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FIFA World Cup


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I cannot wait for this process to last the course of 2-3 years, take down a few minions in minor roles, and produce no real change to anything.


Don't think that will happen. Think some of the big guys are going down, hopefully Marin is one of them. Wonder what happens with the others. Owner of Traffic Sports has already pleaded guilty and forfeited $25m dollars, he will forfeit another $126m. So there is definitely been wrong doing up top and many will be charged.

I agree that a few known people will take charges, but I seriously doubt this investigation achieves anything more than getting a few individuals to fall on their sword. Do you see FIFA being affected or deterred in any way?


Hopefully, obviously I don't think someone like Blatter will fall, but I do expect it to shake it up a little. Let's hope the FBI, can do something, this is what movies are made out of.


This is not going to just blow over.  DOJ would not be bringing these charges unless it intended on doing some serious damage.  Maybe Blatter will survive, but many of his key minions are looking at serious jail time and that alone should be enough to deter FIFA from pulling similar s*** in the future.


It's so incredibly satisfying that they've finally run into something they can't bribe or bully their way out of.  FIFA may be a big fish, but they're nothing compared to the good 'ol US of A.


Nah, they'll just be more careful next time ;)

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The indicted and convicted individual defendants face maximum terms of incarceration of 20 years for the RICO conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, wire fraud, money laundering conspiracy, money laundering and obstruction of justice charges.  In addition, Eugenio Figueredo faces a maximum term of incarceration of 10 years for a charge of naturalization fraud and could have his U.S. citizenship revoked.  He also faces a maximum term of incarceration of five years for each tax charge.  Charles Blazer faces a maximum term of incarceration of 10 years for the FBAR charge and five years for the tax evasion charges; and Daryan and Daryll Warner face maximum terms of incarceration of 10 years for structuring financial transactions to evade currency reporting requirements.  Each individual defendant also faces mandatory restitution, forfeiture and a fine.  By the terms of their plea agreements, the corporate defendants face fines of $500,000 and one year of probation.


I imagine these assholes locked in a dark room at DOJ with some prosecutor lighting a fire under their asses to knock their sentence down from 20 years to five by handing over information on Blatter :fwap:

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The indicted and convicted individual defendants face maximum terms of incarceration of 20 years for the RICO conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, wire fraud, money laundering conspiracy, money laundering and obstruction of justice charges.  In addition, Eugenio Figueredo faces a maximum term of incarceration of 10 years for a charge of naturalization fraud and could have his U.S. citizenship revoked.  He also faces a maximum term of incarceration of five years for each tax charge.  Charles Blazer faces a maximum term of incarceration of 10 years for the FBAR charge and five years for the tax evasion charges; and Daryan and Daryll Warner face maximum terms of incarceration of 10 years for structuring financial transactions to evade currency reporting requirements.  Each individual defendant also faces mandatory restitution, forfeiture and a fine.  By the terms of their plea agreements, the corporate defendants face fines of $500,000 and one year of probation.


I imagine these assholes locked in a dark room at DOJ with some prosecutor lighting a fire under their asses to knock their sentence down from 20 years to five by handing over information on Blatter :fwap:


Yep - got plea bargains written all over it. Prepare for shit to fly.

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Is Prince Al Bin Al-Hussein really the sort of person we need to take over from Sepp Blatter, seems like it's more of the same to me. Fifa need the fumigators in, smoke the whole nest of vipers out and start again.

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Is Prince Al Bin Al-Hussein really the sort of person we need to take over from Sepp Blatter, seems like it's more of the same to me. Fifa need the fumigators in, smoke the whole nest of vipers out and start again.


I'd guess he's already rich and can't be bought?

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Most of the arrested (or all) are based in the Americas; I think the DoJ has plenty of s*** on others but has only arrested the ones it can build jurisdiction for.


They're all based in the Americas because all of their information is coming from Chuck Blazer.

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Most of the arrested (or all) are based in the Americas; I think the DoJ has plenty of s*** on others but has only arrested the ones it can build jurisdiction for.


They're all based in the Americas because all of their information is coming from Chuck Blazer.


Is this Chuck Blazer really facing jail despite being a rat?

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Most of the arrested (or all) are based in the Americas; I think the DoJ has plenty of shit on others but has only the arrested the ones he can build jurisdiction for.


I think that's probably largely correct, and is consistent with the Swiss prosecutors running their own separate investigation (though I would imaging Justice probably shared a truck load of information with the Swiss).

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Most of the arrested (or all) are based in the Americas; I think the DoJ has plenty of s*** on others but has only arrested the ones it can build jurisdiction for.


They're all based in the Americas because all of their information is coming from Chuck Blazer.


Is this Chuck Blazer really facing jail despite being a rat?


No idea what sort of deal he cut, if any, but they've had him for a while and he's been helping them out. Seems to have been fairly common knowledge. The guys on The Best Soccer Show have spoken about it a few times.

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If we successfully get Blatter out, we should be able to call the sport (on N-O) whatever we fucking want. :lol:


Anyway, this is all nuts and awesome. Fuck FIFA, Fuck Blatter.

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Would be great if the Americans in here can give us some background on how this is going down and who has what powers etc...


What sort of things specifically are you curious about?

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Would be great if the Americans in here can give us some background on how this is going down and who has what powers etc...


What sort of things specifically are you curious about?


For instance how serious are they to push for real punishment?

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Would be great if the Americans in here can give us some background on how this is going down and who has what powers etc...


What sort of things specifically are you curious about?


For instance how serious are they to push for real punishment?


I would guess very serious. The Obama administration in general has been pretty hawkish on foreign entities engaging in corrupt practices on US soil/in connection with the US market. The amount of time and effort DOJ have put into this case indicate that they're out for blood.


The indictment states that each of these guys could face 20 years+ on some combination of RICO charges, money laundering, wire fraud, tax evasion, and bribery (with bonus points for criminal conspiracy.)  Just based off what I've seen, that level of sentencing don't seem outlandish at all if they don't cooperate.


Realistically, most will probably work out some kind of plea deal in which they agree not to defend themselves and also provide information in exchange for less serious charges.  This is why I'm holding out some hope that the US authorities will work their way even higher up the FIFA totem pole.


The one wrinkle in this is probably extradition. I'm not aware of where these people are at the moment and how many of them are already in American hands. Depending on where they're holed up and what sort of treaty the US has with those countries extradition may take a significant amount of time.

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Would be great if the Americans in here can give us some background on how this is going down and who has what powers etc...


What sort of things specifically are you curious about?


For instance how serious are they to push for real punishment?


The DOJ's conviction rate is like 93%, the only way people will get out of serious punishment is by informing the investigation. I really don't see anyway Blatter remains president by the time this is over.

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Would be great if the Americans in here can give us some background on how this is going down and who has what powers etc...


What sort of things specifically are you curious about?


For instance how serious are they to push for real punishment?


The DOJ's conviction rate is like 93%, the only way people will get out of serious punishment is by informing the investigation. I really don't see anyway Blatter remains president by the time this is over.


This is also a good point. The DOJ basically never brings these charges unless they're sure they have you cold. Basically everyone takes a plea bargain because they threaten you with dozens of years of prison otherwise.

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