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FIFA World Cup


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9 hours ago, Yorkie said:

One for the Daft Questions thread but why is the population of a country stacked against the success of its national team? I don't really see how it has any relevance. Croatia is a developed country where football is massively popular and is also surrounded by countries where it's massively popular there too. How is it astonishing that out of a pool of 4 million they've found 11 who are really good? :lol:


Because they are competing with countries that have 10-20x the population and it's just mathematics, extremely talented player is much more likely to be born in the countries with that much bigger population. Brazil that they knocked out have over 200 million people. Croatia is also really good at many other team sports (basketball, handball, water polo) so it's not a sure thing that the most talented kids choose football. I honestly have no idea how they can be as good as they are in so many sports.


It's just really hard for smaller countries that also have to compete with other sports. Teemu Pukki is easily Finland's best footballer after the golden generation of Litmanen, Hyypiä and co. At the same time period we have produced a lot of world class ice hockey players.

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Never understand the hate ronaldo gets its insane i hope he gets a club who can still fight for titles etc because he isn't done he has a different personalty agreed but thats what makes him,Messi never got wrote off when he failed at psg in his first season and isn't even psgs best player.

Yet Ronaldo has been wrote off after being the 2nd top goal scorer in an elite league and saved man u time and time again at the age of 36/37,Yet messi has had what 5 finals with Argentina and spat his dummy out after losing.I Rate messi i'd be a fool to not but what Ronaldo has done for Portugal is unreal he is the goat...Bring of the hate

p.s..I also think Ronaldo gets a lot of hate for playing in England,We have very toxic media here and Ronaldo always sells



Edited by astraguy

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6 minutes ago, astraguy said:

Never understand the hate Rolando gets its insane i hope he gets a club who can still fight for titles etc because he isn't done he has a different personalty agreed but thats what makes him,Messi never got wrote off when he failed at psg in his first season and isn't even psgs best player.

Yet Rolando has been wrote off after being the 2nd top goal scorer in an elite league and saved man u time and time again at the age of 36/37,Yet messi has had what 5 finals with Argentina and spat his dummy out after losing.I Rate messi i'd be a fool to not but what Rolando has done for Portugal is unreal he is the goat...Bring of the hate

p.s..I also think Rolando gets a lot of hate for playing in England,We have very toxic media here and Rolando always sells





Rolando is on loan at Motherwell and has played under 60 minutes in the past two seasons, think he's done at the top level.

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I went to a few games at the CONIFA World Cup in London a few years ago. Basically a tournament for unrecognised national teams. As the teams were paying/being funded to travel so far to play in the tournament they had a playout system for those knocked out to decide every single placing from 1-16 and to keep them involved. I feel like a similar system for the World Cup would be desirable for the likes of Mike and Wullie who suffer severe withdrawal symptoms.



Edited by ponsaelius

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17 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

I know I'm in the minority here, but I thought Sampaio was fine. He just about got all the major decisions correct (with the assistance of VAR) and while he did miss the odd foul, he wasn't particularly bad at all.

He was absolutely atrocious 

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Can't knock the world class trolling from Mike. What a piece of shit.


In other news; despite my frustration re England I'm still very excited for the conclusion of the tournament. Absolutely salivating at the prospect of an Argentina/Morocco final. What a story. 

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18 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

I know I'm in the minority here, but I thought Sampaio was fine. He just about got all the major decisions correct (with the assistance of VAR) and while he did miss the odd foul, he wasn't particularly bad at all.


:lol: Also the two (2!) penalties.

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2 minutes ago, Magpie said:

He was absolutely atrocious 


Don't get me wrong, I didn't think he was particularly good, but he wasn't atrocious either. Just didn't really notice him other than one tackle on Saka that he missed. Obviously he should have given the second penalty without the help of VAR, but in the first instance it did look like Mount went down rather easily.

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24 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

If Newcastle had scored the first goal, I'd be absolutely fizzing if it was disallowed. It was just weak from Saka, who'd potentially already lost his footing. 

Nah that's utter shite like, blatant foul that should have been given. 

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10 minutes ago, Magpie said:

Nah that's utter shite like, blatant foul that should have been given. 


Where's the foul though? The defender doesn't put his hands on him, lean into him or trip him. Saka loses his balance, then when he realises he's lost the ball, flops to that ground in an attempt to win the free kick. It didn't look a foul in the first instance and it certainly wasn't enough to overturn at VAR. 


I was far more annoyed with the lack of pressure from our midfield.

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I can't get my head around how you'd not see the challenge on Saka before their goal as a foul like. He goes through the man to get the ball. That gets given as a foul 9 times out of 10. 


The others on Kane and Saka were even worse. He was shocking yet still not as bad as the Argentina v Netherlands ref.


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The defender doesn't go through Saka though. I'll not labour the point, as it's obviously subjective, but the defender just puts him under a bit of pressure. It certainly isn't clear or blatent.




Edited by The Prophet

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18 hours ago, astraguy said:

Never understand the hate ronaldo gets its insane i hope he gets a club who can still fight for titles etc because he isn't done he has a different personalty agreed but thats what makes him,Messi never got wrote off when he failed at psg in his first season and isn't even psgs best player.

Yet Ronaldo has been wrote off after being the 2nd top goal scorer in an elite league and saved man u time and time again at the age of 36/37,Yet messi has had what 5 finals with Argentina and spat his dummy out after losing.I Rate messi i'd be a fool to not but what Ronaldo has done for Portugal is unreal he is the goat...Bring of the hate

p.s..I also think Ronaldo gets a lot of hate for playing in England,We have very toxic media here and Ronaldo always sells





The point is Man-U got worse even though Ronaldo individually had some decent numbers on the surface, there were large periods where he was poor and so were Man-U


What has Ronaldo done with Portugal that Messi hasn't with Argentina? Messi's best tournaments with Argentina surpass the best Ronaldo has managed for Portugal 

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