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FIFA World Cup


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Not moving the World Cup to the winter...

Not the lack of facilities and infrastructure...

Not the slave labor work force...


No, it's because they are Arab.


Qatar is such a disgusting country and has been bankrolling many of the jihadists in Libya, so fuck all of them.


It's totally surreal that they might do a world cup. Disgrace.

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The basic premise that they can't keep any of the main promises they made to get picked should be sufficient.


Plus that the process in choosing was also corrupt as fuck anyway.

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There isn't really a precedent for this though, is there?


Obviously from a common sense point of view the 2022 tournament should be moved... but since when is that ever a criteria in modern football.

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There isn't really a precedent for this though, is there?


Obviously from a common sense point of view the 2022 tournament should be moved... but since when is that ever a criteria in modern football.


There is a precedent - Columbia was removed as host and replaced by Mexico for the 1986 (?) one because they couldn't pay for it.


Personally I think Russia won't be moved - too close to the event and they've done a better job of covering their tracks.


Only a matter of time for Qatar though, still 7 years away, and since it was awarded to them so early, the replacement host would get the same amount of time you'd normally have to prepare anyway.

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If an investigation finds that Russia got the World Cup through bribery then it will be almost impossible to let them host it. In that case I can see a EUropean country who already have the infrastructure coming in and hosting it as an emergency. England would then be in pole position to land it with us already being top of the just in case list and us being probably the best bid in the process.

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There isn't really a precedent for this though, is there?


Obviously from a common sense point of view the 2022 tournament should be moved... but since when is that ever a criteria in modern football.


There is a precedent - Columbia was removed as host and replaced by Mexico for the 1986 (?) one because they couldn't pay for it.


Personally I think Russia won't be moved - too close to the event and they've done a better job of covering their tracks.


There's precedent in changing the host, of course. But I meant in terms of the whole organisation/federation behind the backing being the issue.


Russia being three years away, plus by the time all this comes out and goes through the whole process of appeals and all that shit mean it'll likely be too late just from a logistics point of view. Qatar is the big one.

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If an investigation finds that Russia got the World Cup through bribery then it will be almost impossible to let them host it. In that case I can see a EUropean country who already have the infrastructure coming in and hosting it as an emergency. England would then be in pole position to land it with us already being top of the just in case list and us being probably the best bid in the process.


There will plenty more shit hitting the fan in the coming months and it will get ugly ,Blatter will get shat on by the arrested ones and just the tip of the iceberg .To think two of the main rivals for Blatters job are both Arabs who have zero football tradition and Michel"Ihatetheenglish"Platini who voted for Quatar possibly running is a sad in indiciment of Fifa as a whole  :embarrassed:

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Platini is as bent as the rest of them. Would love him to get outed during the WC investigations.


He was heavily involved in France's 1998 bid wasn't he?


The same bid Blazer has said he apparently accepted bribes for.


Uh Oh.

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Platini is as bent as the rest of them. Would love him to get outed during the WC investigations.


He was heavily involved in France's 1998 bid wasn't he?


The same bid Blazer has said he apparently accepted bribes for.


Uh Oh.


No idea but he is very much in bed with Qatar.

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I wish we get a president in that's not been heavily involved in any confederation or in FIFA. Not gonna happen, but it would be great to just have someone come in and reboot the system.

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I wish we get a president in that's not been heavily involved in any confederation or in FIFA. Not gonna happen, but it would be great to just have someone come in and reboot the system.


Shyamalan Twist



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I wish we get a president in that's not been heavily involved in any confederation or in FIFA. Not gonna happen, but it would be great to just have someone come in and reboot the system.


Shyamalan Twist




The World Cup would likely be awarded to Haliburton then.

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I wish we get a president in that's not been heavily involved in any confederation or in FIFA. Not gonna happen, but it would be great to just have someone come in and reboot the system.


Shyamalan Twist




The World Cup would likely be awarded to Haliburton then.


Hard to say if that'd be better or worse than Qatar.

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Warner giving a speech on Trinidad television right now admitting guilt and saying Blatter knew everything. Pretty amazing how quickly it took for everything to fall apart when they seemed practically untouchable a few weeks ago. Can't get enough of this shit right now.

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"You can't resign and still remain as president. He was behind my fall, I was not behind his. Blatter knows why he fell from grace, and so do I. I will no longer keep quiet on behalf of someone who wants to taint my nation's reputation. They will release all evidence on my behalf, all of it. I have kept quiet. I will do so no more."


:fwap: This is glorious.

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I think what I find most incredible is how brazen FIFA has been. Everyone's known about this for years, and they've acted totally nonchalant about it all, clearly not giving a fuck. It'll be grand to watch the smug self-righteousness wash off their faces as they're bummed by the cold, steely cock of the DoJ.

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