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If there's any truth to the old saying: "there was never an angry man that thought his anger unjust," then 'random thicko cunts', the angry ones at least, probably think they are correct. Which, no doubt, makes them think it is people who don't share their remarkable insight into the human condition, vagaries of supporting sports teams, and the 'certainties' of the business world,  who are the actual random thicko cunts.

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Aye, must support random thicko cunts purely because they support the same football club as you. Doesn't matter if they're facilitating the demise of said football club.


I'm just pig sick of seeing arrogant twats pat each other on the back and label vast swathes of our support 'thicko cunts', as admirable a stance as your non-attendance from 'Murica is. Have personally packed it in this season, but a large percentage of people who continue to go were there watching Keegan's and Robson's teams, and will be there long after you've given up. As for facilitating the demise of the club, get a grip man.

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Aye, must support random thicko cunts purely because they support the same football club as you. Doesn't matter if they're facilitating the demise of said football club.


I'm just pig sick of seeing arrogant twats pat each other on the back and label vast swathes of our support 'thicko cunts', as admirable a stance as your non-attendance from 'Murica is. Have personally packed it in this season, but a large percentage of people who continue to go were there watching Keegan's and Robson's teams, and will be there long after you've given up. As for facilitating the demise of the club, get a grip man.



surely pulling in 50k is reason enough for the clubs ownership to feel they dont need to do anything other that just scrape by in the prem league?

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We have an owner who doesn't give two fucks about the club and is using it purely to advertise his shops at the lowest cost he can.


We have fans who appear to be able to rationalise any cynical act he performs and keep turning up, which in turn makes his successful performance of the first aspect much easier.


There is only one way we get change or this is it, until the pick prick does us a favour and dies.


So while I applaud Foluwashola continually standing up for the common fan it's ludicrous not to acknowledge that by then continuing to attend in such numbers they are participating in prolonging the situation.

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We have an owner who doesn't give two fucks about the club and is using it purely to advertise his shops at the lowest cost he can.


We have fans who appear to be able to rationalise any cynical act he performs and keep turning up, which in turn makes his successful performance of the first aspect much easier.


There is only one way we get change or this is it, until the pick prick does us a favour and dies.


So while I applaud Foluwashola continually standing up for the common fan it's ludicrous not to acknowledge that by then continuing to attend in such numbers they are participating in prolonging the situation.


I'm bringing back QFT for this one, we'll said.

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To me when I think back over the last 8 years all I get is Sports Direct, relegation, derby day defeats, Pardew's smug face, Kinnear in the dugout, Ben Arfa being drove out, Carver and then Jonas being told to f*** off despite saving the club from relegation again. Utter grim. Nothing nice or memorable at all. What a waste of 8 f***ing years. When the the history books refer to this chapter all it needs is a Sports Direct sign. There has been no football or football club. Its a shell of a club and the fans are not Newcastle United supporters any more, they are Premier League customers now there to watch a game of Premier League football. Cheers Mike!


A very good summary  :clap:


Glad I wrapped in my season ticket so I'm not part of it anymore.

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Guest Roger Kint

I could forgive 50000 turning up if they actually supported the team as opposed to sitting silently observing the dogshit we serve up. Worst fans in the country to be honest, theres nowt they offer the team

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As much as I feel disconnected from the club itself, I feel the most distance from the other supporters. Where I used to be fiercely proud of identifying as a Newcastle fan, I feel like I've got absolutely nothing in common with the majority now, in terms of what we want from the club. Makes me feel quite sad really.

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Guest antz1uk

No point cutting off your nose to spite your face though. No point just saying they deserve it, because we have to suffer it as well.

Yeah, no one deserves it, they're just loyal fans hoping to see their club do well, and getting s*** on in the process.


Are they f*** loyal, they are stupid. If your dog is dying you don't let it suffer, you put it out of its misery. By going and spending money they are actively supporting Ashley and his model and they are also encouraging it by buying into it in the way they do.


NUFC fans are their own worst enemy and always have been. Its not admiral to keep going when the chips are down or to keep applauding s**** on the pitch, its moronic and at no other club so partizan as Newcastle United would the likes of Ashley be allowed to ride roughshod over everything in the manner he has.


Look at Rangers and how opposed they are to him. Look at Liverpool and how opposed they were to their previous owners and even Man Utd fans with the Glazers. Owners who Newcastle could only dream of having.


I've never been more embarrassed to be a NUFC fan than against Hull at home last season. That day was worse than any mackem defeat or relegation.


Not that it suprised me. There should have been riots in the streets at the renaming of SJP. Mike Ashley should need a small army to guard him as he steps foot inside SJP.


Instead... people say he has spent money, that its not his fault, that we turn a profit. Lets see how things go with the new man and the new players.


Nothing has changed and nothing will change until he is removed as owner and that will not happen as long as 48-50K idiots continue to put money in his pockets and applaud the shower of s*** he puts in the dugout and out on the pitch.


I long to step foot inside SJP to feel that love and pride for my team, my club. That's not my team out there and this is not my club and never will be under these c***s.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Guest antz1uk

To me when I think back over the last 8 years all I get is Sports Direct, relegation, derby day defeats, Pardew's smug face, Kinnear in the dugout, Ben Arfa being drove out, Carver and then Jonas being told to f*** off despite saving the club from relegation again. Utter grim. Nothing nice or memorable at all. What a waste of 8 f***ing years. When the the history books refer to this chapter all it needs is a Sports Direct sign. There has been no football or football club. Its a shell of a club and the fans are not Newcastle United supporters any more, they are Premier League customers now there to watch a game of Premier League football. Cheers Mike!


in that time look at the journey Southampton and Leicester have had.. I know which i would rather have had and it doesn't included sports direct tat

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You need people not turning up and the people  who are turning up making the soundbites of discontent. There was a nice balance of that thanks to AO at the end of last season.


AO need to be kickstarted again. The later it's left the more damage that will be done. The removal of Ashley is the removal of the problem. We can then nurse our wounds and come back fighting.

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To me when I think back over the last 8 years all I get is Sports Direct, relegation, derby day defeats, Pardew's smug face, Kinnear in the dugout, Ben Arfa being drove out, Carver and then Jonas being told to f*** off despite saving the club from relegation again. Utter grim. Nothing nice or memorable at all. What a waste of 8 f***ing years. When the the history books refer to this chapter all it needs is a Sports Direct sign. There has been no football or football club. Its a shell of a club and the fans are not Newcastle United supporters any more, they are Premier League customers now there to watch a game of Premier League football. Cheers Mike!


in that time look at the journey Southampton and Leicester have had.. I know which i would rather have had and it doesn't included sports direct tat


Exactly. I don't subscribe to this belief that going down equals immediate doom. Although I'd rather we stayed with competent ownership. The lies and myths concocted to vindicate Ashley's actions by the press. Can you imagine if he owned Liverpool? There'd have been a media reckoning.

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To me when I think back over the last 8 years all I get is Sports Direct, relegation, derby day defeats, Pardew's smug face, Kinnear in the dugout, Ben Arfa being drove out, Carver and then Jonas being told to f*** off despite saving the club from relegation again. Utter grim. Nothing nice or memorable at all. What a waste of 8 f***ing years. When the the history books refer to this chapter all it needs is a Sports Direct sign. There has been no football or football club. Its a shell of a club and the fans are not Newcastle United supporters any more, they are Premier League customers now there to watch a game of Premier League football. Cheers Mike!


in that time look at the journey Southampton and Leicester have had.. I know which i would rather have had and it doesn't included sports direct tat


Exactly. I don't subscribe to this belief that going down equals immediate doom. Although I'd rather we stayed with competent ownership. The lies and myths concocted to vindicate Ashley's actions by the press. Can you imagine if he owned Liverpool? There'd have been a media reckoning.


You can tack Swansea on to that list too.

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Feel no connection with anything that is connected to NUFC but the history before Ashley its just a empty shell for me now,if we get relegated i will not shed a tear as what you reap you sow and all self inflicted and the muppets who go every fortnight you are part of the problem ,booing at halftime and fulltime does not make a difference .Everyone can jump on the fans backs if we revolt quoting " well you spent £50 million what more do you want" but its more than that its the very lifeblood of the club being ripped out week in week out and the whole country can see it and the media see it but we sit back and accept as our souls have been numbed to the pain


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Aye, must support random thicko c***s purely because they support the same football club as you. Doesn't matter if they're facilitating the demise of said football club.


I'm just pig sick of seeing arrogant t***s pat each other on the back and label vast swathes of our support 'thicko c***s', as admirable a stance as your non-attendance from 'Murica is. Have personally packed it in this season, but a large percentage of people who continue to go were there watching Keegan's and Robson's teams, and will be there long after you've given up. As for facilitating the demise of the club, get a grip man.


Arrogant twats pat each other on the back? Alright, I'll be reasonable, I can kind of see that point of view, but that's easily a bit OTT. Personally, I just cannot fathom why you would keep throwing precious time and money at something that you clearly have trouble enjoying, or, in some cases, get nothing out of at all. People see things differently and have different reasons behind doing stuff, I get that much. But to say they aren't helping to facilitate the demise of the club? I'm personally not having that.


The reason people are calling out sections of our support for facilitating this bullshit is because they by and large have a point, and one that's based on logic. The greedy cunt currently running this club is milking it for all that it's worth to him, and the fans walking through the turnstiles and buying shit from his Sports Direct extension at the stadium are helping to fuel this. I just don't get how people cannot grasp this concept or are still in denial about what their actions are doing. He's the one that is directly responsible for all of the bat shit insane, illogical, amateur and perhaps intentional choices this club has made over the last 8 years, and people are seemingly happy to continue to pay for the privilege, grouse and moan about it when it doesn't go their way, and then keep going back and expecting anything different? After 8 years? :lol:. For real, what the fuck? Do you think this shit would be tolerated by fans elsewhere on the continent for 8 years? They would pull him apart in other countries for shit like this with the club where it is now, having been repeatedly dragged through the mud on the back of gambles, corporate yes men (who have likely never had any interest in football or sport whatsoever) and a chronic lack of necessary investment.


What's even more galling for me are people who happily buy into this shit and then have a pop at or resent people who are actually principled enough to stand up for something they love. So, what, not only are you (this isn't directed at you personally, btw) helping to fuel this, you're actually defending it too? Some supporters are actively trying to force through the change necessary so that the club can actually be a competitive sporting institution again in the future, not some continued husk, empty shell of a club with deceitful, unethical corporate faces slapped on it. They may fail, sure, and it may not work out the way people hope it may, but they've had the balls to try and the virtue of giving something up in the short term to help make it better for everybody involved in the future. In my eyes, they are the ones actively fighting so that, perhaps, the future does not look so bleak for our younger support. What's counter productive are the hordes of people giving these guys shit and undermining any effort to have an alternative by being onside and buying into the product Ashley is selling.

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hardest decision i had to make in a while. jacked in my season ticket but my 2 boys aged 7 and 9 are just getting into football and are absolutely obsessed. begged to be taken to SJP. so have started going to home games again.

at least they're being brought up as toon fans unlike a lot of their friends knocking about in citeh, chelskea and manure kits.


hate the football but its just a great afternoon of bonding (even even if we're bonding over shite).

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Aye, must support random thicko cunts purely because they support the same football club as you. Doesn't matter if they're facilitating the demise of said football club.


I'm just pig sick of seeing arrogant twats pat each other on the back and label vast swathes of our support 'thicko cunts', as admirable a stance as your non-attendance from 'Murica is. Have personally packed it in this season, but a large percentage of people who continue to go were there watching Keegan's and Robson's teams, and will be there long after you've given up. As for facilitating the demise of the club, get a grip man.


:lol: They are literally handing over their money to the man responsible for ruining our club. How can it be anything else?



Please take my £500


50,000 plebs.

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You need people not turning up and the people  who are turning up making the soundbites of discontent. There was a nice balance of that thanks to AO at the end of last season.


AO need to be kickstarted again. The later it's left the more damage that will be done. The removal of Ashley is the removal of the problem. We can then nurse our wounds and come back fighting.


They've probably given up on it all and I wouldn't blame them. The last thing they organised was the sit in protest after the final home game of last season and out of a 52,000 crowd around 700 of us participated whilst the rest just slipped away quietly. Despite everything Ashley has done and the garbage football I had sat through, the fact that little more than 1% of the crowd could be bothered to at least get behind it and show those in charge at the club that we were totally pig sick of it all convinced me that my time in the stands at SJP was done and I've never been to a match since, and have no intention of going back any time soon.

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Aye, must support random thicko cunts purely because they support the same football club as you. Doesn't matter if they're facilitating the demise of said football club.


I'm just pig sick of seeing arrogant twats pat each other on the back and label vast swathes of our support 'thicko cunts', as admirable a stance as your non-attendance from 'Murica is. Have personally packed it in this season, but a large percentage of people who continue to go were there watching Keegan's and Robson's teams, and will be there long after you've given up. As for facilitating the demise of the club, get a grip man.



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Good to read more criticism of Newcastle fans on Newcastle-Online :thup:


You can take your support of the sheep giving their undying love for the death of this club and stick it right up your fucking arse.

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Aye, must support random thicko cunts purely because they support the same football club as you. Doesn't matter if they're facilitating the demise of said football club.


I'm just pig sick of seeing arrogant twats pat each other on the back and label vast swathes of our support 'thicko cunts', as admirable a stance as your non-attendance from 'Murica is. Have personally packed it in this season, but a large percentage of people who continue to go were there watching Keegan's and Robson's teams, and will be there long after you've given up. As for facilitating the demise of the club, get a grip man.


:lol: They are literally handing over their money to the man responsible for ruining our club. How can it be anything else?



Please take my £500


50,000 plebs.


My gripe with the 'facilitating' comment is that we're all facilitating it by subscribing to sky, buying into the Premier League brand etc. Don't see the point in apportioning any unique level of blame to those watching the football on a Saturday as they've always done. The blame ultimately lies with Ashley and those running the game.


Your general point is a fair one but you, and many others, show yourself up with shite like '50,000 plebs'.

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