though, with Sky money being so high these days, people stop going to the game will not make as big a impact as people think it will. If your going to criticise people for paying money to go to the game, surely the same stance must be held against those who buy sky which in turn, ends up in Ashley's pocket. If it wasn't for Sky, then yes,  people not going to the game would make a massive difference financially to The club/Ashley. The main reason Ashley is still here is due to the money he gets from Sky/BT etc not because of money made from ticket sales, so surely those who pay for Sky/BT are contributing to "the decline of the club" as much as some believe matchday goers are, if not more?

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Like I've always said though, with Sky money being so high these days, people stop going to the game will not make as big a impact as people think it will. If your going to criticise people for paying money to go to the game, surely the same stance must be held against those who buy sky which in turn, ends up in Ashley's pocket. If it wasn't for Sky, then yes,  people not going to the game would make a massive difference financially to The club/Ashley. The main reason Ashley is still here is due to the money he gets from Sky/BT etc not because of money made from ticket sales, so surely those who pay for Sky/BT are contributing to "the decline of the club" as much as some believe matchday goers are, if not more?


Somehow you've made the pertinent point about Ashley yet are somehow still ignoring it, and it's this: he is different from every other owner in the league because he has no interest in the sporting side of the game, his only interest is advertising his shop which people turning up in their tens of thousands allows him to do while treating said customers with the utmost contempt.


I could be wrong like but is there another owner operating in this way in the league?  We've had shit owners before, will have again, and the scenario you've described above applies to every club in the PL but they're not rotting away from the inside because they're at least making a fist at succeeding on the pitch.


We've had that taken away from us, the entire reason for the existence of the club has gone - the desire to win - and that is reflected in the atmosphere or lack of in the stadium.  Look at Sunderland, they're in worse shape than us but that's largely due to ineptitude not intent, I can reluctantly accept ineptitude because it can change, but his intent is never going to change and there is the death of hope.


That is why it's fucking stupid to pay him money, because he's figuratively laughing in your face every time you enter the stadium.

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The counter argument about sky would also hold more weight if he didn't shit his pants at the first seriously organised protest. It got to them and if you deny it( you can of course debate the extent) then you are somewhat in denial. And I don't see what being from the area has to do with it really. Like I said earlier, it costs me a small fortune to attend a single home game and I used to do it several times a season; so my time and money were notably commited. Like you and others who attend more regularly.


Why, why then should a pack of apathetic, rich and uncaring cartel of arseholes be given so much leeway and our time and money? There's no justification other than meaning well or super fandom in some cases. It's not what anyone 'wants' but it's a compelling and valid argument IMO. Picking holes in it based on geography and attendance is irrelevant because of so many other variables. There are people who cross continents to attend just for a Saturday or drive twice as far as I would from London. It's not nice to criticise others or hear comments aimed at you but the debate can't and shouldn't be ignored.

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This - in spades....an empty, or partially empty stadium would embarrass even this rhino-skinned con-man.

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Boggles my mind that people can have so few principles.


"This rich cunt is destroying something I care about deeply. But I hear he has another income stream and may still be rich if I stop paying him. With that in mind, I might as well continue to pay him large sums indefinitely while he laughs in my face."


My money would be an irrelevance to Mike Ashley but to me it's not. So why the fuck would I give someone I hate as much as anyone on Earth huge chunks of it?


How much a consistently empty St James' Park would affect him is up for debate - my view is that if you think it wouldn't bother him, then you've not been paying anywhere near enough attention to the man. But on a personal level, have some fucking self respect ffs. He's knocking seven shades of shit out of you every night but you're still putting his tea on the table.


Quite an irony in asking the players to show fight against adversity when there's absolutely zero in the stands.

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